3:05am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 434
(( T-transformers!? But they're robots! )) Ibara had been lounging in the tall gra-ss, his heavy paws crossed over one another. His ears pricked up drowsily as he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and his eyes soon slid open. The stern zenirix remained lying down, although he lifted his head up to get a better view of whatever other creature was roaming along on the rolling plain. It certainly didn't raise too much of an alarm with him. Life in Relcore was astoundingly peaceful for a lone zennie, for the most part. His tail flickered idly behind him as he surveyed the scene before him.
[No sig right now, move alone.]
3:07am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 3:08am Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; ... I have idea. O_O I should make a perv xat chat for Nono and teld so we can torture CHAT with each other. 8D
Setsuri's gentle white paws playfully thudded over the long gras.sy plains of Relcore on her hot pursuit of a rather agitated baby Intes. Setsuri wasn't much bigger than the buzzing creature, but she thought it was much fun to bound over hills in pursuit of her "prey". Stopping, something else caught her attention. Crouching down, she inched through the underbrush. Soon enough, she pried her small head through a stalk of saw gra.ss, her large purple eyes watching what she saw carefully.(Barrat. 8D)
3:09am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:10am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; The wonders of being a perv queen, Marsh. ;o
-takes pants- Thank you. C8<
-sits in front of Perv-O-Vision (another Megatron the perv PUN)-
Eat that banana TELD. -3-
Perv level; 63
3:13am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Yuh huh. No problem. (Ive actually been sitting pantless at my computer this whole time. o_o) *Wipes bloodeh nose*))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:14am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; Here, lovelies. >:3
Its a private chat. Like. No one other than Me, and you guys, IF you go there. :D
3:15am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[NUO. I shall resist your evil banana-pants-weird perv ways! -flings more bunnies and rainbows-]] Barrat grumbled a bit more about the great difference between Relcore and his home, but settled down, kneading on the gra-ss so it would bend down and make a soft make-shift nest for him. The amber Ebilia had already heard the little creatu, who's paws made so much sound he was surprised that nothing else had scampered away from it. Barrat didn't know what it was, or how old the creatu that was watching him was, but he knew that it was small, probably not a threat. 'It'll go away in no time.' Barrat as-sured himself, his tail swishing. --- Hibini was playing with a blade of gra-ss that tickled her nose. The silver Iluvu twittering with laughter, her soft voice floating through the plain, which was more of a meadow. Hibini was surrounded by flowers of many shapes and colors, which, to her, was a small little haven.
3:21am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; Well. Um. YOU ARE A PERV 8D
5:00am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Here's meh bios..)) Name- Kauro Age- Adult Gender- Male Looks- Color- Lemon Species- Intes
~~~ Name- Runer Age- Adult Gender- Male Looks- Color- Cream Species- Intes
5:16am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; o3o; Bugs. Accepted, however. o;
5:36am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((It took me a while to decide which creatu I should use. I was like "I'll use my inteses" and then after a few moments I was like "No, I'll use the zennies"..)) Kauro stood on the gra$$y plains of Relcore, his eyes scanning the area. This place was definetly(?) not like Scria. He preffered the many clouds and other wild intes around. With a sigh, that kind of sounded like a hiss, he craned his head to look behind him and saw the cream intes named Runer. It was the other intes' idea to come and live in Relcore. Or at least visit. "Well?" He asked. "What are we going to do now?" ~ Runer was looking around with great intrest. It was different than his home, and he liked it. Runer turned to Kauro when the lemon intes asked his question. "Let's go around." He answered and spread his wings, flapping them quickly and pushing himself off the ground. "Come on!" ~ With an annoyed hiss Kauro did the same and took off after Runer. His eyes were more focused on the ground then infront of him. Maybe he could spot other creatu or something intresting happening on the ground.
12:51pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((Besides being pervs, what did you do while I took meh starry cat nap? >.>' ))
8:16pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; Well... Um. Tld's charry was in a field, then my charrie came, and is looking at her, garcia's charrie's are flying around, and.. Nono's charrie's are.. IDK d;
8:41pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,719
NightFeather lied upon her fuzzy belly silently and listened for wild creatu. Maybe a male Malal would come along and teach her how to be a mother, or maybe she fantasised too much. She smelled the air for a familiar scent but found nothing.
8:45pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Duskira Pinew Lirya sat quietly in the gr*censored*, fiddling with a piece of bark. She sighed and crept near the water, sticking her lower body into the wet substance. As she did so, her faded body turned a bright silver color again. Though her top half was still a bit dull, she felt refreshed. Dusk, as she was called, glanced sightlessly around and chewed thoughtfully on her gum. "hmmm..." She wondered absentmindedly why she had ever been abandoned. Okay, so she was blind, but you'd think any rancher would be glad to own a silver, but no, she had been left in the cold darkness with no water and no food. She had escaped of course because a draqua being deprived of water is a very scary sight indeed, but she had been changed. When she was younger, she had been spoiled, but when that damn light appeared in the sky, Dusk just had to touch it with her fin. Duskira was mildly happy that she had because it made her realize something, her owner was someone who just couldn't accept imperection and she was almost glad that she had been abandoned. Dusk slithered out of the water like a snake and curled up on the gr*censored*, her fins tucked underneath her body. She was blind now, so it didn't matter if she closed her eyes or not, but it felt more natural. She sighed and dreamed of what life would have been like...
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8:52pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Sorry, poofed.)) Avee and Irvyn were walking around. Avee jumped into a pond. Irvyn smirked at her. "You're very restless, Avee."Irvyn said. "I know."Avee admitted. She splashed some water onto him. She laughed as he got up and shook his fur. The water sprayed onto her. She giggled.
 (Banner made by Kina)
11:18am Aug 4 2010
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