Dark Tread Forest

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6:03pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
Reoko flickers her optics over to Crescendo. "Good timing." She said firmly, chasms locking up into a chuckle. She rose to her pads, eyes resting on the other wolf. "Are you ready? Remember; It will be a short fight, seeing as the sun is joust touching the horizon." She said, taking a step forwards and the black etched ground, hot breath emitting from her muzzle.


6:21pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,590
((lauren, is it to late to join or start the trial?  You guys already started...))

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


6:37pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( it's never too late. :3 ))


6:40pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,590
((cool give me a few minutes :)))

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


7:03pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: Lauren, can I has joinage? It isn't too late, I suppose, judging by the last coupla' posts. For some strange reason I suddenly want to join a wolf roleplay. O.O


7:04pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Lol. Thats fine. ;D ))


7:11pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 6,590
((sorry lauren, my computer hates this rp apparently :(  I was in the middle of my rp example and it froze up and closed... I tried to rewrite it but it did the same thing... so I can't join.  Sorry!  Have fun in the rp though :)))

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


7:30pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 7:32pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
Name: Amala
Age: 2 humans years
 Looks Deion: Amala has a light grey pelt. She is small for a wolf. She looks fragile and weak as well. This is partly true. But she makes up for it with her grace and style of fighting. She relies heavily on wit and speed. Her eyes are yellow. ^^
Previous Packs: A pack known as the Ikaros clan. -is so making this up- :P
Current Packs: Dark Tread pack 
Family: Her mother, Whisper, gave birth to Amala along with two other siblings. Both of her siblings died before they opened their eyes. Her father was the leader of her old pack, but he soon died in battle; killed by another wolf. Her mother lived for a while longer but soon wasted away, leaving Amala on her own. 
.Para RP Sample:
**Note. This is being written on a whim. ;D 
Amala's first memories consisted of warmth, comfort, the soft nuzzle carried with a sweet scent, and the taste of milk. She let out a sigh through her nose as she remembered those first memories, and how life then was so much easier than it was now. Cruel. Harsh. It could be fun at times, but only when you were with a pack.
Amala was on her own now, though. Luck had turned its back against her. Deciding not to think of such things anymore, Amala scrabbled to her feet, her claws raking the soft earth. She smelled something that was probably some small rodent, then licked her chops. It had been a while since she had eaten.
That's it~   


7:51pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. I rank you a B+, And come to the sparring field for rank training. It is almost Dark and everyone is currently there. C: ))


8:16pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Name: Fell
Age: Young Adult. His exact age is unknown but is believed to be around 3 years
 Looks Deion: Fell has a very lithe figure. He can skim across land easily and his sturdy shoulders and chest are a good defense. However, he does not posess the same strength as most others, but he more then makes up for it with his agility and stamina. Fell has long, slender legs and a long skinny muzzle also. His fur is a dark brown shade, almost black. He has lighter brown fur around his hind legs and neck. Darker fur around his back and bottom(lol) and shoulders. His face is also a darker colour, same for his ears, with grey around his cheeck area. The underside of his face, however, is brown. His tail starts out as a darker shade and fades to a lighter brown. His legs are almost black with the exception of a brown tint. His teeth are jagged and pearl white while his claws are long and pitch black. His eyes are a dark amber colour with a red shade to them and his eyes can appear snake or cat-like at times.
Previous Packs: He lived in a Nomadic Pack for most of his life
Current Packs: Dark Tread Pack
Family: All deceased
.Para RP Sample .
Fell sat alone beside a large tree, winding roots covered the area around him. He was quite a ways away from his pack, and the subconscious monsters that tormented them. It started not too long ago and he noticed other pack members having trouble with things Fell could not see. With a growl, Fell stood up and began to pace. He shouldn’t be out here by himself, trying to decode his problems when he had none. He should be with the pack, trying to help them. Sighing, he decided to hunt first and then return to the pack. Hopefully things would be better…
Running off to his left, Fell quickly caught the scent of rabbit. It wouldn’t be much, but it was something. He scented the air, it was somewhere in the bushes. There was one small shrub near the edge of the clearing with gnarled trees and small pines to surround it. Fell was almost invisible to the rabbit. His dark tawny fur were the fallen leaves on the ground in the rabbit’s eyes. With a short yip he skidded into the bush, clamping his jaws cleanly on the rabbit’s back.
By the end of his hunting session, Fell had caught at least three rabbits. They were quite scrawny with the exception of one overfed one. They fit in his large jaws perfectly, but he wouldn’t be able to catch another thing. He held his head high in the air as to prevent one of the rabbits from falling out.
It didn’t take long to reach the pack and things were the same, if not worse. With a low growl he threw the rabbits into the pile of prey. Fell could not relate to his other pack members, for he hadn’t been visited by strange demons and he never heard voices like he heard others talk about. He felt almost out of it, as if they all knew something he didn’t and he was angry at himself for thinking like that.
Looking around Fell noticed Dusk, the Alpha Female. Padding up to her he hoped to be of some help. “Is everything alright?” he asked, “Most of the pack are a bit edgy lately, I’ve noticed…” He stuttered slightly, he had never been good with words and he wondered if he sounded like a big idiot.
--From a different roleplay. Dusk is Feyth's character in that roleplay.


