7:52pm May 8 2010
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((It's fine. :) Let's have a few of us control legends, I know Rika will want to control Giratina and Darkrai so those are off-limits. I'd like Lugia, Ho-oh, and the legendary birds if that's fine. :D I'll bet you want mew, and perhaps latios and latias.)) "How dangerous can it be?" Flora asked. "After all, we are pokemon." Valarie's feathers ruffled. "Wait, there's one more trainer that Kevi and I saw on our way here. Her pokemon were bayleef, lopunny and leafeon. I think we should find them too." "We haven't got much time though, and it's very much out of the way." Cyclone said. "It doesn't matter, I bet they want their trainer back as much as we all do." Stella said, looking around at the group of pokemon. ((I'm also gonna make bios for some other wild pokemon that can help them along the way.))
8:02pm May 8 2010
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((You know me so well XD oh, and can I also be Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza? :3 Nyght {Just incase you missed the post I changed Shadow's name to Nyght since Rika has the name Shadow XD} Can help too! 8D And I can make a couple wild pokemon that can help to if thats okay ^^)) "Lets go then!" Changey said a bit impationtly, "The sooner we find them, the sooner we can go find the Legend Island, and as soon as we do that, the sooner we can relax!"
8:10pm May 8 2010
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((Of course Ri, just two or three wild pokemon though, that way we can have our trainers capture them later)) "Okay, Changey, change into a Swellow, that way someone can ride on your back." Cyclone said, secretly happy to be adding a friend to his flock. (His flock is Valarie and Adrian, Staraptor and Fearow, and he's a pidgeot. :) ) Flora licked her lips nervously. "Which one of you is the best flier?" she asked. "I am" all three birds said in unison, glaring at eachother. Stella chuckled. "You can just ride on me Flora, I'm just as fast as any flying bird." "I don't care so much for fast as I do for safe..." Flora said. "I call Valarie!" Genie chirped. "More than one pokemon can fit on my back." Valarie said. "I'm just as big as Adrian, who can fit at least three of your size."
8:20pm May 8 2010
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((thanks ^^ I'll make the bios in a sec..)) Changey nodded and quickly transformed. Digger narrowed his eyes, "I'm not leaving the ground.." He muttered "I'll ride on anyone as long as I'm with my sister!" Lucy said, smiling at Leona. "I'm not the best at flying, but I'll try to keep up..." Feather murmued nerviously. "I can run along!" Flower said, "Since I'm so hyper!" She started to jump around. "I can carry some on my back too..." Char said shyly, "But its okay if you prefur the birds..."
8:23pm May 8 2010
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Leona chirped happily. "We can ride on Cyclone!" she said happily, admiring the pidgeot's muscular build. Adrian smiled at Digger. "I have thick feathers Digger" he said "You could burrow into them for the darkness and illusion of being underground if you want. You would not be able to keep up, burrowing all the way. "Or you could ride with Flora and me." Stella pointed out. ((Same here))
8:28pm May 8 2010
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"Awsome!" Lucy said, doing an exited skip. Digger looked at Adrain's feathers "They do look nice and thick..." He murmured. "Fine.. I'll ride on you."
8:48pm May 8 2010
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Name: Ho-oh Gender: Male Species: Ho-oh Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?): --- Other:--- ~ Name: Lugia Gender: Male Species: Lugia Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?): --- Other:--- ~ Name: Moltres Gender: Female Species: Moltres Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?):--- Other:--- ~ Name: Articuno Gender: Female Species: Articuno Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?):--- Other:--- ~ Name: Zapdos Gender: Male Species: Zapdos Looks:  Persona:Rp it out History(?):--- Other:--- ~ Name: Luna Gender: Female Species: Gardevoir Looks: 
Persona: Rp it out History(?): She was bred by a terrible breeder, and she was neglected as a ralts. She evolved into Kirila the day she ran away into the wild, and then evolved again when she was touched by suicune's healing powers when she had fallen ill. Other: She has been to legendary island. ~ Name: Zen Gender: Male Species: Absol Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?): He was once part of a gang of elite canines, the leader having been an arcanine of great power. He failed on one task and was kicked out, his memory wiped. He searches for a meaning in life. Other: Lives on legendary island ~ Name: Scarlet Gender: Female Species: Ninetails Looks:  Persona: Rp it out History(?): Her mother was a ninetails and her father a very powerful arcanine, and naturally, she was shunned by all the normal vulpix. She was then stolen from the wild by a trainer who kept her in a closet rather than a pokeball to be later discarded on the curb. She was rescued by a friend from her early childhood, but ran away when she was asked to battle. She has a split personality and has memory issues. Other: Used to live on legendary island.

8:51pm May 8 2010
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"Let us go on then" Cyclone announced. The group exited the pokemon center, and he bent down and spread his wings so everyone could go on, Valarie and Adrian copying his movements. Flora snuggled into Stella's feathers comfortably. "If you get tired, you can come up on my back" Stella said to Flower who was beside her. Leona got on Adrian's back and got comfortable next to her sister, while Genie hopped up to Valarie. "Almost ready?" Adrian asked them all.
9:20pm May 8 2010
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Name: Kyogre Gender: female {I always thought of kyogre as a female and always will XD} Species: kyogre Looks:  Persona: a bit short tempered, but very kind History(?): i constently fighting with Groudon, and has many battle scars to prove it. Other:Despises ground types. ~ Name: Groudon Gender: male Species: groudon Looks: Persona: a very short temper History(?): always has fought with Kyogre and always will Other: Dispises water types ~ Name: Rayquaza Gender: male Species: rayquaza Looks:  Persona: a bit strange... History(?): Unknown Other: ~ Name: Myth Gender: female Species: Mew Looks:  Persona: Mysterious, she doesn't like to be seen, she is also very playfull and kind. She loves to adventure History(?): unknown Other: the only legendary to have a nickname ~ Name: Fang Gender: male Species: gible Looks: Persona: likes to compete a lot and hates to loose. He is a bit mouthy and a bit of a smart {You know what} History(?): Was seperated from his pack when his mean brother pushed him into the sea around where he used to live {Which is Legend Island} He was unable to swim back so he ended up on a beach. His dream is to get back to Legend Island and beat is brother in a battle Other: ~ Name: Sae Gender: female Species: lapras Looks:  Persona: very calm and caring. She always looks out for others. History(?): is the chosen carrier of the ones who prove themselfs worthy to go to Legend Island Other:

9:22pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((All accepted!!!))
9:22pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 9:23pm May 8 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
((yay :3)) "Ready!" Everyone replied.
9:24pm May 8 2010
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With that final signal, Adrian, Valarie and Cyclone rose into the air, with Changey and Char added to their V formation. Stella ran below, with Flower easily keeping pace. ((We need something to stall them until Rika comes online, so she can make her pokemon involved as well))
9:32pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Hmm.... What about Nyght gets into some kind of trouble and we have to help him? Or K could always do something >8D))
9:56am May 9 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Have K net Cyclone and the mudkips thinking they're wild pokemon, and then the rest swoop down to save them!!!!!!!!!!!))
10:37am May 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Ummm. Where can my Trainer's Pokemons pop in? And I shall make the Giratina and Darkrai shortly~ <3))
10:38am May 9 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Just make them faint for now and then their pokemon's reactions. :) Then we can find you with Kevi's pokemon, Kathy's pokemon and Ribunny's pokemon.))
11:01am May 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Right in the middle of their battle, Entraie and Rika suddenly fainted. Before Rika could hit the ground, though, her beloved Lucario, Rulan, caught her. He moved to gently scoop her into his arms, watching as Dawne and Night were suddenly released. "What is going on...?" he murmured softly, holding his Trainer in his arms as he stood up, looking down at her worriedly. "Why did she suddenly faint like that?" He flattened his ears and gently nuzzled Rika. Night stepped towards them, stretching out his large wings as he stared down at the human curiously. "I don't know much about humans, but I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to do that." Dawne fluttered over to lightly land on her Trainer, ears flattened as she crawled forward to curl up her, while Reno sat back down and Night curled around them.
Meanwhile, Shadow stared at his Trainer and snorted, not really caring about him. All he wanted to do was finish the battle. Nyte padded over to Entraie and nudged him, blinking his red eyes before poking him with a paw, his loyalty to his Trainer causing him to at least be a little concerned. Darke just stayed where he was, laughing at the misfortune of others. ((Yup. Cruel little critter Darke is. xDDD))

11:08am May 9 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Yay we are all togeather now 8D I feel huggy today! *Hugs everyone* o3o)) K peeked out from behind a tree, seeing Cyclone and the mudkips he snikerd. "A perfect day." He sneered and used his special net shooting.. thing and shot a net at them.
11:17am May 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Darkrai Gender: Male (Love his voice. Lovelovelove.) Species: Darkrai Looks:
 Persona: Extremely antisocial, but will always help someone in need, just as he did with a young human girl who would have fallen to her death if it hadn't been for him. History(?): Not much is known about the history of this Pokemon. Other: ......I love him. :D Name: Giratina (-wanted to name him Mello but....yeah-) Gender: Male. Giratina is much too beasty and manly to be a girl. P: Species: Giratina Looks: ALTERED FORME:  ORIGIN FORME:  Persona: He isn't very fond of his 'siblings' and his 'father', Palkia, Dialga, and Arceus. He doesn't mind Cresselia, though. And behind his mean, uncaring exterior, he has a strong sense of loyalty to those who earn his trust, much like Ash and Co. did. History(?): Was banished to the Distortion Realm when he committed a sin, and has been forced to go between there and the real world ever since. He fights with Dialga and Palkia quite often, and isn't fond of Arceus, the one who banished him. Other: ...HE'S A FREAKING BEAST AND I LOVE HIM. <333

11:20am May 9 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Cyclone screeched in alarm as the heavy net brought him down to the gound, pinning the mudkips to his back. Stella skidded to a stop, recognizing K. Why wasn't he unconscious like the rest?! She dipped her head and Flora jumped over her off of her back, snarling viciously at K. Adrian screeched again, this time in pain rather than suprise. The net was very heavy for his light body. Adrian and Valarie dove downwards instinctively, landing easily on the ground. Valarie plucked Genie off of her back, and helped Adrian dislodge he terrified Digger. Adrian's long beak set to work snipping off the weights on Adrian's net. Genie's cheeks crackled threateningly as she stared at K. Leona managed to free herself from the net. "Flower! Just burn up the net!" she said. "Stella, Flora, Valarie, keep K occupied. "Char! Yo and Changey continue on to find the others, they'll only be a little ways off by now!" ~~ Alexis forgot about the battle and bent down to pick Aimee off the ground. She set her on a bench. "Do you all hear that?" she said softly. She heard the cries of some bird pokemon in the distance. "It sounds like there's a pokemon in trouble. "Why does it matter?" Clover said, who was now pacing in panic. "Aimee needs help. Oh my!" she exclaimed, seeing Rika and Entraie fall as well. Blade hissed. "We all need to stop this chaos right now and establish order!" he snapped at his fellow pokemon.
