11:21am May 9 2010
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((Accepted Rika!))
11:27am May 9 2010
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"Don't you snap at us," Rulan growled, Night turning his head to stare at the Leafeon. "We're not panicking. I'm just worried about the one who raised me from an egg," he stated, holding Rika closer, being careful of his chest spike. Shadow snorted. "Like I care," he stated, crossing his little arms. Nyte glared up at the black Charizard and growled softly, while Darke continued to just....laugh. ((xD I love Darke. He's so fun. <3 AND. I might make a couple wild Pokemon as well. :D -checks DS for the Pokemon she has for names and species-))
11:29am May 9 2010 (last edited on 11:33am May 9 2010)
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Flower nodded and blew a jet of flames at the net, carfull not to hurt the pokemon inside of it. Char and Changey nodded and both flew off in search of other pokemon, finding them quickly. They both landed infront of Darke. K narrowed his eyes, it seemed like the pokemon were making a plan of some sort. Not wanting to waste time and turn on his pokemon translator, he sent out Magma and Canine, who roared and barked savagley. "Magma! Find out where those two pokemon are going!" He commanded, meaning Char and Changey, "And Canine! stop that quilava by using bite!" Magma roared and flew to where Char and Changey were and Canine used bite on flower, stopping her flames abruptly, they still had done damige on the net, however.
11:31am May 9 2010
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((I think it should be Darke. XD))
11:32am May 9 2010
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((I'll make it Darke then ^.^))
11:36am May 9 2010
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Darke's laughter was silenced as a bird Pokemon and another Charizard landed in front of him, a growl forming in his throat as his fur puffed out. Shadow turned his head, blue eyes narrowing. "Who are you?" he demanded. Rulan shifted his hold on Rika to be more protective, eying the new Pokemon warily.
11:41am May 9 2010
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"My name is Char, and this is Changey." Char said, pointing to it. "I can introduce myself, thank you very much!" Changey growled.
11:42am May 9 2010
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Adrian used his strength to break through the neck, and looked at K with a sharp menacing eye. With a screech, he flapped his wings in a powerful whirlwind attack in his direction, taking the chance to go back for Flower. He and Adrian grabbed Canine in their powerful beaks and threw him back to K. Stella picked up Flora. "Come on Flower, lets get going after that charizard!" She scratched the ground before running after Char, Changey and Magma. Adrian put Digger back into his feathers and flew off after Stella. Valarie took the pair of mudkips along with Genie so they wouldn't be on Adrian's bruised back. With a last whirlwind attack, Adrian followed, thankfully nodding to Valarie before speeding ahead. ~~ Alexis hissed and took a defensive position in front of Aimee, followed by Clover and Blade when they saw Char and Changey. Blade eyed the charizard warily. Alexis stepped forward bravely, cracking her knuckles as she faced Char, who seemed to be more in charge. "What do you want?" she demanded, sizing him up.

11:45am May 9 2010
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"Rulan." The Lucario looked back down at Rika. "The shiny Diga is Dawne, ad the big silver tiger is her father, Night." "Shadow," stated the black Charizard, growling. "Nyte," said the Umbreon, looking back at them. "Darke," growled the Zorua, ears flattened. ((Lololol. c:))
11:49am May 9 2010
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"While we're on intros" Alexis said cooly, stepping back. "I'm Alexis, and these are my peers, Blade and Clover" she said. He eyes never left Char's in case he tried to make a move towards Clover or Blade.
11:51am May 9 2010
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Char shivered slightly, "Well.. our trainers have also fainted, and we have to get to a special island to cure them-" "The island is called Legend Island." Changey cut in rudley, "And we must get the trust of the legendaries that are there before they leave so we can use the Lyfe Stone to cure our trainers. We need all the help we can get, are you with us or not?" Magma, who didn't know that anyone was following her, spotted Char and Changey and some other pokemon on the ground, with a roar she landed by them. ~ K yelled out as he was blown back by the powerfull winds. He narrowed his eyes. "Come on Canine! We must follow them!" Canine, who was just getting off the ground, growled at K slightly, but nodded and started to track where the pokemon were going.
11:57am May 9 2010
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Stella, Adrian, Cyclone and Valarie all landed behind Char and Changey. Alexis bristled further. "At ease lopunny." Cyclone growled. "I am Cyclone." he said, ruffling his wings. "I'm Adrian." Adrian said, letting Digger off of his back. "This is Valarie." He indicated to the Staraptor. "I'm Genie, and these mudkips here are Leona and ___?___!" Genie said happily. "I'm Stella and this is Flora, and Flower." Stella said, letting the Skitty off of her back. "Our trainers have all fallen as well, but one stands as we so recently discovered." "A pokemon hunter called K" Cyclone said, ruffling his feathers to reveal the bruises left by the net. ((I just realised I typed Adrian instead of Cyclone the last post. XD))
11:57am May 9 2010
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((Lolol. A shiny Diga would fetch them quite a pretty penny. xD -pets Dawne-)) Dawne jumped into the air and flew over, ears perked. "We can help them?" she asked, big, innocent eyes locked onto the currently transformed Ditto that had said so, looking extremely hopeful. "I want to help Rika! Ad I know Daddy and Ru want to, too!" Nyte stepped forward. "I wish to aid my Trainer as well," he stated, red eyes locked onto the Charizard instead of the Ditto.
12:02pm May 9 2010
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Alexis growled. "Blade, Clover and I will got with you." she announced. "Ummm, NO!" Clover shrieked. "I will not leave Aimee!" she hissed. "Fine, stay here and be taken by the pokemon hunter" Blade said, flicking his tail.
12:06pm May 9 2010
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((I gtg D;))
12:08pm May 9 2010
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4:14pm May 10 2010
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4:51pm May 10 2010
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Out of what seemed like nowhere, Magma dived down at the pokemon, roaring and spitting flames. Char put his wings up to block most of the flames from hurting the other pokemon, "Its Magma!" He gasped, "K's evil charizard!" Changey growled and shifted into a growlithe, so the flames that maniged to hit it did not affect it.
5:10pm May 10 2010
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"Changey, change into something useful!" Alexis snapped. "Maybe a blastoise or an empoleon? Something that spits water!" Alexis did a flip and kicked Magma hard on his chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him to the ground in front of her. She delivered a powerful kick to his face before jumping back. Blade and Clover froze in terror. They were leaf pokemon... Valarie let out a screech and flapped her wings to a whirlwind attack at Magma.
5:16pm May 10 2010
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Changey rolled its eyes, and transformed into a feraligatr, purposly not transforming into one of the sugestions Alexis made. Magma roared out of pain and took a few steps back. She then looked at Blade and Clover, her eyes flashing dangeriously. She used blast burn on them. Changey jumped infront of them in the nick of time and used hydro pump, making the whole area covered in a thick steam.