8:31pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. And you rank an A, I really like you r style of roleplay. :) ))


8:32pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,060
ooc; Thank you. <3
I will get my intro in soon, if not tomorrow because I have a lot of stuff to do and I'm not sure whether or not I'm gonna get kicked off.
Shifting in his sleep, Fell’s eyes snapped open once the call of other wolves’ reached him. He was an extremely light sleeper and was up on his paws and sprinting before you could even bl
ink. He already knew where the source of the first howl came from, which was unmistakably the Training Grounds. Scenting the air, Fell could smell three from his pack and he quickened his pace.
Fell was rather fast, with a high endurance, quite faster then most but it came with the toll of being much skinnier and less powerful. He didn’t mind, however, and embraced his difference and often used it to his advantage. Balancing the scale between the brute and petite.
Fell’s pawsteps were almost noiseless as he ran. Appreciating the feel of wind grazing his fur he ran as fast as his lanky legs would carry him. But the wind offered little comfort from the summer heat.
Looking almost like a blur, Fell continued until his legs gave out and he was forced to slow to a quick-paced walk.
Sniffing the air once more, the scent of his packmates were much stronger then they were before he started his journey here.
Taking a slight detour, Fell headed for a small stream that ran through the forest. The trees around the small snake of water were a brilliant shade of green, complemented by the dulcet sounds of the gurgling stream. Dipping his muzzle into the water, Fell lapped up the tasteless, cool liquid. Once he had drank his fill, he began trotting towards the training grounds once more. It wasn’t long until he found himself standing behind the final strip of trees that stood between him and the training grounds.
Swishing his tail lightly, he hopped out off a rather large bush and barked to the others in greeting, hoping his fur was cooperating this time, and lying flat against his lithe body. Gazing around the clearing, he padded towards the others and sat down, wondering if the other pack members would be joining them any time soon.


10:36pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,597
Name: Felan
Age: Two years
 Looks Deion: Felan is about 2 and half feet tall (shoulder height) and a little muscular. His fur, in length, is between long and short and is color black. Most of the time when it is night it is easy for him to hide nd sneak around to hunt.. His eyes a dark golden color and, though it is rather hard to see, there is a slash scar across his left eye that is about two inches long. His claws are black but have som gray-ish color in them.
Previous Packs: Night Fall Pack
Current Packs: Dark Tread Pack
Family: Felan was born with a sister, but she had died a week after they were born. After that happend his mother promised that she would protect him no matter what, and she did. When Felan was old enough to hunt on his own a rival pack came to his pack's territory, and his mother and father told him to run away as far as possible. Before Felan did run away, he watched as rival wolves slaughtered his mother.

