7:29pm Jan 5 2011
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"Uh, duh. Because this is the only good bird-watching spot." Goldenpaw said. "And I just found it out recently, and umm... I like it...?" She added lamely. Goldenpaw wondered why the tom hadn't attacked her yet. He's still teasing me. She thought, irritated. [[CSI is win :3 I want to watch 1,000 Ways to Die D: My friends say it's interesting xD I'll just stick to Spongebob 8u]]
8:45pm Jan 5 2011
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((I thiiink I posted a reply to you Dance. o3o .. Yeah, I did. xD I'll repost it for you though. Omg you shud totly watch it Tld. 8u THEN WE CAN BE PARANOID BUDDIES. 8D)) Flowerstorm glanced around. "Well.. We are behind the others." She said, a smug smile creeping across her face. "We could say we chased a rabbit and didn't want to get back when it was dark, since there may be predators around.." ~~~ "Hm.." Honestheart replied, smiling at the Deathclan warrior. "I guess it is the only good spot to watch birds, but I wouldn't know since I can't climb." He laughed, "Though I do believe you have taller trees in your clan, and taller places are better to see birds, yes?"
9:03pm Jan 5 2011
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[[ You sound just like my friends xD We're like 'omg we'll totally be I HATE CAFETERIA FOOD BUDDIES! ' 8u One of my friends told me about an episode where a lady died while... umm... I think it was like scarf dancing? xD She got a scarf caught in a fan and then it was still around her neck... etc. etc. ]] Goldenpaw's ears twitched when the tom laughed. "I am not in a position to give out information to you." She said in a business-like manner. "Why can't you climb?" She asked the tom. "I thought most cats could." Goldenpaw shrugged. "Perhaps I was wrong." She muttered.
10:17pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 10:18pm Jan 5 2011)
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((I remember that one. xD She was belly-dancing and her ribbon thing got stuck in the ceiling fan and wrapped around her neck. 8u)) "I used to be able to of course." He replied, "I got into a fight with a badger once and when I tried to run it grabbed my left-hind leg and was somehow able to tare out the claws and apparently it's impossible to climb with one paw impaired." He moved slightly to the side to Goldenpaw could get a better look at the paw. "I've learned to live with it though, it's not that bad." He paused a few seconds, "You know.. I don't think I've really ever told anyone that. They know I was attacked and all, but not the declawed part.." ((owo; I meant to write 'fly' not 'climb' xD I came up with that on the spot.))
10:36pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Do they really just show 1000 ways to die, as in once they reach 1000 deaths the show quits? xD ]] Goldenpaw winced at the thought of claws being torn out. ".... That must've hurt." She mused, wondering how she would feel if she couldn't climb. Goldenpaw looked skywards again. Unlike some cats, blood and wounds make her feel a bit woozy at times. [[Hmm... what would they do 8u ]]
10:49pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 10:53pm Jan 5 2011)
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((I don't know. o3o; They skip around on the numbers a lot. XD ... What should they do what? 8u)) "Yeah.." Honestheart sighed. He looked at the cat, noticing the look on her face. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, tilting his head to one side. -Fail- ((Omg Tld. 8C I have to do homework on the interwebz (For science) and to do that I have to go on a website, and I don't remember what the pas.sword is. D8 I'm not even sure if I'm using the right username. 8C NRRRG.))
11:56pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((WHERE IS ZOZ!!!???))
<-- Click me
12:43am Jan 6 2011
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[[I don't know what Goldenpaw and Honestheart are going to do 8u They're just sittin' and talking like old ladies xD ]] "I... don't really like wounds and blood." She said, exhaling. "Besides," Goldenpaw added glumly. "I don't even fight well." Goldenpaw looked up at the sky again, checking the position of the sun. "Well, I've been here for awhile. Better go now." Goldenpaw nodded to the tom and readied her wings. [[ xD That happened to me once o3o But I remembered de pas-sword 8D ]]
7:54am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I is here. o.O What I miss?))
7:59am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Nothing much. I rejoined, Honestheart and Goldenpaw are just talking in front of the FrostClan camp, Sandswirl and Crowdance are wandering inside it, and Orestone is hunting in DeathClan. Oh and Feyth shouted 'WHERE IS ZOZO?!' because we all thought you were dead :D ]]
8:01am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Fail. xD ))
8:03am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[And um, Zozo, please edit your bios in my RP. There were a few rules you missed.]]
8:07am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I know. D; When I'm dooonneee. -dramatic- ))
9:09am Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Oh, and Moonwater posted something last page or two pages ago that needs you.))
<-- Click me
4:46pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay. Bios are done. Go look on page 18. ouo))
4:50pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Can Silverwhisp crush on Devil? O:))
4:56pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Sure. P: No guarantee he'll return it since his previous mate died. Oh, and he watches over Spottedpaw and Shadowpaw frequently from the shadows...since he's a Shadowcat. |D ...And now I have the idea for a Kitsune Cat. ouo A cat with multiple tails, though its never higher than nine. They usually have longer ears and are colored very light, like traditional kitsunes in Japanese mythology. And they can have the ability to control fire, since traditional kitsunes do that as well? All Kitsune Cats have eyes that are either shades of red or shades of blue. Kitsune Cat Hybrids can be darker and look more catlike, and they never have more than three tails since they are not full kitsune cat. They have less mastery over fire than their parents and can only make small fireballs. They can have any color eyes, though more frequently their eyes are a shade of blue. 8D They can have any kind of markings. <3))
5:01pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( M'kay. ^^ Now I wanna make a Kitsune cat. O.o ))
5:03pm Jan 6 2011 (last edited on 5:06pm Jan 6 2011)
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Featherpaw nodded in agreement, but it was a slow nod. "I miss you! I wanted you to stay.. And Sharptooth misses you, too... But at least while you're here, we can have fun, right?" she said, starting to bounce around. In her dream, her cuts on her wings were healed, she realized... ~~~ Hawkkit purred happily. "Thank you!" he said. "What noowww?" The kit ran circles around Pinkwhisper, trying to confuse her. ~~~ Songfern was washing her self. ~~~ (More failing from me. D: ) (EDIT: Hawkkit is only 3 moons old... He has to wait 3 more moons. :O But maybe I change it.... >:D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:03pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -