Dark Tread Forest

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6:43am Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 8:05am Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
 You Have Entered
The Lands O 

 Dark Treads  Forest
You gazed, An abhorrent disbeleifed expressed permentainly plastered to your visage, ....... ..
The abyss beyond was startling and the eerie silent rang out. ..
.. The only sound audible was the distanct sound of your own rattling breath. ......
.. ....chill emerged in the tip of your spine, And timgles to the very edge of your taill. ................................ ......
............Tred Carefully. ..........
.........................We're watching.
TheHighRains Home - TheHighRainstle="TheHighRains Home - TheHighRains" width="338" height="229" align="bottom" />
TheHighRains Home - TheHighRainstle="TheHighRains Home - TheHighRains" width="448" height="299" align="bottom" />

TheHighRains Home - TheHighRainstle="TheHighRains Home - TheHighRains" width="384" height="448" />
..............Divine Emerse- Pic Comptle="Divine Emerse- Pic Comp" width="279" height="334" align="bottom" />|

TheHighRains Home - TheHighRainstle="TheHighRains Home - TheHighRains" width="375" height="424" align="bottom" />

Slaughter will be sought upon any foolish canid who graces our terra.
 § Season?
Finally, Summer is upon us,
The warm beams of light stretch across the land, Leaving the terrain dry and crusted,
Roasting under the pads of the Dark Tread Forest wolves.

Ω Recuiters Ω ....
If you think you have what it takes to join, Copy the form below and post it. However, There are our bounds...

The following are big NO-NOs
Simple Rules: God Modding: god modding is where you controll the other player, for excample: "A: She runs twards the wolf. targeting his apex- B: she misses her apex and falls the the ground. bleeding. B stands there laughing-" < NEVER OK . . . .
Power Playing: Power playing is where the wolf has specail abilities. Like super powers. for Excample: "A: She runs to the tiny wolf. she grows her wings. and lifts to the air.! She soars high. she suddenly plows to the ground with her super speed. pushing B's Apex into the center of the earth" < NEVER OK
If you follow in the wrong steps, you will be immediately slaughtered

Wounds that WILL kill you no matter what:
Severance of the neck and or spine.
Internal bleeding that is not stopped swiftly enough.
slitting of the major arteries in the neck.
Inhalation/consumation of extreme amounts of smoke or water.
A torn windpipe.

1. No power playing

2. You must be 2 to have pups

3.You need to take a Scout test (as a pup) to become a Scout

4. Every week a pup turns a month

5. If a member joining wants to be a pup with a already 
female member, the pup may be the females pup.(The female
must have a mate)

6. Have real color pelts/orbtics

7.No godmodding

8.No having two or more wolves

8. No one hit kill


10. If you want to learn to RP, look for the page, RolePlay.

11.No spamming

12. Mild cussing
Steps to join? 
 Looks Deion:
Previous Packs:
Current Packs: 
.Para RP Sample . 

You will then be put on trial and graded roughly on your para RP sample,    
And will be tested on rank later on. 

*Note that you are on tiral for two days. This means you are on best behavoir :)

You shall be graded A, B, C, D and ranked on your grade. If you fail the test? We introduce you to your gory demise. :)
Picture. -Contesttle="Picture. -Contest" width="342" height="500" align="bottom" />
..::{Healer's Guide}::..
This is to be used for beginning Med-Wolves. Please follow the guide below, for it is accurate.


Healer Herbs - TheHighRainstle="Healer Herbs - TheHighRains" width="254" height="380" />
Warm Spring: This is where you go when you have broken bones.

Healer Herbs - TheHighRainstle="Healer Herbs - TheHighRains" width="90" height="135" align="bottom" />
Borage: Increases the supply of milk for nursing females.


Healer Herbs - TheHighRainstle="Healer Herbs - TheHighRains" width="108" height="119" align="bottom" />
Burdock: Cures infection.
Healer Herbs - TheHighRainstle="Healer Herbs - TheHighRains" width="111" height="118" align="bottom" />
Chervil: Helps with stomach problems.


