6:33pm Mar 27 2010
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"Actually it might be good for Rage and Sam too. To tell you the truth Kazumi looks a lot like Sam's mom." She said smiling.
"I am not." Sam whinned.
"Come on Sam." Rage said as he p*censored*ed the room.
Sam jumped up and ran after his dad.
6:37pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Robbie nodded "she does so when are we going to do it?" he asked her. Kazumi watched them go and lay her head down. Sasha looked at Kazumi and whimpered before running after Sam and Rage running infront of them glaring "you two are big meanys and should be told off by mummy" she shouted at them before running back to the room going to Kazumi whimpering again.
7:09pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"We can do it now, but what are we gonna do with the pups. I guess we ca lock Rage and Kazumi in our room and just have someone keep the pups busy." Bavmorda said shrugging.
Rage rolled his eyes and just kept walking, Sam following right behind him.
7:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Robbie nodded his head "we could keep the pups busy it might take away some stress" he said smirking walking in the hall before whistleing. Kazumi perked her ears and picked Sasha up before goign to Robbies study.
7:33pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"The only bad thing I can think of is, what if they attack each while we`re off with the pups?" She said following him into the hall. "Rage, come!" She called down the hall. Rage picked Sam up quickly and ran down the hall to Bavmorda.
7:41pm Mar 27 2010
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Robbie looked at her "we could put muzzles on them" he said to her before walking into an empty room with Kazumi and Sasha behind him.
7:44pm Mar 27 2010
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"That`s horrible!" She said following him with Rage and Sam, "You can`t muzzle my babies!" She said looking shocked that he would even suggest that.
7:47pm Mar 27 2010
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Robbie looked at her "its only for while were gone what do you think we should do?" he asked her.
7:52pm Mar 27 2010
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"I don`t know, but muzzling them would be cruel." She said looking down at Rage and petting his head gently.
7:59pm Mar 27 2010
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Robbie looked at her "either that or we keep an eye on them" he said to her.
8:09pm Mar 27 2010
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"I`d rather do that than muzzle them." She said looking at him, "We`ll just have to check on them every once in a while."
8:28pm Mar 27 2010
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Robbie nodded "we will only be next door so we can hear everything" he said to her.
9:03pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda picked up Sam and Sasha and walked out the door and closed it quickly before Rage or Kazumi could follow her.
9:08pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi walked to the door and began scratching on it to follow Sasha while looking at Robbie. Robbie looked at Kazumi "no girl me and Bavmorda have decided it will be good for you and Rage to mate now where taking the pups away until later" he said moving her and walking out shuting the door before they could get out.
9:12pm Mar 27 2010
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"What!?" Rage barked angerly after Robbie, "They`re crazy." He said walking to the other side of the room and layed down. Bavmorda walked back to the door but didn`t open it, "Oh ya, and you two will be locked in there till we know you mated." She called throught it.
9:17pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi looked shocked "they are crazy" she said laying down away from him no way would she mate with him.
9:19pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda shrugged and walked int to next room and set the pups on the ground. Then closed the door before they could get out.
9:23pm Mar 27 2010
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Sasha ran to the door whimpering wanting to get back to Kazumi.
9:25pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda sat on the ground and watched her, "No no Sasha." She said simply. Before looking down at her stomach. She winced a little and turned her head away so Robbie couldn`t see.
9:29pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Robbie did see and walked over to her "whats wrong?" he asked her. Sasha looked at Sam "this is all yours and your daddys fault because you are both big meanys" she said to him puppy growling.