7:34pm Mar 29 2010
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Rika grinned. "I've raised Rulan from when he was just an egg! My mother breeds them, so I've had experience with Riolus and Lucarios before," she said happily. "He chases after danger when he senses it, though," she chuckled. "He always has." Night turned his head to look away, ears flicking back as he struggled to come up with just the right answer around his daughter. "She's....gone," he said softly, shuffling his paws a little. ((P:))
7:36pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel looked puzzled, she pondered through the forest, and spotted Trainers. " Hello, I'm Angel" she said sweetly.Aroki and her pokemon zoomed over there.
7:41pm Mar 29 2010
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Rayne frowned and his face was grim. "I understand." he said, wanting to leave the subject. "I've never seen her coloration before, that's pretty special." he said with a smile, trying to brighten the moment. Aimee spun around and smiled at Angel. "I'm Aimee, and this is Rika, Rayne, Night and Dawne. Her Lucario isn't here right now though." purred Aimee. "My other pokemon are Clover the Bayleef and Alexis the lopunny." she said.
7:43pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Mar 29 2010)
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Rulan followed behind the Trainer that owned the Charizard that had gone on a rampage. When he saw Rika, he padded over to her, the brunette wrapping her arms around him with a smile. "There you are, Rulan!" she chirped. Her Lucario smiled at her before looking up at Aimee, studying her and her Pokemon's aura before deciding that he could trust her. "Hello," RIka chirped, waving at the new Trainer. Night smiled and nodded. "She's Shiny," he replied, chuckling as Dawne fluffed out her fur proudly, the little Diga grinning.
7:44pm Mar 29 2010
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Angel smiled. " Cool, this is Marina, my shiny Patchurisu, Kalia, my espeon. She can speak english so she translates to my other pokemon sometimes. And the Charizard is Aroki, my first pokemon." she said smiling. "Hey, do you all have a place to stay? My family, whose outta town, owns a berry farm hotel"
7:49pm Mar 29 2010
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((Sorry I poofed, I had to go somewhere XD)) "Stop Changey!" Ribunny said, hearig Kathy's scream. Changey screetched to a halt. "Aww.. I wanted to keep going..." it murmerd. Ribunny slid off of Changey and ran over to where Kathy was screaming, "Whats wrong?!" She exclamed, not seeing the krabby at first.
7:50pm Mar 29 2010
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"Yeah, I live at my house." Aimee said, chuckling at the lucario. Rayne laughed. "That's cool. I wish I were a different color than all the other leafeons."
7:51pm Mar 29 2010
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"There's a krabby" whined Kathy. "Do something..." Stella rolled her eyes and kicked the krabby closer to the tide easily. "Phew" Kathy said. "As long as it doesn't come back here to pinch me."
7:54pm Mar 29 2010
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Marina the Patchurisu hopped up to Aimee. " Patchi?" she said sweetly. Angel smiled. " Okay, if your pokemon ever get hurt, or you need a place to stay, you can always come to my hotel and berry farm" she said smiling. Kalia smiled at the leafeon, her gem turned a bright pink. " Hi, I'm Kalia" she said smiling.
7:57pm Mar 29 2010
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"Rayne" Rayne replied with a friendly smile. "If I'm ever in a situation, I won't hesitate" Aimee promised, flashing a peace sign. "Omigawd!" she squealed, picking up the patchirisu in her arms. "She's so cute!"
7:58pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dawne beamed up at the Leafeon. "And I'm going to evolve soon, too!" she said happily. "Then I'll be a Tirak, just like Daddy was when he met Mom!" She looked back at her father, who gave her a small smile. "And you'll be the prettiest Tirak anyone's ever seen," he told her, leaning his head, which was bigger than his daughter's entire body, and very gently nuzzled her. "I usually go back to my mom's to help her take care of all the Riolus and Lucarios," Rika answered, smiling. "It's a lot of fun!"
8:01pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
All of a sudden, a Shadow BAll came flying out from within the trees, Rika, who was, once again, almost hit in the face with it, letting out a loud yelp before she ducked, covering her head with her arms, pouting as the male Trainer from earlier stepped out. His Shiny Charizard stepped out at his side, his Umbreon and Zorua in front of him. "You again!" she accused, pointing at him. "This same thing happened earlier, too!" She stood back up, crossing her arms. "You need to be acreful!" "I was just about to tell you the same thing," Entraie stated calmly, glancing at the three female Trainers he had stumbled upon.
