10:24pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
OOC: XD Fine I'll do it. Taz: -sparkles- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ Well how fantabulous was this just perky day! Skipping along the halls of the school, Taz Epsilon's odd ruby pink eyes sparkles as he waved hello to everyone. First, he needed to go to his gorgeousss dorm room and get stuff from there, and then he needed to say hi to alllll his friends! Yup, this was an average day for the outgoing male, but who wouldn't be happy!? In his opinion, it was the bestest school ever!
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:27pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 87
oOC: I think you just broke my gaydar... over the internet... BIC: Charity walked down the hallway, trying to hide as he did so, he ddin't want to be seen by anybody here. He didn't particularily like people in the first place, but all of these people either seemed sad or overly happy. Chaity walked as closely to the wall as would be allowed without him merging into it.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
11:01pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: How'd the yaoi goddess do that? XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:07pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 87
OOC: Leave it and reply now XD Charity doesn't know it yet but he wants to meet Taz. And soon.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
11:23pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: ORLY WAI? Spotting a boy, his eyes twinkled with glee. Taz skipped over and giggled, wrapping his arms around the nervous little creature and giving him a biiiig hug. "Hi there! Call me Tazzy!" he spoke with a wide gleeful smile. Yaaaaay, he met a new friend! Friends were always nice! "Aaaanyway, you seem a little lost, and I would like to help in some way! Buuuut... I unno really!" he randomly added, obviously started to get distracted a bit.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:32pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Will post bios when I'm on the compy again. C:)
11:35pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
(Okie x3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:41pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 11:51pm Dec 22 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Charity back awy from the boy, tears springing to his eyes as he tried to steady his breathing. He was starting to seeblack spots dancing in front of his eyes as he tried to stop his hyperventalating. "Im-I'm Charity" He managed to gasp out between breaths. He looked at the boy again as he regained control over his lungs, "Hi Tazzy" Charity said quietly, smiling up at the other boy softly.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
11:48pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,187
[[ I would so post but I don't know how to bring my malice into all of this XD Hes usually the one causing a commotion LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:51pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 11:52pm Dec 22 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 411
Watching the poor boy take such heavy breathes, he immediately released his tightening grip. "So, was I right? Are you lost? I'll help yah! I mean, I'll try. It's my first day here so... I'm not too big of a pro yet."Taz replied with a sheepish grin, his tail starting to emerge because of his embarras$ed emotion. (Just join in XD CAUSE A COMMOTION XDDD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:59pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Charity offered the boy a smile, having slowed his breath to a normal rate again, "It doesn't matter if you don't know your way around! We can have an adventure!" Charity said happily, picking up on Taz's happy energy by then. Charity took Taz's hand lightly and started to walk down the hall,in the way they had both been headed.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
12:07am Dec 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,187
[[ If Charity is scared of Taz then Malice will give him a heart attack >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:27am Dec 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
Taz giggled, letting himself be dragged away. Yaaaaaay adventure time! It had been since he had been on a magical quest like this! "Okay but I only have one rule, I wanna get a cookie while we're on this quest!" he spoke in a merry tone, tummy grumbling. (XD OMG the three of them would be the three stooges XD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:15pm Dec 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;