9:41am Mar 31 2010
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"Okay." She said with a sigh as she just looked down at Rage and pet his head softly.
9:45am Mar 31 2010
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Robbie nodded before looking at the time "hmmm its lunch time" he said smiling at her.
10:23am Mar 31 2010
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Bavmorda just nodded. She couldn't forget that scene from the flashbacks.
10:59am Mar 31 2010
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Robbie hugged her. (fail DX))
11:17am Mar 31 2010
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"You go eat. I'll be right down." She said looking up at him.
4:25pm Mar 31 2010
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Robbie shuck his head "we will have one of the servents bring it up" he said while shouting one if the servents to bring their food up and something for the dogs.
4:38pm Mar 31 2010
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Bavmorda rolled her eyed and looked at Rage, "He`s getting way to protective over me and this." She said poking her stomach, and she knew Robbie could hear her.
4:41pm Mar 31 2010
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Robbie rolled his eyes as a servent walked in giving them all food.
5:26pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Sorry i's taking me s long to post. I'm back on my phone.))
Bavmorda just sat there and looked at the food, totally uninterested.
9:24pm Mar 31 2010
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((wanna time skip?))
9:40pm Mar 31 2010
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((I don`t know...Okay. XD))
9:44pm Mar 31 2010
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Kazumi whimpered staying in the room she has been for the past couple of months she didnt like being around the others mostly scared that she might get angry again and attack them even though shes got the muzzle on she didnt want to take any chances. Sasha lay in Bavmordas and Robbies room whimpering she has been worried about Kazumi but no one will go near her and she scared that what Rage said was true that Kazumi was sick of seeing her.
10:02pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm Mar 31 2010)
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Sam, who was now bigger, followed Rage and Lucifer down the halls, learning every nook, crany, and secret pas.sage the castle held. Bavmorda layed in her be looking out the window and rubbing her stomach. She was totally bored. With all the extra weight from the baby(s), she hadn`t been able to get up and walk around much. She hadn`t gotten to yell at servents for doing something wrong for months, and she hadn`t been able to go outside and see Dutchess.
10:08pm Mar 31 2010
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Robbie was doing his rounds walking around making sure all the servents stayed out of trouble. Kazumi suddenly yelpedfeeling herself going into labor laying on her side she whimpered and whined. Sasha could hear Kazumi and ran out the room seeing Kazumi was in labor she ran to find Robbie but bumped into Rage Lucifer and Sam looking at them she looked paniced "have you seen Robbie?" she asked them.
10:12pm Mar 31 2010
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Rage heard the Kazumi`s cry and ran off towards the room, Sam as usual following close behind. Lucifer sighed and shook his head. Rage saw Kazumi, then threw his head back and howled, Sam soon joined in. The howl echoed through the halls and throughout the castle. Bavmorda heard it and sat up, but winced and layed back down. There was no way she was gonna get there.
10:17pm Mar 31 2010
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Robbie could hear the howling and ran to see what was wrong when in there he could see Kazumi on her side panting running over he pet her "its ok girl its ok" he said petting her trying to calm her down. Kazumi yelped and whimpered as she began giving birth to the pups. Sasha stood next to Sam and Rage watching Kazumi give birth.
10:29pm Mar 31 2010
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Rage trotted over and sat next to Robbie, watching Kazumi carefully. He knew right now she probably hated him horribly, but it would all melt away once her motherly insticts kicked in. Bavmorda listened to the whimpering and whinning. She sighed, thinking how horrible for her it was going to be.
7:31am Apr 1 2010
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Soon it was over and Kazumi gave birth to 4 pups licking them the best she could with the muzzle on she groomed them. Robbie smiled at her "here im sure youve learned to be good" he said as he took the muzzle off her.
8:50am Apr 1 2010
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Rage smirked, "You still hate me?" He asked with a laugh.
Bavmorda lay in bed suddenly sharp pain ripped through her and gasped.
Rage an Sam heard her and took off running down the hall barking.
Bavmorda didn't bother yelling for Robbie, she knew he would come with Rage and Sam.
8:57am Apr 1 2010
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Robbie got up and ran to Bavmorda and gasped before ringing the doctor getting him to run over for the birth. Soon the doctor turned up and got everything ready "ok push when your ready" he said to her while Robbie sat next to her holding her hand.