1:52pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( I saw what you posted.... That's not very nice. * sniffles* ))
1:52pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((deal with it lol)) Midnight neighed kicking the door wanting out. Kirsty walked in the stable and opened the stalls leading the horses to the feilds. Robbie started eating his breakfast. Kazumi growled when she said about the others eating with them she was only nice to be polite she didnt like them nudging Sasha she moved her away from the other two with her food.
1:56pm Mar 15 2010
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Star whimpered along with Marina." Why don't they like us.." Mrina said in dog talk. " I don't know" said Star.
2:10pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((wheres lovee?))
2:11pm Mar 15 2010
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(( i don't know, but I don't like this pattern.... I don't know a roleplay that does this.. ))
2:17pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Sorry, I had to d dishes. Post coming soon. Mercy, please stop complaing, it just makes keeping track of posts easier.))
2:18pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Sorry, but I am a person who has not a lot of time))
2:23pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Rage growled loudly at Star and Marina. He picked Sam up by the scruff, and set him down on the other side of the kitchen, then took their food bowls over there, then the two continued to eat. Lucifer walked into the kitchen slugishly. He streched and yawned, then jumped up onto the counter, and into a cabinet that was left open. He walked into the next connected cabinet where his food was kept, and pushed the bag over, causing it to fall out of the cabinet and onto the newly cleaned floor. He jumped down onto the floor and ate a few on the pieces of food then walked out. Dutchess threw her head around angerly, and bumped Kristy`s side, "How dare you be so late!" she whinnied as she pulled towards the pasture.
2:24pm Mar 15 2010
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2:25pm Mar 15 2010
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((Basically, everyone just woke up, the dogs are being fed, Lucifer is casing trouble as usual and the horses are just being let out, which really made Dutchess mad. That`s pretty much it.))
2:26pm Mar 15 2010
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Angel sighed, then came into the kitchen. She looked at the floor. " Oh no..." she cried. Marina tilted her head, then she was picked up by Star. Star glared at Rage with a look that said " Whats your problem?!"
2:26pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Oh, and we have a pattern of posting so it`s easier to keep track of posts. New patteren: Mercy, Fox, me, Ssather))
2:28pm Mar 15 2010
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Midnight looked at her "if i remember it isnt her job to let us out its the other humans" he said to her. Kazumi followed him with Sasha and their food not wanting to be near them. When Sasha finished her food she giggled and pounced on Sam "play" she said giggleing. Kirsty moved when Dutchess pushed her and looked into her eyes petting her nose she could see how mad Dutchess was getting and didnt want anyone in trouble thats why shes letting them out but she hoped the King and queen didnt see her.
2:30pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Why is everyone moving away from Star and Marina. )) Marina let out a growl, well a little puppy growl. Star set her down and cocked her head. " What's the matter?" she barked quietly
2:31pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((mercy stick to the patten please))
2:34pm Mar 15 2010
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Rage pushed Sasha off sam, and growled loudly and angerly. His fangs bared, and snapped, "Get away mutt!" He growled. Sam hid under his father and bark at her. He tried to bark minicingly, but it came out as a little yip. Lucifer sat in the doorway watching the chaos happily. His tail twitched at his side in happiness. Dutchess reared when Kristy toushed her nosie. She whinnied loudly, and thrashed her hooves around. Bavmorda accidentally knocked over her tray in her rush to get to the window. She looked outside and saw Dutchess` unhappiness. If she had been in one of those old cartoons, her face sould have been red, and steam would be coming off her head.
2:35pm Mar 15 2010
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Aurora~ I yawned opening my eyes. I had slept in as usual. I got up and stretching hearing a quiet snap in my back. I looked down feeling something claw my leg and looked down the see Lucky on his hind legs stretching her back, purring loudly, and running her paws down Aurora's leg. I chuckled picking up the cat and rubbing his ears gently. Ash~ I looked around,"Lucky? Where are you?" I whispered not wanting someone to hear me. I poked my head under the bed spitting as hair got in my mouth and eyes. I didn't see that stupid cat anywhere. I growled walking out of my room,"Have you seen Lucky?" I asked some random person. Hunter~ I heard Ash call for his cat,"Strupid cat, always causing problems." I hissed. I knew that it would be better if Ash knew where the cat was so you could stop him from getting into trouble. I started to whistle letting the thoughts of the cat flutter to the back of my mind.
2:38pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 2:40pm Mar 15 2010)
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Posts: 5,406
((edit lol i didnt mean to press post lol))
2:39pm Mar 15 2010
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Angel cleaned up the mess Star growled at Rage. " Whats your problem?" she asked, letting Marina go. " Puppies play, so we should let them" Marina whimpered sweetly and looked over at Sasha. " H-h-hello" she whispered.
2:41pm Mar 15 2010
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Kirsty looked scared if she could talk all she would be saying sorry over and over opening the gate she let them into the field. Midnight looked at Dutchess "please be nice" he said to her running in the field. Robbie walked next to her looking out "why is Dutchess acting up like that?" he asked her. Kazumi picked up Sasha and growled at Rage "she is not a mutt" she said to him growling.