Curse of the Shadow Murkrow (Pokemon and Trainer RPG)

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5:50pm Apr 24 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((I've had Shadow since page 4. xD))


6:12pm Apr 24 2010

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Posts: 4,848
((Really? o.o Um....  I zone out a lot.))


6:12pm Apr 24 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Alexis swiftly moved away, dealing a kick attack to Shadow's neck just below his head before she landed smoothly next to Rulan.

"Alexis, stay clear of the strong moves." Aimee ordered. "But right after Overheat is used, then go ahead and attack."

Alexis nodded in acknowledgement, not making eye contact with her trainer. 


Kathy made it to the pokemon center on foot and handed her pokeballs to the nurse at the counter. 


7:40pm May 6 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((Omg, I must have somehow missed that you posted XD))

Ribunny also handed her pokeballs to the nurse.  She went to a chair made for people who were waiting and sat in it. {a bit of a fail post... xD}


2:47pm May 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,279

((lol, it happens. XD

I'm at a loss of what to do though. We need a thrilling plot. Any ideas? ))


3:40pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 4,848


What about a sickness is spreading that is affecting all the wild pokemon, making them evil, but trainer pokemon don't seem to be affected, and to find the cure they need to travel to Legend Island where it is rumerd that all of the legandary pokemon meet once every thousand years, and our charactures need to form a bond with one of the legendaries, so they can find a special stone that will cure all the sick pokemon, but the stone can also be used for evil, so all of the evil guys are trying to find it too!


I can't belive that just came out from the top of my head o3o))


5:09pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Hmmmm. How about instead, there is a strange disease that goes through the world, freezing all the trainers and breaking their pokeballs open, leaving the pokemon to roam. However, the jail is unaffected by it, and the guards are frozen. Then K gets out, just to make things interesting. THEN the pokemon have to get to legend island and convince one of the legends to show them where the stone is that will unfreeze them all. But if K finds it first, then they could be frozen forever.))


5:15pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm May 7 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,848

((I like it 8D

hrmm.. it somehow riminds me of Starlight Barking {The sequal to 101 dalmations.. the book.}


5:15pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm May 7 2010)

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Posts: 4,848

((Double post XD))


5:19pm May 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,279

((Never heard of it. LOL

So how should we have it start?)) 


5:24pm May 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,848

((Um... What about we all go to sleep, and we still are breathing and everything, but we just don't wake up.

Exactly like in Starlight Barking XD

And you should read the 101 dalmation books, they are WAY better then the movie. XD))


5:31pm May 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,279

((lol, I'll see if it's at my library

Ummmmmmmmm, how about they all just magically poof asleep? :D)) 


5:35pm May 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
((Okay o3o))


10:49am May 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((That works. .u.

Lolol. Rika's Pokemon will do whatever they have to...I'm not so sure about the goth dude's. ;D)) 


11:52am May 8 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((:D Let's go then!))

Kevi put her hand on her head. A sudden headache had come. She groaned and weakly took the asprin out of her purse. She sat on the bench, almost overcome with exhaustion. Before she could even get the lid off the asprin, she had fallen backwards onto the ground, asleep. She was breathing lightly. A loud crack sounded as simultainiously, all three of her pokeballs snapped in half. Valarie, Adrian and Cyclone came out of their pokeballs.

Valarie's feathers ruffled and she screeched. "Kevi!"

"The pokeballs are broken." Cyclone pointed out with dismay.

"Now what do we do, it doesn't look like Kevi will wake up anytime soon." Adrian said, stretching his wings.

"Let's try and find other trainers, they'll help." Adrian said. He spread his wings and took flight, Valarie and Adrian following close behind in a V formation.


Aimee's anger melted into a searing headache. She groaned. "Alexis, mphhh..." she said drowsily before falling forward into the dirt to fall asleep.

Alexis stopped battling and glanced at Aimee. She cocked her head and jumped over to her trainer, sniffing at the other pokeballs. There was a crack, causing the lopunny to jump back in alarm. 

