Curse of the Shadow Murkrow (Pokemon and Trainer RPG)

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4:46pm Mar 25 2010

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Posts: 6,296
((Could somebody please talk to my char, as Mercy's dissapeared? D;))


11:27am Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 11:27am Mar 26 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( Lols, s'okay Whatever. x3 Happens to everyone. In fact, sorry for the late reply, I got a concussion. o__e
Anyways, here's what I posted earlier: ))

"Alright then." Erin smiled faintly, a sort of creepy ex
pression, although she didn't intend it to be. She snatched a Pokéball from her waist an tossed it into the open air. It spun for a moment before releasing a beam of blue light. An Absol leapt out, digging his claws in the ground and staring calmly at Valarie the Staraptor.

Her smile lingered on her face, and suddenly she sat on the, folding her legs underneath her, and unrolled a pack with several bottles held inside. Each of them contained a clear liquid, though it was a different colour. Perfumes.
"He's deaf." She told Kevi in a quiet whisper. "I use these perfumes to direct him." She glanced up. "I will be his ears."

Kaze the Absol was waiting tensely, and she popped the cork off of one bottle. Kaze swung his head, scythe-like horn catching the sunlight and shining it at the Staraptor, hoping to blind it momentarily. On the same swing he lashed out with Night Slash.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:17pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((Ouch. How'd that happen?))

Kathy shrugged. "Sure. She could transorm into a doduo if she wants to keep up better, but she's definetly not as strong as Stella." Kathy said with a smile as she patted her pokemon's head.

Valarie rose into the air so that the night slash didn't get any vital areas. As it severely slashed her foot, she let out a frustrated cry.

"Valarie! Use Brave Bird."  Kevi said with a flick of her hand.

Valarie recovered slightly and dove at the absol, her shiny beak  glinting in the sunlight as she aimed for him. 


6:41pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled at the trainer. She named each pokemon and smiled. "The one that almost destroyed the eevees was Aroki, I just evovled him, now he won't listen" she said smiling. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:48pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296
"He's feeling powerful." He replied. "You need to teach him that your still boss, and will always stay boss, even if he is lead Pokemon." He took out Jinxx, and flicked his hand at her. "Wanna ride?" He winked.


6:51pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled and climbed abaord. " You don't see many Trainers that can't control their pokemon" she said, smiling. She looked down and spotted a building. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:56pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 4,848

Ribunny smiled, "I agree, Stella looks really strong!" Ribunny said.

Changey opened one of its eyes, "Hey!" It exclamed then transformed into a dodou, "I'll show you!" It murmerd.

"Looks like Changey is all reved up now!" Ribunny laughed.


6:56pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Mar 26 2010)

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Posts: 6,296

"It mostly happens at evolving time. I might give you tips. I had a Rattata that evolved, and he was so stubborn with being in control, I had to let him go free. He shook his head. "Are you afraid of heights? If not, do you want to go higher?" They were barely touching the trees, and he could feel Jinx tugging the 'reins', wanting to go higher.
Jake pushed closer to Angel, making sure she was secure. *aww*


6:58pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel noded. " No, I'm okay" she said, smiling. Just then, Aroki Came out of his pokeball and soared the sky. " Aroki, NO!" she called. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:15pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296
Jake swung into action. "Jinx! Cut him off!" He roared. He held Angels arms tight. "Hold on!" They soar through the sky, catching up to Angels' Pokemon. He let his Shinx out of the Pokeball. "Get on him!" The Shinx jumped on its back. The m*censored*ive creature roared, bucking. But Jakes Shinx held on. It looked like a rodeo. But then, Shinx zapped him, just light enough, to make him fall to the ground, uncontious. "Jinxx! Land!"
Once they'd landed, Jake pulled Angel off Jinxxs' back. "Sorry 'bout that." He looked down at the ground. "Are you okay?"


7:18pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
" yeah, I'm alright" Angel said. Aroki growled.She returned him to the pokeball and put a lock on it. " Sorry, he just won't listen!" Angel realeased her other pokemon. " He was so kind when he was a charmander.." she whispered." Now, he's... a monster..." OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:24pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296
Jake went to hug her, but stopped himself. I just met her! If I did, it would be the same as hugging a stranger! Suddenly, a Murkrow flew into Angel's hair, probably saw a bobb pin or something. "You got a Murkrow in your hair." He then burst out laughing.


7:26pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel laughed and untangled the pokemon. She hgged Jake. " Thank you, oh, do you have a place to stay? My family owns a Berry farm hotel or whatever. She doesn't get customers much so she'd be happy if you stayed." Angel explained. Star bounced on her shoulder and smiled at the Shinx. " Patchi!" she chimed. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:35pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296

Jake felt himself blush. He was about to say he lived alone in the woods, but he thought better. "Oh, okay. Could you show me the directions? and then maybe we could fly again without being interrupted."


7:40pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled. " Sure, let me just get my map" she said reaching into her pocket. She grabbed a small pin, showing that she could master Pokemon that were level 60 that she hadn't activated. " Oh my gosh!" she chimed. " First lets get this to a Pokemon Center so I can get this Activated, then Aroki will listen to me!" Angel grabbed Jake's hand and rushed to a nearby PokeCenter. She activated the pin and called out Aroki when the were out side. She used her other pokemon and told Aroki to used Flamethrower. IT had worked!" Yay! she cried. " Now, you can ride your mpokemon and so can I!" OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:41pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296
Dang. (XD) "Okay," Jake mounted Jinxx. "You lead."


7:45pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled. She climbed aboard Aroki and led the way to her farm, her parents were out of town, so it was the pokemon and Jake and her. The berry farm was beautiful, lush berries grew everywhere, Marrils and Azurills watered the plants. " This, is my house" she said, returning Aroki to the pokeball. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

8:27pm Mar 26 2010

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Posts: 6,296
Jake returned Jinxx as well. "Thanks, now, where'll my 'room' be?"


6:02pm Mar 27 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Kathy grinned mischieviously. "Want to race?" she asked, bouncing excitedly.

Stella crowed and scratched the ground with her taloned claws. 


6:26pm Mar 27 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Rulan was still running towards the sense of danger and ecitement, the dark aura coming and going on his 'Auradar' as Rika called it. Dawne sighed softly as she flew after the Lucario, ears twitching. Was he ever going to stop? She noticed a house up ahead, with two Trainers there, one returning a Charizard.

Rulan darted straight out of the trees towards the Trainer with the Charizard, leaping up before he could run into her to land atop the house, followed by Dawne, who landed beside him to rest her wings for a couples moments, her fur shimmering in the sunlight, showing she was a Shiny Pokemon, and a Diga itself is a rare thing. Which made her extremely rare, unfortunately for her.

Rika started through the trees, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure the dark-themed male Trainer hadn't sent one of his Pokemon after her.



Wonder if either one of them will try to catch either Rulan or Dawne? XD)) 

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