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10:25am Sep 25 2010

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((i am))


10:40am Sep 25 2010

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There is no way I am going to get to school on time. I look at the wristwatch on my pale arm. It reads 7:30. I check it again, but to no avail,  I cannot stop time, noone I know can do that and I know some strange people. Why me?! I wonder as I raced out the door. Good thing I live close. As I run, my book topple from the nook they were sitting on. I franticaly avoid a moving vehicle and snatch up my books.

Yep, that's me, Akilina, the Klutz. A growl, a sound that seems feral and too loud for the body that I am in. I sigh. You'd think that on a cold morning like this, I would be freezing. Nope, Cold is my element and my friend. As I race into school, just as the bell rings, I am greeted by an angry principle, holding a small kitten in one hand. My face tells all as I snatch the small animal out of their hands and growl again.

The princepal walks off and I am left wondering where the heck I am supposed to go. I glance at the schedule in my hand, wondering why I can't even find my own cl*censored*room. The late bell rings and I groan, wondering why in all of this world, I can't be early for just one time. Sighing, I find my room and walk in, greeted by a rush of warm air. I stiffen, not liking the warmness of the room and then sit down in a creaky old seat, hearing the snickers of my cl*censored*mate as they see that my hair is frizzed up and a leaf sits atop it. 

With a pale hand, I try desperately to brush it off, but to no avail, it seems to be glued to miy head. A boy snickers behind me and I turn, my silver eyes glinting angrily as I hiss at him. He tumbles back in his chair and turns his head to the paper in front of him, no doubt drawing something of me. I have often wondered if he is in love with me and then I sigh. Nope, not happening. I am the least popular girl in school and he is the most papular boy. Despite what people say, I don't find him all that cute. He stares at me again and I turn to smirk at him, cursing under my breath, earning me a glare from the teacher at the front of the room. "Srry." I whisper, sinking lower into my chair. 

The kitten that I saved from the princepal is meowing quietly on my lap. I stuff her into my coat and raise my hand. No ,of course he ignores me. I*m invisible, a freak. The thing is, I bet I could beat them all, if I wasn't stuck in human form...



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10:50am Sep 25 2010

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Great. Now school’s started and I’m seated in the cla.ssroom when this girl comes in. I think her name’s Akilina, but whatever, I never bother to remember names. There’s no point. Eventually I’ll live on and their weak human bodies will be rotting under the brown earth.

But hey, I don’t want to be stuck in a cla.ssroom. It may be cold but I do have better things to do, like flying around and stuff. Important things. But as the teacher drones on about the history of the Canadian-Irish, I groan lightly and put my head on the desk.

‘Ms. Esko,’ the teacher says with a sneer of disdain evident in his voice. ‘Kindly lift your head and pay attention. Now, what is the name we give the Canadian-Irish?’

Hah, he’s not too bright. I’m one of the smartest people in the cla.ss, not to mention I have impeccable memory. ‘Fenians sir,’ I reply softly, smirking at him. I love stumping this guy, it’s insanely fun. I mean, he never learns.

‘Humph. Alright then. Turn to page 166 in your textbooks.’ He said this curtly, and I knew that I had had him beat once more today. This made me grin happily. Sneaking a glance at the teacher to make sure he wasn’t looking –he wasn’t-, I tapped my textbook and replaced the contents inside with the book I had been reading earlier. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Since I’d already memorized the text I wasn’t going to feel any repercussions about this.


10:52am Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((You're charrie is exactly like me. I always read in cl*censored*!!))

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10:59am Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 10:59am Sep 25 2010)

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The heels of my boots click along the tiled floors, echoing through the empty halls. The bell had just sounded but I was in no hurry. "I would mess up my beautifully straightened hair." I thought out loud, counting each step it took to reach the door to the clas.s room. I opened the door and strode inside, my bag hung loosely over my shoulders. I ignored a few stares from the boys in the front row as I made my way to a seat next to a girl with a leaf in her hair. I laughed a little as I plucked it off of her head, my green eyes twinkling with good intention. "Miss Yukita, would youo mind explaining why you decided to show up to my clas.s late?" The teacher's eyes kind of scared me but I just smiled and nodded as I sat down. "Well of course sir, I had gotten lost on my way here." I smiled mischeviously as he turned around. Leaning to the side I introduced myself to the girl whos hair I had retrieved the leaf from. "Hi. I'm Yukita, I think this belongs to you." I smiled holding out the leaf.

(Mine is a fail and its short... double fail... I hope you didnt mind me doing that Feyth))


11:05am Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 11:08am Sep 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
(( I liked it. 83

So I guess we're doing first person then? ))

I tried not to stare at the window beside my bed, amber eyes narrowed with sleep. But the light was mesmerizing; like a blade of fire flooding the room. I tore myself away from the beauty of the simple rays of sun. No one else would think of it that way besides me.
Kicking aside my duvet, I let myself fall off the loft in which I usually slept, and landed lightly on he worn wood of my bedroom floor.
Shoving a toothbrush into my mouth, I gathered my school things, already knowing I would be late. I didn't mind though.
I cranked open the window and hoisted my bag strap over my shoulder, then slipped out. I was on the second- technically third- floor, but heights didn't daunt me. Grappling the vines, I lowered myself to the floor. You'd think that, being some sort of mythical creature, I would be able to simply drop to the earth below. But no- when in my human form, my powers and everything might as well be nonexistent.

