5:25pm Mar 29 2010
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Angel didn't notice the others, she took Jake's hand and led him to a room that was majetic. " Your room, we have beds for pokemon of all sizes too." she said, then she pointed to a room arcoss the hall. " That's my room, so if you need me, just call." Angel walked out of the hotel and called all of her pokemon out. They sat down at a table while Angel picked fresh berries from her berry farm which was in front of the hotel.
5:27pm Mar 29 2010
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((XD I find it funny that she didn't notice a Lucairo almost run into her, only to leap above her and land atop the house at the last second. XDDDd -is a fail-))
5:28pm Mar 29 2010
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((*meep* I think I'm going to make another trainer. It's sad because Ribunny AND Dust are gone, so I can't move. DX))
5:31pm Mar 29 2010
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((I can't think of anything to do with my little goth boy. xD))
5:34pm Mar 29 2010
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Angel noticed a Lucario on the rook. " Hello! " she called, trying to get him down there.
5:42pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((*Appears* I was buisy...doing.... lazy... stuff.... o3o')) Ribunny's eyes widened, "I was thinking the same thing!" She said. Changey suddenly became active. "A race?! I'm gonna win!" it transformed into a doduo. "I'v never seen it this active!" Ribunny comented.
5:44pm Mar 29 2010
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Rulan peeked over the edge of the roof, Dawne spreading her wings to fly down, making a perfect landing. She smiled, pleased with herself, as Rulan hopped off of the roof. He shook his head a little bit, scarlet eyes calm. ((oUo))
5:46pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Mar 29 2010)
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Angel smiled. " Would you two like to have some berries?" she asked politely.. Marina ttranslated, for she could speak english and pokemon.
5:53pm Mar 29 2010
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Trainer: Name: Aimee Age: 16 Gender: Female Looks:  Pokemon (List species): Leafeon, Bayleef, Lopunny Persona: Very sweet and thoughtful, loves to read romance novels and wishes for her own fairytale ending. History: Nothing Special. She was given a chikorita as her first pokemon, and it loved her from the begining. It befriended an eevee when she was visiting one of her mother's friends, a breeder, and then she battled and caught a buneary. She's evolved all three once. Other: Nope ~ Pokemon: Name: Clover Gender: Female Species: Bayleef Looks:  Persona: Sweet, but not too sweet. She doesn't like to be touched by other people other than Aimee. History(?): Bonded with Aimee as soon as she saw her. She is so attached to Aimee that she doesn't let many other pokemon near her when she's out of her pokeball. Other: She bites. ~ Pokemon: Name: Blade Gender: Male Species: Leafeon Looks: 
Persona: Quiet and calm, very tolerant of younger pokemon. History(?): Was bred by a very well known breeder, and he has the perfect move set for battling specific pokemon. Other: Nope ~ Pokemon: Name: Alexis Gender: Female Species: Lopunny Looks: 
Persona: She's a bunny with a bad-attitude. Don't ever look her in the eye. She is still a wild pokemon at heart. History(?): Hates being kept by a trainer, and almost never battles. One of these days she will have to be released. Other: Nope ~~~ALL CREDIT TO ORIGINAL ARTISTS~~~

5:54pm Mar 29 2010
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"ReadySetGo!" said Kathy, leaping onto her douo's back and taking off down the beach, sand spraying behind her.
5:59pm Mar 29 2010
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"Gah!" Ribunny exclamed as Changey took off and made her loose her balence, she almost fell off, but regained her balence just before she slid off. "I never knew you could move this fast!" She exclamed. Changey snikerd. Actually, it relised, it didn't really know it could go this fast eather. ((I'm thinking of making a calm, down to earth, trainer that likes to meditate... but who also has a easily angerd primeape XD Think its a good idea? XD))
6:14pm Mar 29 2010
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((Awesome idea Ri. :D)) Aimee kicked a rock in the woods, not really paying attention to where she was going, nor her surroundings. She walked down the small pokemon trail, her pink hair swishing behind her. She thought about letting out one of her pokemon to keep her company, but decided against it. Clover is too protective, Alexis has a bad attitude, and Rayne, well, it wouldn't hurt to have him out. She dug in her pocket for her pokeball, and pulled out the one that belonged to her leafeon, marked with a tiny 'R' for Rayne. She let him out and continued her walk with him at her side. ~ Kathy laughed. "Changey's fast, but not fast enough!" she squealed, patting Stella's head. She was panting now. "Easy Stella, you can slow down, we're at the shell beach." Stella let out a happy sigh and slowed to a steady walk as Changey zoomed by her. "Your ditto's got a lot more endurance than Stella, but isn't as fast I suppose." she laughed. She stepped on something spiky when she got down. "Eek! A krabby! get it away!" se screeched, jumping away like a buneary and hiding behind her pokemon as the little krabby raised its claws.

6:47pm Mar 29 2010
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The Lucario shook his head, then glanced down at Dawne, who nodded and flew off into the trees to retrieve their Trainer. Rika was wandering through the trees, her hand resting against her Tsukaiga's soft pelt. He was bigger than her by far, but that made her feel safer. She smiled, lightly stroking the tiger Pokemon's fur. ((xD))
6:49pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:55pm Mar 29 2010)
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Rayne stiffened and perked his ears. He heard the rustling of leaves, and a little (black/silver?) striped pelt whizz by in the opposite direction. "What a cool pokemon!" Aimee squealed. "C'mon, let's follow it!" and she took off into the woods after the strange pokemon. Rayne sighed. He couldn't argue with that, so he took off after her.
6:54pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((The Shiny Diga are silver with purple stripes, I think. -will go check-)) Dawne wove between the trees expertly, giggling. When she found her Trainer, she hovered in front of her, watching Rika grin and start moving forward, following her with Night at her side. "Rulan, here we come!" she chirped happily, stepping lightly with a big smile. ((Entraie.... What should I do with him? e.o))
6:58pm Mar 29 2010
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((Make him meet Rika and Aimee. :) )) Before long, Aimee was face to face with Night, the most frightening pokemon she's ever seen. She covered her mouth and stopped in her tracks. Staring in bewilderment at the beautiful and fierce creature. She knew in an instant he had a trainer, because she came rushing in behind him a second later. Rayne rolled his eyes at Aimee. "Hello there." he said, trying to break the awkward silence she had cast.
7:04pm Mar 29 2010
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Rika skidded to a halt, then blinked before grinning at the other Trainer. "Oh, hi there!" she said in a friendly manner. Night dipped his head as Dawne landed in front of him, her big, innocent eyes trained on the Trainer and her Pokemon. "Hello," he replied, tail swishing lightly. ((-fails- My head hurts. @w@))
7:06pm Mar 29 2010
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Aimee smiled. "Hi, I'm Aimee, I was just following your Diga. It's so cute and beautiful, I thought it was wild." she said. "I'm Aimee!" she said. Rayne sat down next to Aimee. "I'm Rayne." he said.
7:13pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Mar 29 2010)
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"I'm Rika!" chirped the brunette happily. "Dawne, the Shiny Diga you followed, is Night's daughter, by the way," she said, motioning towards her Tsukaiga when she said his name. "I also have a Lucario, but he ran ahead. He sensed something on his auradar," she said, giggling a little as she used her made-up word to describe her Lucario's senses. "My name is Night, and this," Night motioned tot he smaller tiger that had seated herself in front of him, "is my daughter Dawne," he stated, ears swiveling forward.
7:29pm Mar 29 2010
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"Cute. I don't have a daughter. Who's her mother?" Rayne asked. "That's cool, Lucario's are so strong, my brother had one, but it went wild when it evolved, so it ran away." Aimee said.