9:25pm Mar 18 2010
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Trainer: Name: Entraie (Pronounced as in-TRAY) Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: Pokemon (List species): Zorua, Umbreon, Shiny Charizard Persona: He is very dark and empathetic. oWo History: Pffft. I'll let you know when he tells me. -O- Other: ...Yes. He's a goth. oWo ~ Pokemon: Name: Darke Gender: Male Species: Zorua Looks: Persona: He's a pretty cruel Pokemon. But that's just because of his species. |D History(?): Nup. oWo Other: He has a spiked bracelet thing on his front right paw. :D ~ Name: Nyte Gender: Male Species: Umbreon Looks:  Persona: Very to himself, but loyal. .u. History(?): WAs caught as an Eevee. There. e.o Other: None. ~ Name: Shadow Gender: Male Species:Shiny Charizard Looks: Persona: Mean~ History(?): Was Entraie's first captured Pokemon. P: Well, hatched really. Other: None ((Gotta go! DX))
9:37pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"Hi there!" Kathy yelled accross the open beach at th trainer collecting shells, making Flora jump. She and Stella the doduo ran over to the trainers quickly before Stella was returned, and Flora, with much protest was set on the ground. "Hi, I'm Kathy, I dunno if you noticed, but snorlax aren't allowed on the beach because they endanger the tropical fruit population for smaller pokemon," Kathy explained, indicating to Changey. ((Accepted Rika!))
11:15pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 1:44am Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
Felan took out three pokeballs from his right pocket. "Time to return, guys." He said to his pokemon. First he returned Accalia, who didn't protest or anything like it. But when he returned Jakiro, the marshstomp protested before going back inside the pokeball. Lucian let out an arcanine sound in amusement before Felan returned him to his pokeball, which was an ultra ball. ((Mind I make another charrie?)) Name: Ralvix (Pronounce the x as an s.) Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks: Pokemon: Aggaron, Houndoom, and Shiny Luxio Persona: Ralvix is proud and sometimes lazy. He prefers to keep to himself and likes being away from others. When it comes to pokemon battles he gives it his all and he does not like being bossed around. He can be friendly and protective though. History: Ralvix's mother had died when he was about four years old, leaving his father to take care of him. Ralvix's father was a pokemon trainer who liked Aggarons. And growing up with his father's Aggaron made Ralvix like them, too. When Ralvix turned ten his father gave him an Aron which he trained to make it the Aggaron he has now. Other: Nothing I can think of.. ~~ Name: Faidhen Gender: Male Species: Aggaron Looks: Persona: Aggaron is proud like his trainer. He dosen't like losing in battles and is loyal to Ralvix. History(?): Faidhen was given to Felan after his trainer's father hatched him. The reason why he dosen't like losing is because when he was an Aron he heard a few other trainers saying he was some weak pokemon, so he wants to prove he isn't. Other: Was Ralvix's first pokemon. ~~ Name: Romus Gender: Male Species: Houndoom Looks: Persona: Romus is mean and fierce. He likes battling and tends to be snobby. History(?): Romus was captured as a houndour while Ralvix was walking along with Faidhen (was a lairon back then). Other: Is the second pokemon of Ralvix. ~~ Name: Volt Gender: Male Species: Shiny Luxio Looks: Persona: Volt is fierce in battle and can't wait to become a Luxaray. Both Romus and Faidhen boss him around since he's the youngest between all of them, so him evolving into a Luxaray might get them to stop. History(?): Ralvix had found him as a shiny shinx near his house one day, and captured him. Other: He's a shiny Luxio.
11:26pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted garcia. :) ))
9:45am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((I added pictures for Ralvix's pokemon. Do you mind if Volt becomes a shiny Luxio instead?)) Ralvix was sitting under a tree, his fingers turning the pages of a book he had. It had information on some good places to find pokemon and what types and species they would be. His houndoom, Romus, was sitting beside him, sometimes looking at the pictures in the book and sometimes turning his attention to something else. Romus yawned then stood up on his legs, his tail swishing back on forth. From the way he acted, he seemed rather bored. Ralvix looked up from his book then closed it, stashing it in the black bag that was beside him on the ground. "Your bored, huh?" Asked Ralvix, heaving himself up and swinging the black bag over his shoulder. "Well, maybe we can find someone to battle or something." He said, taking out Romus' pokeball and returning him.
10:53am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 4,093
"Alright then." Erin smiled faintly, a sort of creepy ex pression, although she didn't intend it to be. She snatched a Pokéball from her waist an tossed it into the open air. It spun for a moment before releasing a beam of blue light. An Absol leapt out, digging his claws in the ground and staring calmly at Valarie the Staraptor.
Her smile lingered on her face, and suddenly she sat on the gra.ss, folding her legs underneath her, and unrolled a pack with several bottles held inside. Each of them contained a clear liquid, though it was a different colour. Perfumes. "He's deaf." She told Kevi in a quiet whisper. "I use these perfumes to direct him." She glanced up. "I will be his ears."
Kaze the Absol was waiting tensely, and she popped the cork off of one bottle. Kaze swung his head, scythe-like horn catching the sunlight and shining it at the Staraptor, hoping to blind it momentarily. On the same swing he lashed out with Night Slash.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:11pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Ribunny looked at Changey, "Its not really a snorlax.." She said. "Can you turn back into your regular form please?" Ribunny asked it. Changey opened one eye, then used transform to turn back into a ditto, "Happy?" It asked gruffly. "Anyway..." Ribunny said, "I'm Ribunny, and this is Char, Flower, and Changey." She pointed to each of her pokemon. Char looked at Kathey and her pokemon and waved shyly. Then side stepped to avoid anouther wave. Flower looked up for a secound, and flailed her paw, which apparently was a wave, then whent back to putting all of the twigs she could find into a pile. Changey grunted, not really wanting to be social at the moment.