6:57am Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
ψ  Ranks  ψ

Alpha Male
Alpha Female
Beta Male
Beta Female
Delta Male
Delta Female
Alpha's Guard(2)
Fighter Male
Fighter Female
Pup Watcher(3)
See you here, Wolf.


7:38am Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 731
OOC: Before I join, By '.Para RP Sample.' do you mean a sample of you RPing? or a sample of your RP's?

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

7:45am Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Sample of you roleplaying. ))


8:00am Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 1:28pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 731

OOC: Okay then :L Can we have pics for the deion?

Name: Cereixa (call her Cere)

Age: Two human years.

Looks Deion: Toboe Pictures, Images and Photos

Previous Packs: Pack that Runs with the Wind...

Current Packs: Dark Tread Pack

Family: Unknown, Possibly dead...

.Para RP Sample .

'Cere paced up and down, beside the small lake muttering under her breath "Its not fair, Why he wont leave me alone?" She mumbled, pawing the already churned up dirt. She sat down and sighed, her tail swithing weekly on the dusty ground. Cere glanced around, unable as of late, to appreciate the beauty surrounding her. Somewhere off to her right, a twig snapped, She snapped her head in the direction of the sound and growled low in her throat...

Getting to her feet Cere padded towards the sound, her short black claws clicking against the hard packed ground. Another twig snapped, closer this time, and a meanacing chuckle ecoed through the glade... "Whos there? What do you want?" She said, begining to panic. Another eerie sounding chuckle cut through the air, causing Cere's ears to flatten against her skull.
Suddenly, a small brown rabbit hopped from a tusock of tall gr@ss, and the creepy atmosphere desolved into nothing... "That was weird..." Cere muttered, walking towards her den.'

^^^ Thats from my RP 'One shall rise... ~Wolf RP~ To Fulfil the prophecy...' ^^^

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

8:04am Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( The roleplaying example is supposed to be in wolf roleplay. Other than that, Bio is fine. Just needs picture that must be natural colors. ))


8:14am Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 731
OOC: Okay Ill get you a wolf one :L

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

11:59am Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
Name: Reoko
Age: Adult.
 Looks Deion:

Reoko is a wolf of high rank. Being the Alpha of her back, She has a femme build with a slick Apex. Her auds rise high, Pointed edges accentuating her cyan optics. Her bodice is covered in milky white, Her long lanky pillars are built for running, While her body aerodynamic enough to fool the brightest wolf. Her Ivories are sharp and pearl white, Stained crimson on most occasions. Next to her orb is a swirling black creation, A curse from an Shaman, And it is not to be touched.

Previous Packs: High Rain Wolves Pack.
Current Packs: Dark Treads Forest pack.
Family: Unknown. She does not speak of such.
.Para RP Sample.

~ Through the brambles came two cyan flicks, Twin pools showing dominance over her terrain. Through the shadows the form came closer, White snare pulling into a grin. A gleeful chuckle sneered from her muzzle, Cranium rose high over the foolish wolf. 
"It appears you are lost, Young one." The words where menacing, As they slid through her muzzle and turning into a echo as it graced the shadow drenched tree's.
"I came for a fight." The stranger says, Brown fur plastered onto his bodice. While his thoughts where strong, His whits her low on the way he acted.
"Your foolishness is not one to be needed in our lands." She hissed through the studs of her maw, Flesh pricking up into a snarl. Her pink gums revealed the wicked white pegs of fangs, Pearly white soon to be drenched in crimson. She had enough of feeling dominance, And was ready to take action. 
Lunging forward, Her Cranium locked onto the nape of the lone, Force slamming his Apex into the ground. "Teaches you to come onto our lands.." She growled, Fangs begging her mentally to make contact with his flesh. She smacked him backwards with her supports, Fierce history showing no mercy on the fool. 
Raising his body, The lone was not going down easy. His body burned with pain, But it wasn't enough to bring him down. Walking forward, He grabbed Reoko by the leg and pulled it out from underneath her, Biting deep into the tissues.
"This land its MINE." He growled, Childish grin appearing on his maw.
Reoko stayed still, Eyes slipping closed for a few seconds. "Not today." The words slithered away from her mouth, As if they where a rattlesnake in the desert. Jerking upwards, She bit the lone in the muzzle, Sending his body on a journey into a tree. Looming over him, Her unfriendly orbs squinting into a narrow. She slashed the wolf over the face, And sunk her fangs into his pad. She spun around, Letting go at maximum speed. The lone's body sped into a tree, The force cracking his spine in a swift second. "Not today," She repeated, Walking forwards for the final action.
Leaning forward, Her jaws slammed in on his windpipe.
"Not today."