.Para RP Sample .

Felan lay at the back of a small cave he found. It was made of rocks and there was a very stale scent of other wolves inside. Felan had his head rested on the ground while one of his front paws was on his nose. His ears were pointing in the direction of the cae entrance as he listened to the blowing wind and crickets' chirps ouside. "I'll never get to sleep." He muttered as he took his paw away from his nose and positioned his head in a way so he could look outside.
A full moon was placed on the night sky and very few clouds were present. Felan's thoughts suddenly were about the time his previous pack, Night Fall, had been attack by a rival pack. He felt as if he could hear the wolves' snarls and whines, as if wolves were fighting right inside the small cave he was in. Stop thinking about it.. He thought to himself with a soft growl. He closed his eyes then sighed, hoping that sleep would come to take over soon.

Felan found himself in a clearing. There were trees and bushes surrounding this clearing, and it reminded Felan so much of his old home. Suddenly, a snarl could be heard from behind him and when he spun around, he saw two blury fiures of wolves, and a dead wolf on the ground. Felan padded up to the dead wolf, fear making him unable to speak, and he felt like collapsing unto the floor as he saw the face of the dead wolf. "Mother..?" He whispered in disbelief as he saw the fmiliar black and gray face of the wolf that cared about him so much. There was a large slash on her throat and blood all over her and the dust ground.
Anger filled up inside him and his attention turned to the two blury wolf figures who were grinning an evil grin. You could see their white teeth stained red with blood and that made Felan all the more angry. With a snarl, the black wolf leaped for one of the two wolves but instead of landing on them, his paws met the ground and he bit at nothing but air. Slightly confused he spun around then saw his mother's body start to fade. He shook his head and tried to reach out to her with his front paw but found out that he couldn't move. His mother's body, after a while,  disappeared and left Felan alone in the clearing. He looked around, desprate to find some othe wolf, then he heard growling coming from behind him. Slowly, with his teeth slightly bared, he looked behind him then watched in horror as the teeth of some wolf met his throat.

Felan's eyes flew open and he sat right up, his chest rising and falling fast in the same rythm with his breathing. He looked around and was relieved to find out he had been dreaming and he was back inside the small cave. With a sigh, he sheaved himself to his paws and padded outside the den. He looked up at the moon and sat down, watching as the clouds drifted across the night sky.


1:24am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
Crescendo looked up to Reoko as he approached the sparring ground.
He gave a sharp grin to her.
He shook his fur, letting his shedding fur skatter to the ground.
"Im ready."he said crouching and preparing for whatever Reoko had planned.
He glanced at the setting horizon and quickly adverted his attention to Reoko.

1:27am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,065
((May I join?))

Beyond Birthday <3

2:16am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Hey Laur-butt. Is Alpha taken?))


3:19am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. I rank you an A. ;o

Sora; Yes.

Chance; Yes, But poor Reoko will have to test your wolf before giving rank. XD ))

Reoko nodded. Raising her haunches into the air, she lowered her Apex and flexed her flanks. In a blur of her cyan flicks, she darted right by Cressendo, using a rock as her launch pad. With speed, she side-ways galloped over it. Launching herself, she got about three seconds of pure air before landing on Cressendo's back, biting into the nape and pulling him backwards. Placing her paws on his arms and pinning him down, she swished her tail and allowed him to get up. It wasn't quite a death fight, but she wasn't going to go easy on him.


3:56am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 700
Name: Renegade.
Age:  4.
 Looks Deion: U no wat I has a look like. i post pic soon ok.
Previous Packs: Seven Syns, Fenrisulfr.
Current Packs:Fenrisulfr.
Family: NONE they died. Owait lauren is my sister...yah.
.                                                Para RP Sample . wth is dis.


5:04am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
Can Twint stalk?


5:06am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( No. And use OOC. :P ))

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