4:04pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( I'm sorry, I edited it. My mind has just gone whack since my sister died))
4:09pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Are you serious? What happened? Why are you still here?! Go mourn her! I'm so sorry!))
4:13pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((You edited it, and it's still a bit of an error. You're supposed to ask before making a wild pokemon appear, seeing as I control them unless you ask for specific permission. But, I'll just control the eevee you wanted to appear oh so much.)) The eevee growled and dodged the fire blast swiftly, the flames just barely singing it's tail fur. By the looks of it, and it's speed and strength, it was obviously and older and more experienced specimen. He growled at the charizard, turned tail, and kicked up a blindig sand attack into it's eyes. He smiled faintly, and using the chance to leap into the tree and hide, waiting to see if he was rediscovered.
4:14pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( We were playing basketball and the ball bounced out to the road, and a drunk perv ran over her. And I only have two hours a day because i walk to her grave alone EVERDAY))
4:17pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel spotted the Eevee and smirked. " Aroki! Use smokescreen the Fire Fang!" she called. Aroki did as commanded and growled as he did.
4:23pm Mar 18 2010
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((*sob* I'm soooo sorry mercy. I hope she has a happy afterlife.)) The eevee squealed in frustration as Aroki clamped his tail in his jaws. He scratched furiously at his eyes until he let go, climbing onto his head and sliding down his tail, jumping off before he hit the flared tip. Panting in effort, and using agility,he sprinted as fast as he could down the dirt path in an effort to get away from the frightening black smoke that most small pokemon fear. Seemingly out of no where, a female espeon stopped in front of the eevee, licking his scruff comfortingly and whispering soothing word in the native tongue of the pokemon. If one could understand, you would hear her saying: "Calm my son, tell me what has happened", but the eevee only replied in pants that were inaudible to any ear.
4:26pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel rowled in frustration. Aroki glanced at Angel, then ran at full speed to the eevee family and used Dragon Rage, stomping everywhere. " Aroki No!" Angel cried. But Aroki ignored her.
5:00pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"Jinxx! use charge-through!" A Tauros appeared out of no-where, and charged at the charizard, pushing him over. "Zap! Grab the Eevee family!" A shiny Flygon then swooped and picked up the Eevee family, putting it close, but away from the stomping mad Charizard. Jake appeared from the bushes. "Hey, girl, learn to control your Pokemon." He then called both his Pokemon, leaving a Shinx that was on his shoulder. Jake looked at the girl up and down. "What's your name?"
5:05pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
" I'm Angel, and sorry about that, he just evolved and... he went crazy" Angel said, returning the Pokemon to the pokeball.
5:08pm Mar 18 2010
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The eevee and espeon scampered away terrified as soon as they were clear from danger.
5:30pm Mar 18 2010
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Jake frowned slightly, but then smiled. "Grad to meet ya'. The Tauros you met was Jinxx, the Flygon was Zap, and this little trickster's Swift." He rubbed the Shinx's ear. "What are your pokemon named?"
5:38pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((*thinks of perfect wild pokemon to ruin the moment* hehehehehe *cackle*))
6:03pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Fifiiii~ Could I be another Traaaiiinerrr? I have a Pokemon I wanna use. I know next to nothing about it, but it looks pwnsome.|D)) Rika looked up at her Lucario, Rulan glancing back down at her before gently nudging her, his ears perked straight up as a low growl rumbled in his throat. "Rulan?"Rika asked, letting out a squeal as her beloved Pokemon darted off. She ran after him without a word. The only time Rulan ever got like was when there was trouble nearby, and he always raced off to go find it. Rika tossed up the Pokeball she had been holding. "Dawne! Your turn to shine!" she called, the little tiger-like Pokemon appearing in mid-air with a mewl-like roar of her name. "Dawne, I need you to keep following Rulan. Night is too big and I can't keep up!" she told the shiny Diga, who nodded and followed after Rika's Lucario, the brunette panting softly.