(( And the bio is accepted. :D ))


12:35pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029

 Looks Deion

Previous Packs
The Jyrain Reserve Pack

Current Packs
Dark Tread Pack
Dissappeared during the Jyrain pollution fires.

.Para RP Sample.

Crescendo caught a wiff of the creature he was tracking.
He crouched down low to peer at it through the slightly burnt gr*censored*.
He held his breath as he crawled closer to his target
His eyes focused and singled out the target.
He smerked.

~I have you now~he said in his head.
He lunged at the mule deer he was stalking.
Its large ears perked up as it looked twards Crescendo, but it couldnt react in time.
Crescendo caught it by the ear, weighing the small deer down to one side.
He quickly went for the struggling creatures throat, but only grazed it as the deer jabbed at him with its hoof.
It those few seconds the deer leaped up and staggered off.
"Oh no you dont!"Crescendo growled as he gave chase.

12:39pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. I rank you a B. :3 ))


12:52pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
((Woot! Just like my Geometry teacher!))

12:54pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Hah. And just so you know, Two days is really two days of training. XD And then you will be tested for a rank. C: Oh and Domo Kun just killed a kitten because I thought of twilight while reading your sig. :c ))


1:04pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
((STOP THINKING! MY SIGGY IS A CONTRADICTION! And I will p*censored* your test(s) and I want to be a fighter!))

1:20pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 731
OOC: What test rank am I?

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

1:54pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( We could test now, Its kinda known as a Spar. :3 ))


1:59pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 731
OOC: Okay :L

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

2:04pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
Reoko padded out over the land, Coming upon the training grounds. The hot summer heat made her tongue loll out foolishly, While the heavy white fur was thinning out into a summer coat gradually. Her legs kept her upright, Her prance leading her to a vast green field, No tree's, No water, Just gra.ss for miles. The sun was on the horizon, Her pack mates would need to hurry before dusk. The mountain lion's would make easy slaughter on the Dark's in the night. She sat down on the field, Her graceful body waiting for the rest. Her maw rose into the air, Eyes closing while a tuneful howl slid out of her snare, Echoing into the abyssal field.


2:18pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 731

Cere stiffened, her head turning in the directio of the howl. Her large ears twitched, as she pointed her muzzle to the sky. A howl of reply escaped her jaws, Her chest vibrating with the volume of it. She finished with three short barks and got to her feet, Her fur shifting with her movements. Cere's tail swayed from side to side as she exited the underbrush, Braken clinging to her copper fur. She shook her self vigorously, ridding her pelt of the offending vegitation. Her shoulder rose and sunk to the rythum of her running paws, Her toungue lolling from her, salivating mouth.

OOC: I think rythum is spelt wrong...

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

2:49pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Really nothing to post.. ))


3:47pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
A grey and russet colored wolf looked up form the rock he was sunbathing on.
He heard a fey's howl followed by another's howl and short barks.
He staggered up lazily and responed.
First with a howl that ended in a yawn, then, as he trotted off twards the first howl's direction, he followed up with three barking howls.
He sped up his pace, not wanting to be caught alone in the night.
He breathed the warm air and let his heavy paws carry him to his destination.
The sparring grounds, as he, Crescendo, called it.
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