5:19pm May 10 2010
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Alexis' eyes widened. Magma was using Blast Burn! Clover and Blade would faint, and even then, the remaining power would likely kill Aimee. She hissed viciously and stepped directly in the attack's path, blocking almost all of the attack from the gr*censored* pokemon. Beaten, she fell to her knees and to the ground. Valarie's eyes glittered and she dove for Magma with a powerful aerial ace attack, clawin his face with sharp talons.
5:22pm May 10 2010
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Magma roared at Valarie, and used metal claw at her, her claws and Valaries talons generating sparks when they hit. Char quickly ran to Alexis, "Are you okay?!" He exclamed and held out a hand to help her up.
5:32pm May 10 2010
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Alexis moaned, mostly fainted, barely acknowledging Char's presence. Valarie hissed and prepared for hyper beam, one of the TM's she had been given during the whole Team Rocket thing.
5:45pm May 10 2010
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"Return!" A sudden voice said, and Magma was sucked into a pokeball before anything else happened. "I'll be back, son't you worry." K said, and ran off quickly. "The Lyfe Stone shall be mine!" He cackled as he dissapeared into the forest. "How did he know?!" Changey exclamed, "He probably knows about Legend Island too!" "Did I just hear the words, Legend Island?" A voice said, and a gible came out of the bushes. "I sware I just heard the term."
5:50pm May 10 2010
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"We haven't got time for this!" Valarie snapped, swallowing the energy for her hyper beam. "We have to get moving now! One pokemon from each person's team will come with me to Legend Island and get there before that hunter!" "I think Alexis should go for our team." Blade said, using a healing berry on her. "She is the strongest." Alexis dipped her head. "For Kathy's team, I will go." Genie volunteered. "My electricity has beaten K once, it can do it again." "And I'm going for Kevi's team." Valarie said, glaring at Adrian and Cyclone, as if daring them to challenge her.
7:10pm May 10 2010
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"I'm going for Ribunny's team!" Changey said before Char opened his mouth, "I know I'm lazy, but I know about the island the most." "Fine. Ignore me!" The gible growled. "But if you really want to know the way to Legend Island, you shoulden't ignore someone who lived there!" ((The gible is Fang btw XD))
7:12pm May 10 2010
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((lamo. I figured. Fang's original form is a saber-toothed cat right? Can you gimme a deion so I have something to do tonight? *draw*))
7:13pm May 10 2010
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((*I meant lmao, not lamo. -FAIL-)) "Doesn't Changey know the way?" Alexis said, blocking the gible's path cautiously with her foot.
7:26pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 7:27pm May 10 2010)
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((lamo XD Best. Typo. Ever. XD And Fang is a kinda blueish color with dark blue stripes longer by his hind quarters and they get shorter as they go up his back. He is very muscular and has green eyes with yellow around the edges, his fangs are a light blue color and are very long. He has a stump for a tail due to an accident from a while ago. Tell me if you need any more info ^.^)) "Well..." Changey said, "In the legend, it does say a way, but it is the only part of it that is not clear..." "And I am the one who can make that part clear!" The gible said proudly. "And I just might tell it to you!"
7:41pm May 10 2010
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Valarie sighed. "Please tell us little gible." she said. -FAIL-
8:25pm May 10 2010
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"Fine." The gible sighed, "My name is Fang, by the way." He added, then took a deep breath, "Legend Island can only be found if you are 1. Chosen, which I'm not so sure about. Or 2. Came from, or LED by someone who came from it, and I came from Legend Island, so I can lead you there! My only request is that when we get there I can fight my stupid brother!" He hissed the last part.
2:52pm May 11 2010
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"I'll even help you battle your brother if you can lead us there." Alexis said. Valarie and Genie nodded in agreement. ((I drew Fang:: ))
3:02pm May 11 2010
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"I think Rulan should go for Rika!" Dawne said, hopping onto her father's head to sit there, ears twitching. Her father, Night, nodded. "He has the closest bond with her, since she raised him from an egg. Sometimes I swear they can talk telepathically, too," he said, looking at Rulan, who stepped up with Rika in his arms. The Lucario nodded his head slightly before moving to place Rika onto Night's back, using a paw to carefully, gently move some of her hair out of her face. "Keep her safe," he said. Night nodded, looking down at Rulan. "Bring the Lyfe Stone back to save her." "I will. I'll either come back with it, or I won't come back at all," Rulan stated before turning to pad over to the little group. Entraie's team sighed before Nyte and Darke turned to stare at Shadow, who was currently more focused on his taloned paws. He blinked and looked at the Zorua and Umbreon before sighing. "Whatever. I'll go for Entraie," he stated, lumbering forward, towards the others.
3:09pm May 11 2010
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"That's great!" Alexis said. "We're actually a pretty well balanced team." she pointed out. "If Fang agrees we can head out soon, correct?"
3:10pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 3:12pm May 11 2010)
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((Omg, that looks so awsome whatev! 8DD I love his markings <333)) Fang turned to the group "Before we go, I need to know a little, like if any of you want to bring anything? Like healing berries and such?"
3:15pm May 11 2010
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((I'm glad you like it. :D)) "That's a good idea." Alexis said with a nod. "I have a harness with pouches, Kevi and I had used it when-" Valarie broke off. "Never mind, but we can use it for berries and healing herbs for now." "Blade and I will go berry hunting right now" Clover said. She dashed off immediately, Blade following close.
3:18pm May 11 2010
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"Rika always carries berries with her. Berries and potions...everything we'd need," Rulan stated, moving to his Trainer to gently remove his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. He felt bad for taking it, but he'd need these thigns in order to help her. He knew she'd understand. ((-dances- I have a Quilava on SoulSilver~ ANDOMG. THAT FREAKING VOLTORB FLIP DRIVES ME NUTS. D:<))
3:18pm May 11 2010
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Fang nodded, "Good idea." He said to Valarie. He went over to a rock and sat down on it to wait for Clover and Blade. Changey, because it had a chance to, curled up and took a nap.
3:27pm May 11 2010
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"Okay, I'll be right back, it's in Kevi's bag. Adrian, Cyclone, come with me, we should carry her back here she'll be safer with Aimee, Rika and Entraie's pokemon for protection." Valarie said. "Don't worry about Kathy or Ribunny either, they're at the pokemon center." Valarie lifted off with Adrian and Cyclone flanking her, and came back in about 15 minutes with Kevi, and her harness hitched on. Blade and Clover came back every few minutes with a mouthful of berries. "I think that should be enough." Clover said after the last run.
3:29pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 3:29pm May 11 2010)
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Fang nodded approvingly. "This is going very smoothly!" He said happily. "We should be ready to go now, unless anyone needs to do anything else?" Changey opened one eye, "Can't I sleep a bit longer?" He complained.