6:38pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Theres no rules against having multiple trainers, have as many as you want love. :) ))
7:01pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm Mar 18 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
Trainer~ Name: Ribunny Age: 13 Gender: female Looks: he has blondish-brown hair and ocean blue eyes and always wears a camouflage baseball cap Pokemon (List species): Charizard, Quilava, and Ditto Persona: hyper and quirky at times, she is really smart when she wants to be but acts stupid because its 'fun' and is able to make a funny situation out of almost anything, although she can loose her temper very fast she is a great friend if you take time to get to know her History: Psh, like she'll tell you Other: Loves camouflage things for some odd reason (*hugs camo stuff* XD) Her pokemon~ Name: Char Gender: male Species: Charizard Looks:  Persona: Dispite his large size and power, he is very shy and timid, but when it is time to battle he is able to summon his courage and strength History(?): When he was a young charmander he was not able to use his fire due to a rare disease, thankfully, Ribunny was very patent and he finaly found his fire. Other: Was Ribunny's first pokemon. ------ Name: Flower Gender: female Species: Quilava Looks:  Persona: Quirky and hyper all of the time, she is eaither so hyper she can't stand still, or so tired she can't keep her eyes open. History(?): Her old trainer coulden't handle her and had to give her away, and Ribunny (Being much like Flower actually XD) took her in. Other: no -------- Name: Changey Gender: genderless Species: Ditto Looks: Persona: Calm and even temperd, she loves to battle but never really gets that into it, her favorate thing to do is just laze around and sleep. History(?): unknown Other: no

7:08pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Name: Kathy White Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks: 
Pokemon (List species): Doduo, Skitty, Pikachu Persona: She is innocent and cute, and she loves cute pokemon. Do not be decieved, her pokemon may be cute and soft, but they can pack a strong punch if they want too. History: She was born and raised an only child, and she was spoiled rotten by her parents. She had all the sets of poke-dolls and finally, she got her first pokemon: A skitty. Other: Nope ~ Pokemon: Name: Stella Gender: Female Species: Doduo Looks: 
Persona: She loves to cuddle, but needs lots of excercise, so she is often found being ridden by Kathy along the beach. History(?): She was found by Kathy as an egg and raised from a newborn to be the best she could be. She never wants to evolve, because she's scared it will make her act mean like all the other dodrio she's met. Other: Mmmmm... nope! ~ Name: Flora Gender: Female Species: Skitty Looks: 
Persona: Very solitary and likes to be alone other than with Kathy. She is very spoiled and always sit's on her trainer's shoulder. She hates most other pokemon, and scorns herself for being pink. History(?): Nope Other: Nope ~ Name: Genie Gender: Female Species: Pikachu Looks: 
Persona: Innocent and easily scared. She doesn't like to talk to any other pokemon, and will hide before talking. If she is threatened, she will attack, or her trainer will tell her to. History(?): Nothing Special Other: Nope ~~ALL CREDIT TO ORIGINAL ARTISTS~~

7:09pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted Ribunny. :D))
7:14pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Yay 8D))
7:17pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Kathy rode Stella down the beach that morning as usual, with Flora hunched over on her shoulder, looking angry. Kathy didn't notice of course, she was too busy enjoying the way her hair was flipping around in the wind.
7:54pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 8:39pm Mar 18 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
Ribunny was walking down the beach looking for shells. "Here's one!" She exclamed and picked up what she thought was a shell. "Hey! This is a soda can!" She said. "Hmph, some people." She mutterd then put it in her camouflage backpack to recycle later, which she would probably forget about. "Find anything good?" She asked her pokemon which she had let out of their pokeballs some time before. Char shook his head and stepped away from anouther wave that almost touched his feet. He was afraid that if he touched the water he would loose his fire and did not want to take any chances. Flower raced up to Ribunny with a twig in her mouth. She looked quite proud of herself as she put it at Ribunny's feet then raced away to find more things. "Huh..." Ribunny murmerd and picked up the stick, "The shells have become weird and stick like...." She took out a tape recorder, "March 18th, 2010, the shells are starting to discise themselfs as sticks so people stop collecting them, I will start investigating as soon as possible." Changey was sleeping as usual. She was actually laying on a shell but didn't feel like moving to get rid of it. "You should have been a snorlax Changey." Ribunny said, "You sleep as much as one." Changey opened one eye and slowly 'stood' up, then used transform to transform into a snorlax, she smiled mischievously and went back to sleep. "Haha, very funny." Ribunny mutterd then went back to looking for shells.
