2:05pm Apr 24 2010
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Aimee's fingers clutched the pokeball harder. "We'll do a team battle" she snarled. "Rika and I against the jerk wearing black and his emotionally challenged pokemon" She snorted, realizing what she said may have been offensive. What was it about Entraie that made her so vicious? She shrugged away the feeling, deciding that Entraie would likely be unphased by her comment. She let out Alexis, her wild natured pokemon, out of her pokeball. Alexis stood just shorter than Rulan, tall for a lopunny. She shifted her weight toboth of her legs before balancing in the middle. Her eyes were wild and she looked ready to bite someone. ~~~ Leona followed her sister's lead. Mocha took one last look at Kaathy and sprinted at full speed to the pokemon center. Kathy was thrown backwards onto her back. She hit her head on the tree behind her and groaned. "Ugh...." Stella came out of her pokeball. She let out an angry coo and charged at K, her heads spread apart to corner him against the fat oak.
2:12pm Apr 24 2010
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((IlyFifi. ;U;)) Entraie looked back at his Charizard, who nodded and stepped forward. "Shadow here's going to teach you a lesson about strength," he stated as he crossed his arms. Rulan glanced down at Alexis surprised by how tall she was. After a moment, he looked back at the Charizard, crouching down with a low growl, red eyes blazing. "You can do it, Rulan!" Rika exclaimed, having complete faith in the Pokemon she had raised from an egg to be the strongest he can be. ((Lololol. I love my Pokemaz. And it'd be hilarious if what happened in the other Rp, the one with um... Ugh. I hate whe I forget names. Ayways, my Trainer that was blessed by MewTwo so that she could talk to and understand Pokemon. That was the most epic moment in any RP I've ever done. ;u;))
2:14pm Apr 24 2010
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K narrowed his eyes. Not sure how to get out of the situation. Shadow blinked and growled, ready to portect K. He lept onto Stella's back and started to bite at her.
2:16pm Apr 24 2010
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((lol, ily too Rika. :) Lol, that would be funny.)) "Alexis, use Dizzy Punch!" Aimee ordered the lopunny. Alexis snorted in defiance, her short tail twitching. She leaped, instead, into the air and landed in between the Charizard's wings with a bounce attack.
2:18pm Apr 24 2010
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Genie took Stella's place guarding the prisoner, crackling with electricity that dared K to step out of the imaginary circle. Stella screeched, pecking furiously at the mightyena. Mocha arrived at the pokemon center, ramming against the gl*censored* doors and barking crazily. When a nurse finally came outside he ran just out of distance. He barked loudly until the nurse was following him through the forest.
2:23pm Apr 24 2010
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K growled, knowing he was in trouble. He took out a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground, the smoke making everyone's eyes water and making them cough. Ribunny coughed, "Where is everyone?!" She exclamed.
2:25pm Apr 24 2010
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Genie, without thinking, leaped at K and landed on his chest gracefully. She unleashed all of her electricity, and the spot in the forest glowed slightly. K would have to be paralyzed. Mocha skidded to a stop when he got to the clearing, barking loudly at the nurse.
2:28pm Apr 24 2010
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K cried out and fell on the ground, unable to move. Shadow jumped from Stella's back. He blinked, his ears back in terrior, he was whimpering. He took a few steps back and fled.
2:34pm Apr 24 2010
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Genie wobbled and then fainted on the ground beside K, having used up all of her energy. The nurse pulled out her cell and called the police, and within minutes they arrived. Kathy weakly returned her pokemon before fainting herself... The police pulled K's paralyzed weight into the police van and drove off to the nearest jail. (He can escape later. Mwahahaha)
2:37pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Apr 24 2010)
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((>8D)) "Oh no!" Ribunny exclamed and shook Kathy, "Are you okay?!" Shadow watched as the police drove away. K hadn't been able to return him, so now he was an abandoned pokemon. He howled sadly. ((Poor shadow D8))
2:42pm Apr 24 2010
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Mocha sniffed the woods, seeing as Kathy missed him upon the return of the pokemon. He scented Shadow, and at first growled, but then realized he didn't have a trainer. "Don't attack" he said. "What's the matter?" Kathy moaned as she woke up again. "I have a headache..."
2:44pm Apr 24 2010
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"K is gone..." Shadow whimperd. "Now I'm all alone!" He put his paws over his head and started to cry. "I have some tylenol in my backpack..." Ribunny said, "If that would help..."
2:47pm Apr 24 2010
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Mocha frowned. "You could come with Kevi, Ribunny and me until we find him. We can return you to him, even though he's in jail and all." "Thanks." Kathy said with a smile.
2:51pm Apr 24 2010
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"But..." Shadow blinked, "But I think this is a happy cry..." He said, "Because I think... I'm free...." He wagged his tail, "No more evil!" He sung offkey, "I'm freeee.." "Its what friends do!" Ribunny replied happily and gave her the tylonal.
2:53pm Apr 24 2010
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Mocha cocked his head and chuckled, his ears flopping to the side. "That's good for you." he said. "I have to go to Kathy now." he added. "Enjoy your freedom!" Kathy took the Tylenol gratefully.
2:59pm Apr 24 2010
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"Goodbye!" Shadow said happily. "And thank you!" He added, "If it wasn't for you I woulden't be free!" He skipped off, in search of berries that K had never let him have.
4:08pm Apr 24 2010
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Mocha chuckled and then went over. He licked Kathy's hand, and she returned him. "That was an adventure!" Kathy exclaimed. "Let's get to the pokemon center, I need to heal my pokemon up."
5:16pm Apr 24 2010
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"Okay, I need to heal my pokemon too!" Ribunny replied.
5:17pm Apr 24 2010
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Shadow roared and flared out his wings, as he stumbled forward a bit. He turned his head to snap at the Lopunny as Rika called for Rulan to use Aura Sphere.
Rulan nodded ad held his paws to the side, charging up a blue sphere between them, which got bigger and bigger until he let it fly straight towards the fire-Pokemon's belly, knocking the wind out of him.
Entraie narrowed his eyes. "Shadow. Overheat."
5:20pm Apr 24 2010
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((omg K's mightenya's name is Shadow XD lol XD I'll change his name to Nyght ^^... Unless that is taken too XD))