2:46pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda turned and walked out of the room angerly while answered, "Apperentally somebody didn`t let her out this mourning." She opened the door and slammed it behind her. She stopped at the front door what she heard all the noise coming from the kitchen, "Rage, come." She called before walking outside. Rage stopped his growling and piked Sam up and ran towards the front door, then slowed and trotted sweetly behind Bevmorda. "Why should I?" Dutchess repiled and stmoped her hoof, "They didn`t let me out when I wanted out, why should I be nice?" ((Please ssather, can you post in third person? First person hurts my brain. XD))
2:49pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. But I like posting in first person...It makes me feel more connected...Fine.))
2:50pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( I gotta go, don't go far wiff out zee princess!))
2:52pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Oh noz! Noz princess! XD I`m hungry. *runs off to make lunch* ))
3:28pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((santher your post lol))
3:37pm Mar 15 2010
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((Sorry, i don't know what to post...)) Aloe's fur rose as she hissed at the cat. She climbed up Aurora's leg and stood on her head. Aurora laughed petting the ferret,"It is okay." She said smiling. She blinked hermilky white eyes and turned her head towards the door as it creeked open. "Hi. There you are Lucky! I was so worried." Ash said walking into the room and picking up Lucky. Lucky purred giving Ash a look of innocence. Ash laughed.
3:41pm Mar 15 2010
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Midnight looked at her "blame the male humans that are ment to let us out not her she did us a favor by letting us out" he said to her. Robbie sighed and followed her out "calm down im sure theres a reasonable explanation" he said to her. He then looked at Kazumi "come on Kazumi" he said to her. Kirsty was really scared and closed the gate so they couldnt get out before making her way back to the castle. Kazumi growled at Rage before picking Sasha up and following them.
3:51pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda totally icnored Robbie`s attempts to calm her down, " Rage, stop them." She said. Rage set Sam down at ran towards Kristy and Angel. It looked as if he was going to lung at them, but stopped and growled. "What do you think you`re doing?" Bavmorda asked stopping and putting her hands on her hips, "You`re suppost to be inside doing cho.res, not out here interacting with the horses." She said angerly. Dutchess looked over at Bavmorda and snorted, "Serves them right." She said before putting her head down and began grazing.
3:56pm Mar 15 2010
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Kirsty looked scared before writting on her paper pad no one had let the horses out so i was doing it she wrote before pas.sing it to her really scared. Kazumi put Sasha down and growled at Rage but was standing infront of the pups. Robbie sighed putting his hand on Bavmordas sholder hoping that would calm her. Midnight neighed "why is the female getting in trouble she was only helping" he said angerly.
4:00pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Dutchess looked up at Midnight confussed, "Hello, have you never met Mom?" Bavmorda tore the paper up and threw it on the ground before picking Sam up and storming back to the castle, "Rage!" She called before walking into the door. Rage growled once again that the girls then ran back inide the house.
4:00pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((O.o Oh wait, we skipped Ssather`s turn.))
4:05pm Mar 15 2010
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Midnight nodded "yes i have but still how would you like it if you got in trouble for trying to help" he snorted at her. Robbie sighed picking Sasha following her "please calm down whats up lately youve been more moody latly" he said to her worried. Kazumi followed them glaring at Rage she use to like him but not anymore.
4:12pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Aww, Kazumi dosen`t like Rage because of my accident. XD Where`s ssather?)) Bavmorda walked into her room and layed on the bed, trying to think of an answer to Robbie question. Why was she so moody lately? ((XD not even she knows. XD)) Rage ran into the room after her, and jumped up on the be next to her.
4:15pm Mar 15 2010
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((I am right here...I just have nothing to post.))
4:15pm Mar 15 2010
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Kazumi had already jumped on the bed before Rage did and growled at him to get down off the bed while she was on it. Robbie looked worried about her siting on the bed next to her "should we get a doctor have you been feeling unwell?" he asked her. ((only because he called Sasha a mutt when she isnt XD))
4:22pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((no, you see. I mixed Sasha and Marina up in that post and thought Marina had jumped on Sam, but I didn`t say anything before. XD ssather-Why doesn`t Hunter see Lucifer and think he`s the cat Ash was looking for?)) Bavmorda shook her head, "I feel fine." She said looking down at Sam and petting him. Rage growled at Sasha and layed next to Bavmorda, "I can be by her if I want."
4:23pm Mar 15 2010
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Name:Agony Age:15 Gender:female Rank:servent Pet(s):Death Peronality:Bored, gloomy, no emotions towards anything History:(optional) Looks:Coming... Other:nope Name:Death Gender:female Species:owl Personality:(optional) History:(Optional) Looks:Coming... Owner:Agony
4:24pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol Kazumi growled XD))
4:25pm Mar 15 2010
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Hunter saw a black cat,"Lucky, I am sure Ash is worried sick abotu you." He said picking the cat up. He started to walk down the hallways towards where he had seen Ash disappear.
4:26pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((What side is she on? I said normal pets, please, how often do you see someone with a pet owl? XD))