8:20pm Mar 29 2010
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Name: Terra (Earth in italian 8D) Age: 13 Gender: female Looks: black hair and blue pool-like eyes, she usualy carries a staff her father gave her around with her and wears a single blue flower in her hair Pokemon (List species): Eevee, Turtwig, primeape Persona: calm and caring, she loves to meditate and rarely looses her temper, she is very down to earth, but she cant help getting a bit competitive during battles History: unknown Other: nope -------- Name: Foglia (Leaf in italian 8D) Gender: female Species: eevee Looks: Persona: she is adventerious and sometimes can't focuse to meditate, but she still can if she puts her mind to it History(?): found as an egg by Terra Other: no ------- Name: Forest (Did you know that Forest in english and forest in itallian are the same? 8D) Gender: male Species: Turtwig Looks:  Persona: very calm like his trainer and loves to meditate History(?): Terra had gotten Forest as a present from her father when she was 10 Other: Terra's first pokemon ----- Name: Lotta (Fight in Itallian) Gender: male Species: Primeape Looks: Persona: Unlike his trainer in many ways, he easily looses his temper and hates to meditate, he rarley listens to her and sometimes even goes biserk History(?): Unknown Other:

8:23pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"I hate when those things pinch...." Ribunny mutterd, "But I bet they are just poor misunderstood things..." She blinked, then chuckled a bit, "Sorry, I think everything is misunderstood sometimes, I even think poison ivy is misunderstood!" ((Its true. XD))
8:59pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"I totally agree, but Krabby and Kingler always ive me the creeps. Once upon a time I was a little girl eating a packed lunch on the beach, and once upon a time I believed with a p*censored*ion that everything in the world had big round eyes and a nice attitude. I went to pet a krabby once upon a time and once upon a time it latched onto my arm and almost broke my bone." Kathy said, petting Stella fiercly. Aimee cocked her head at the dark trainer. She stepped back and returned Rayne. He reminded her of someone she disliked very much. She wrapped her arms around herself and glred visciously at the man, her hand clutching her seemingly alway's angry lopunny pokeball.
2:01am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Ralvix sighed then began walking forward, not really knowing where he was going. Faidhen was following from behind, his tail swishing and hitting the nearby plants as he did. They have been walking for a while now and Ralvix was about to sit down and rest, but then he spotted a few trainers not to far ahead. Near some place which looked like a berry garden or something. The aggron behind him moved beside him and watched the trainers, obviously curious.
2:40pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Ribunny shiverd slightly, "Point taken..." She murmerd. Terra was meditating in her favorate spot in the forest. She felt at peace in the middle of the forest with only her pokemon to keep her comapany. Forest was meditating the same way his trainer was, since he and his trainer were very alike, they liked many of the same things, especially meditating. Foglia was sniffing at a flower. She had gotten side tracked and had forgotten all about meditating. When she finaly rememberd, she took her spot next to forest and started taking deep breaths, but she was still unable to clear her mind. Lotta on the other hand, wasn't even trying to meditate. She was grumbling to herself about how meditating doesn't help anything. She glared at the pokemon who were meditating, "Weaklings.." He growled.
4:58pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Entraie wasn't fazed at all by the glare. "Your Lucario should be able to sense the attacks," he said evenly, crossing his arms. His Charizard stepped forward, growling, but Entraie lifted his hand, silencing the Pokemon. "Rulan senses things just fine," Rika stated coldly, her tone surprising even her Pokemon, especially Rulan, who had always known her as warm and receptive, never cold like this. ((....Wouldn't it be funny if Entraie and RIka were related somehow? |D))
8:15pm Mar 30 2010
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Aimee frowned and took out her pokeball, the one with a tiny 'A' carved in it for Alexis. "Leave Rika alone, I bet Rulan is twice as good as all of your pokemon combined." Aimee snapped. She clutched the pokeball tightly.
8:16pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Kathy grinned. "But that's the past, we just need to watch out for the future." she said happily. "Hey, why don't we go diving for pokemon? I've always wanted to find a goldeen, but they only live in the middle of the sea"