Now, you might be wondering why I didn't just take the stairs like the human I was stuck as. It's because of my family. They try to hide it, but they're not very adept at hiding the disgusted, even scared expressions they wear when they see me. I'm not human. I'm a beast. Monster.

I don't shake the thoughts aside, but let them linger, so I can nurture my hatred for them. I want to run away, but I want to make sure I won't feel guilty about it. I'm still their child after all. But maybe they'd be glad to see me go. Who knows?

I arrive at school, and nod to myself. School has already started. I shove myself through the doors anyway and head to my first cl*censored*- History. I don't bother to sugarcoat anything either as I walk into the cla.ssroom and the teacher asks me why I was late. "Slept in."

I take a seat beside a girl with straightened hair. After a few moments I realize a few of the guys in the cla.ss are staring in our direction, and the hairs on the back of my neck rise in terror. Oh god. 
A moment later I realized they were simply staring at the girl beside me. She was beautiful, after all. With a sigh of relief I turn away, still trying to suppress the urge to escape.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:10am Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 11:13am Sep 25 2010)

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Posts: 6,948

I could have told him that. I think, leaning down into my textbook. Because of my dislexia, the words seem jumbled on the page, but upon further inspection, they became actual words and letters. I begin to read, but quickly become bored with the trivial matters of a human. I will someday be higher than them. This was the only thought that kept me coming back to school every year. "Thanks" I hiss to the girl next to me who pulled the leaf from mymatted hair.

I pull out a book, just as the teacher calls on me. "Yes?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk. His face is red and I expect it is from that girl, the smartest kid in cl*censored*. "Miss Aki, Tell me, Elighten me as to what a kitten is doing on your desk and then please tell mewhen was the fi4rst appearence of the Irish in Canada?" I look down at my desk, not even having noticed that the small kitten, who I had dubbed dragon, had escaped from my coat.

"Well..." I am at a loss for words as I glare at the little cat. "I saved it from the principal." I sigh, here came the laughing. I wasn't good at tellnig lies, but I also was not good at saying the truth. I grimace, "The Irish first came to Canada, at least the first recorded time is 1536." I am not supersmart, but having been *censored*igned that chapter to read a few years ago, I knew a lot about the topic. 

The teacher takes the kitten from my desk. "You can have it back after school." This makes me angry and for the not first time, I leap from my desk. "No." He turns and stares at me. "What did you just say?" He asks in a alarm. "I said no. Dragon is not an It, Dragon is a female kitten and not a cellphone, so you can't just stuff  her in a desk, she'll die." I stomped up to his desk, take the kitten, grab my stuff, and stomp out of the room...

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11:26am Sep 25 2010

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11:40am Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((doesnt know how to respond))


12:09pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((That's okay.))

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12:25pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948


The black one is the kitten she has currently.

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1:55pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 9,641
[Nyah, like me. o-o I get in trouble in english cla.ss 'cause I read too much. ^o^ I'm the type of person to read Brisingr in like, 2 hours. Yeah.]


1:56pm Sep 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
Wow... thats mighty impressive det lol i still dont know what to post. I feel so braindead. It also doesnt help that im sick))


1:58pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((-high five- I read that and the 7th harry potter back in a period of three hours. I read non-stop.))

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3:31pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 3,662
OoC//: xvx Post edited. You guys post so fast. XD And if your wondering why Lanz's dragon spoke to her, it's because their inner dragons can talk to them at any given time. |D


3:34pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948
ooc: sorry

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3:43pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 3,662
OoC//: Yeah. It's fine. XD Anyway, I just can't post in first person. º^º It doesn't like me. ANYWAY, I'm gonna go ahead and make Lanz the cl*censored* weirdo/geek. Like me. >>


3:45pm Sep 25 2010

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3:47pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 4,258
Lol, Sorry if my posts start getting a little short, ive been doing good all day for being sick and all but i cant keep going like i was. please excuse my brain deadness and lack of... i forget the word i was going to use now, oh well))


3:57pm Sep 25 2010

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Posts: 3,662
You are going to be late, Lantern..

The ripple again cut through Lanz's body. The whispered words once again spoke to her, the familiar nickname 'Lantern' injected into the situation to try and lighten it up. "Derp." Lanz growled lowly, the school late bell hissing at her as she briskly walked down the hallway. 
It had rained all of last night, rendering the ground wet and the air cold and musky. Un luckily for the people going to school today, the watery ground would have an effect on all of them..

Lanz bursted open the door to the cl*censored*room, the effect of wet shoes hitting her like a freight train. Her feet flew out from her, gravity's threshold making her fall down on her back. The laughter of the cl*censored*room rang through her ears, a sigh croaking from her fathoms. Easing up from her lifeless position she picked up her textbooks at crawled to her chair, which was slanted from the teacher. She sunk down into her chair, which was amply placed in the coldest, darkest part of the room.

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