4:22pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((s'fine garcia :) )) Kathy smiled. "That's cool. I'm Kathy, this is Flora, my sktty..." Kathy dug into her pockets and took out the other two pokeballs. "Stella is my doduo, and Genie is my pikachu." Kathy said as she let out her pokemon. "Are you looking for shells? There's a place down the beach that is much better for looking. Empty Cloyster shells often wash up as*censored*, once I found an actual Shelder, but I threw it back. Sometimes I find egg shells from water pokemon too, I love guessing what they are and stuff."
4:53pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Wow!" Ribunny exclamed, "That sounds so cool! Doesn't it guys?" She asked her pokemon. Char nodded. As long as no water pokemon attacked him. That would be scary. He shiverd at the thought. Flower nodded exitedly. She then ran up to Flora, "Hiya! I'm Flower! You might already know that because my trainer said so! But its still fun to say names! Fun! Fun!" She then raced away to find more twigs. Changey grunted again. It did KINDA sound fun. Maybe I could do something for once it thought. Then fell back asleep, Or maybe not...
1:28am Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 1:42am Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
Felan put all three pokeballs in his pocket before pushing himself off the bench with his hands. He thought for a while before deciding he would take a little walk around the forest. Making sure his pokeballs were in his pocket, he began walking in the direction of the forest, at the same time watching an absol fight a staraptor. After a while he reached the entrance of the forest. He walked in and looked around. There were a few wild pokemon around but none of them that made him want to catch it.
3:03pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((.... where's mercy? I need her to reply.))
3:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( -pokes Whatever- Erin started battling, by the way. I don't think you saw the post. x3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:04am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((full- your siggy is stretching the page-- I'm sorry Dust, lol. I'll reply asap))
11:08am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Flora hissed and bared her teeth. "I don't care what your name is" she spat, her fur bristling as she climbed back up to Kathy's shoulder. Kathy laughed, not noticing at all Flora or Flower. "I think Stella can carry both of us, but you'd have to return Char and Flower, I don't think they could keep up... well, Flower could most likely." "Whatever" Kevi snorted. "Valarie, use Air slash to start this battle off!" she announced. Valarie rose into the air, and her wing began to glow as she dove forward, slashing the absol's right side.
2:11pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
Flower seemed oblivious to everything as she focused on putting sticks in a pile. Ribunny laughed, "She could keep up with a train if there was sugar on it!" she laughed. Flower's ears pricked up, "What about sugar?!" She exclamed. "Issa feel sleepy..." She fell on the ground asleep. "And there goes the crash..." Ribunny said, "Okay guys, time to return" She returned Char and Flower.
8:22pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( But... o3o; Erin's Absol already made a move and attacked. xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
3:50pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Omg. Bun-bun, that conversation is WIN. xDD)) The Lucario streaked through the trees, the Shiny Diga hot on his trail, their Trainer lagging behind. Rika panted softly, slowing to a halt and bending over to catch her breath, only to let out a loud scream as a Shadow Ball whipped right past her, missing her head by only a couple centimeters. She instantly ducked down, covering her head with her arms, forgetting that she had another Pokemon with her. Slowly, out of the shadows came a Pokemon she had never seen before, though it reminded her of the Eevee in build. Her greenish gaze drifted upwards as a pair of black and silver boots invaded her field of sight, blinking as she stared up a tall male wearing an entired outfit full on red, black, grey, and silver. Behind him stood a black Charizard, an Umbreon moving to curl itself around his legs. The Umbreon's red eyes settled on her, the look in its gaze making her shudder and stand back up. "You know, you really should keep your Pokemon close," stated the boy as he reached his hand down, the Umbreon moving its head to press it against it. The cold, uncaring tone in the boy's voice made Rika have to stand there and process what he said, probably looking like an idiot in the process. "I do keep them with me!" she stated, crossing her arms indignantly. "Rulan ran ahead because he sensed trouble and I sent Dawne after him because I couldn't keep up! I would have let Night out, but that was the last thing on my mind as the Shadow Ball barely missed my head!" The boy, who, Rika noticed, also had red eyes, rolled them. "Whatever," he said coldly before turning and walking down the path opposite the way Rika had been running. ((Yeah. Entraie is a bit of a butt. xD;))

3:49pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Sorry Dust. I was a little drugged when I posted. O_O I had taken allergy medicine for my intense rash from the anti-biotics. To tell the truth, I'm still a little out of it because i'm sick yet again. Could you repost the beggining on the next page? I can't read with fullmoon's siggy stretching te page so badly. D:)) Kathy giggled. "Okay, Come on." she said, returning Flora the Skitty and getting on Stella's back.
3:53pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Ribunny nodded, got on Stella's back too. "Would you mind if Changey rides too? It doesn't really like it's pokeball." Changey shiverd slightly and nodded.
12:12am Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Ralvix stashed Romus' pokeball in a pocket on his pants then began walking to the forest. There could be a trainer he could battle there, or just something intresting to do. He entered the forest entrance then looked around. There was only one person around, as far as he could tell. He reached into his pocket then took out his Aggaron's pokeball. He threw the ball into the air and a white light formed the shape of his Aggron before disappearing. In its place, stood his Aggaron Faidhen. Faidhen let out an Aggron growl while looking around, as if he had been expecting to be in a battle of some sort. "No battle now, Faidhen." Ralvix said after the Aggron looked at him with a puzzled look. "I just brought you out because I though you could use some 'out of pokeball' time." ~~ Felan looked at the Aggron that had just appeared. It looked like it wanted a battle. Walking away, he sat under a tree then stretched his legs out infront of him. He reached for a notebook inside his backpack, that was over his shoulder, then began scribbling some things in it.