11:48am Mar 24 2010
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Robbie looked at her "why are you running what if you fall and hurt the baby or maybe lose it is that what you want?" he asked her. Midnight moved his head away from Dutchess so she missed him.
4:32pm Mar 24 2010
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5:44pm Mar 24 2010
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"I'm fine! I can take care of myself." she said continuing to pull at the reins, "Have you ever tought of thefact, maybe I don't want a child?" She suddenly blurted out without thinking.
10:18pm Mar 24 2010
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9:20am Mar 25 2010
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Robbie looked at her shocked before glaring at her @if that is what you want then fine@ he yelled back at her before riding back to the castle if she didnt want the baby then fine he would find someone who did want his child.
9:36am Mar 25 2010
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Bavmorda and Dutchess stood there for a little while before turning and walking away from the castle. Bavmorda looked down at her stomach after placing her hand on it, "Whats so great about a baby? I mean, it's just gonna cry all night and kep us up." She said to Dutchess.
Dutchess just snorted, she didn't see the use of another baby anyways. She already had her brothers, Rage and Lucifer, she really didn't want another sibling.
9:49am Mar 25 2010
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Robbie jumped of midnight giving his reins to a stable hand before walking inside still angry with Bavmorda walking past some servents he was thinking about what to do he married to start a family and that included children but if she didnt want the children then he would have to find a new wife one that would have his children. He then walked in his study and started on his normal paperwork not wanting to do something rash but if he was still feeling the same then he would file a divorce and find a new wife to start a family with.
4:45pm Mar 25 2010
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Bavmorda stopped Dutchess and sighed, she turned and kicked Dutchess into a gallop torwards the castle. She had to explain to Robbie what she had actually ment, and the fact that she was going to be a lot more moddy with the baby now.
She had been around her mother's sister when she was pregnate and saw moddy she was.
5:13pm Mar 25 2010
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Robbie sighed he had finished all the paper work and all it did was make him more mad getting up he walked over to his window looking outside thinking about it he really loved Bavmorda but he really wanted a family and if she didnt want his children then fine he wasnt going to stick around.
5:19pm Mar 25 2010
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Bavmorfa had Dutchess put up then walked into the castle and rushed up the stairs towards the study. She opened the door and stopped and stood there, watching Robbie.
5:39pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 5:41pm Mar 25 2010)
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Robbie heared the door open but he didnt move his arm on the top of the window with his head on it as he thought things over he didnt know who it was that entered but they better not desterb him because if they did they would there would be hell to pay. because of the heat in the study he had undid some buttons on his shirt showing his abs that he worked at to get them like that. ((hes looking like this. here))
5:54pm Mar 25 2010
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(the link doesn't work on my phone. i have to go soon because my phone is dying.)
Bavmorda smiled and walked up behind Robbie and hugged him silently.
5:56pm Mar 25 2010
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((ok)) Robbie moved away from her before sitting at his desk "what do you want" he said his voice cold as if he was talking to someone he hated when really he was just hiding what he felt.
6:09pm Mar 25 2010
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"I came to explain what I ment. I didn't mean I don't want the baby just...I was mad because you wouldn't leave me alone to think. Plus, you have to under i'm gonna say a lot of stuff I won't mean." She said walking over to the desk and setting her hand on it.
6:13pm Mar 25 2010
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Robbie looked at her his eye cold "you made it clear that you dont want the baby your own words if i remember and you also wanted me to leave you alone, now you can have both" he said before getting up and walking back to the window. He started thinking about the cabin he had that was in the forest no one but him knew about it he was ging to use it for the last few months of her pregnancy, so she would be relaxed in the cabin insted of stressed in the castle but now hes thinking about leaving the castle and going there.
6:21pm Mar 25 2010
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"I never said I didn't want it. I said did you ever thin i might not want a child. But you have to undersand, I'm normal now, but later I'm gnn be emotional, mod swingy and I'll be saying a lot of stuff I don't mean. If you keep taking everything as seriously as this, we're going to have a lot of problems." she said starting to ge teary eyed.
6:34pm Mar 25 2010
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Robbie sighed looking down he would take every thing seriously it was just with her saying about not wanting the baby it got him all rattled up turning around he opened his arms before taking her into a hug. "i'm sorry its just i really want a family with children" he said to her.
7:08pm Mar 25 2010
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Bavmorda hugged him back, "I know you do, I'm just not sure we're ready for one."
7:09pm Mar 25 2010
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Robbie sighed hugging her more he knew they where never going to be ready but thats what the first child id about learning.
12:32am Mar 26 2010
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"The servents will tink of me as weak when I'm too sick to be out of bed. They'll take it as a time to slack off and do as they please." She said holding him close.