Clover and Blade came out of their pokeballs, looking around confusedly. "Alexis, what did you do?" snapped Clover as she examined Aimee.

"She just fell asleep!" Alexis snapped in alarm.

Blade stepped in between Alexis and Clover. "Clover, calm down, I doubt it was her fault, and the pokeballs are broken too." the leafeon pointed out.


Kathy was just about to hand her pokeball over to Nurse joy when she abruptly fell asleep. She fell hard on the tile floor. Her pokeballs all cracked open, revealing Flora, Stella and Genie, still in their battle condition. 


3:12pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 3:14pm May 8 2010)

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Posts: 4,848

"Wha-" Ribunny was cut off as she fell on the floor next to Kathy, her pokeballs opening all at once and all her pokemon came out, slightly dazed.

Char's eyes widened, "What happened?!" He exclamed.

"Are the d-dead?" Feather, {The pidgey she caught in the forest} studdered.

Flower sniffed Ribunny and Kathy, "They seem like they are alive..."

"Its probably just a joke." Digger said.

"How come they get to sleep..." Changey complained.


K looked out of the bars of his cell, he relised the gaurds were asleep.  "Strange.." He murmured, then, out of curiosity, he threw a tiny pebble that was on the ground at them, they didn't stir.  "Its my lucky day!" K snikerd, then reached into one of the gaurd's pockets and got the keys and unlocked his cell.  He then went to where they were keeping his pokeballs, and ran out of the jail, still unsure if the gaurds would wake up or not.


3:41pm May 8 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Flora stared at Kathy. "She's not dead." she said. "But all the humans seem to be asleep." she said.

Genie sat on the ground, still weak. "I don't know if I can go on much longer." she panted.

"Why don't we try and find help?" Mocha suggested. "I don't think the wild pokemon would help us, but maybe a legendary pokemon."

"Where on earth will we find a legendary pokemon?!" Stella chirped, scratching the ground with her foot. 


3:52pm May 8 2010

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Posts: 4,848

"I hope this is a dream..." Char murmured, even though he knew it wasn't.

Flower was walking in circles out of anxiety.

Changey sighed, a bit annoid.  "Hmph, haven't any of you heard of Legend Island before?" it asked.



7:34pm May 8 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Flora, Genie, Mocha and Stella fell silent, staring at Changey. "Tell us" Flora demanded. Before Changey could talk however, three bird shapes landed outside the door.

Cyclone (pidgeot) nudged open the doors to the pokemon center, followed by Valarie and Adrian. He looked at the people on the ground. "Our trainer has fallen." Cyclone stated, looking at the smaller pokemon in disdain.

Valarie stepped ahead angrily. "Of course she has Adrian!" she snapped. "All the humans have!"

Stella recognized Valarie instantly. "Hey! You're the staraptor who belonged to that trainer!" she said. 

"Her name is Kevi." Adrian said in a low voice, his feathers tight against his sides.

"Whatever" Flora said, rolling her eyes. "Changey, tell us about the island." 


7:45pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm May 8 2010)

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Posts: 4,848

Changey cleared its throat.  "Well, there is a legend that once every ten thousand years all of the legandary pokemon meet on an island called, Legend Island.  None of them fight, even if they are great enimies.  And there is said, to be a magical stone that can fix anything.  This stone, is called the stone of Lyfe.  Also, if I am correct, (Which I often am) This is the thousanth year."  He looked around at all of the pokemon, "And if we want to make our trainers awake, we must travel across mountains, through dangerious forests, over a great sea, and many other challenges, then, we shall gain access to Legend Island, where the stone shall be waiting.  But there is a catch!  If someone evil is given the stone, they will be able to use it for their evil doings, they may even be able to control the world!  So we must be carfull who hears about the Lyfe Stone."  Changey finnished.

K, who had put his pokemon translater on (I hope thats okay) Has heard the whole thing.  He snikerd and ran off to plot what he was going to do.

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