4:14pm Mar 30 2010
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Bavmorda stopped sreaming, but she was still in a cold sweat and breathing fast. Rage just sat there and watched her, 'I was wrong,' He thought looking at the sky throught the ceiling, 'She`s nothing like you Love.' ((Aww, Rage is talking to his ex-mate.))
4:17pm Mar 30 2010
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Soon when all the anger was gone Kazumi lay down and cried not knowing what else to do she moved to a corner with some clothes on the floor and crawled under them hiding from everyone. Robbie wiped Bavmordas head from the sweat.
4:39pm Mar 30 2010
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Rage looked down and continued to watch her. Bavmorda began crying, then suddenly woke up, jolting upright and looked around, "Where`s Rage?!" She said, her breathing hadn`t gone to normal so it came out very fast. ((If you want we can skip to before she has the baby and Kazumi has the pups.))
4:43pm Mar 30 2010
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((will do soon)) Robbie looked at her "he was growling at me so i locked him in a room" he told her. Kazumi whimpered more as she put her head under her paws.
5:18pm Mar 30 2010
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Bavmorda looked at him, "You locked him in a room?!" She yelled, "He always stays with me whenever I start having flashbacks!"
5:21pm Mar 30 2010
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Robbie looked at her shocked "well i didnt know what you where having and with Kazumi attacking Kirsty i thought Rage was going to do the same with me" she said to her.
5:35pm Mar 30 2010
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((She said to her. XD)) "He wouldn`t attack you!" She said said getting out of bed and looking in all the rooms looking for Rage.
5:46pm Mar 30 2010
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((lol XD)) Robbie sighed getting up and opening the door for Rage to get out but when he was out he was shuttign it to keep Kazumi in there until he gets her muzzle.
5:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Rage ran out of the room and over t Bavmorda, then hid behimd her and glared at Robbie.
((Message me back!))
5:54pm Mar 30 2010
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Robbie shut the door keeping Kazumi in there before walking back to the bed and laying on it. ((i cant the message was blank lol))
6:48pm Mar 30 2010
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((How was it blank? I sent a big lonh message.))
Bavmorda and Rage went back to the bedroom. Bavmorda sat on the bed and pet Rage, who was sitting in front of her.
6:49pm Mar 30 2010
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Robbie looked at her "do you remember where we put the muzzles i need to put one on Kazumi" he said to her.
7:37pm Mar 30 2010
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"I don't like those thing on our dogs, I don't pay attention to where you put those things." Bavmorda said looking at him.
7:40pm Mar 30 2010
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Robbie looked at her "i dont either but with Kazumi attacking someone im scared she might attack you and i dont want that" he said hugging her before getting up and going to get the muzzle for Kazumi. Kazumi stayed hidden under the pile of clothes.
8:29pm Mar 30 2010
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Rage ran over to door amd waited t she Robbie where Kazumi was hiding.
8:33pm Mar 30 2010
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Robbie found the muzzle and walked oover to the door seeing Rage there and opened it before lookign around for Kazumi whistleing.
10:50pm Mar 30 2010
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Rage ran over to the pile of clothes and looked at Robbie, then back over at the pile.
8:35am Mar 31 2010
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Robbie looked over and walked over to it "good boy" he said before taking the close off carefuly once he could see Kazumis head he held her down while he put the muzzle on her once done her pet Rage again before walking out the room leaving the door open knowing that with the muzzle on Kazumi was safe to be around others. Kazumi looked at Rage with tears in her eyes before she moved again so the clothes where more over her.
9:11am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"The chance that you would attack the pup or mom and the baby made me show him." Rage said before getting up trotting out of the room and back into Bavmorda's room. Once there, he jumped up on the bed and curled up next to her.
9:18am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi curled up whimpering not wanting to move or do anything. Robbie walked in and sat on the bed "there shes safe" he said to Bavmorda.