Dark Tread Forest

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5:42am Jul 19 2010

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Crescendo shook off the pinning.
She may be faster, but his hind legs were made high.
That gave him the advantage of instant turning, like a Afghan hound.
He was going to exploit his body and win this fight.
Crescendo began to dash to the left, right, left, right.
He was trying to catch her weak spot.
He leaped far left and leaped left again, then attacked her hind flank.

8:30am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 8:32am Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Awesome ;) 

BiC: A wolf, skillfully weaving between the trees. It looked weak and fragile, its pelt making it look almost as though it were made of nothing but mist. Amala, run faster the wolf thought to herself. As the sun lowered, its final dying rays giving light to the earth, Amala's apprehension and excitement grew. The ground was hard; it made her pads hurt. But she was much too excited to care about such a thing. She knew it was nearly time when the sun had started to set... Summer smells were in the air, and many a scent smelled tempting to Amala's nose, but she ran all the faster. In the distance, she heard one lone, beautiful howl.  

As she raced through the forest, nearing the sparring grounds, bits of sunlight flashed on her light grey pelt. She hoped, in the back of her mind, that other wolves wouldn't think her weak. She gave a sigh through her nose and broke into a slower trot; she knew they always did. Suddenly the trees melted away and Amala found herself in the sparring grounds. She realized at once what a good place it was for fighting... And how hard it would be to fight in it. She was used to fighting with trees around. Fighting in such an open place would be different. But she couldn't think that to herself now. She would do well. 

Ahead of her, another wolf had made it to the sparring grounds, and barked a friendly greeting. She saw it was a lithe wolf with a brown pelt. She ran forwards until up close to him, her tail wagging in a friendly manner and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Beside him, even if he himself wasn't a large wolf, Amala looked tiny; oh well.  


10:58am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,597

A male wolf with pure black fur lay under a few trees that provided shade, but ctually he didn't really need it since dusk would come soon. This wolf, Felan, used his front teeth to scratch his right front paw then heard a female's howl coming from the direction of the Training Grounds. Flicking his ear, he sat up and lifted his head as he let out  low howl in reply. Standing up, he shook his fur from the small leaves and dirt before trotting in the direction of the Training Ground. I have to do well. He thought to himself with a determind look on his face.

After a few moments the scent of other wolves filled his nose and he recodnized the tree tht lined the field of gra$$. He slowed down to a padding pace then came out from the tree lines and stood at the edge of the clearing as he watched Reoko lunge at Cresendo. I might be able to study her fighting tehniques. He thought with a flick of his tail.


11:14am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Fell noticed the she-wolf standing beside him and he already knew it was Amala. He wagged his tail in the same manner. Looking over his shoulder, Fell noticed the dark furred wolf known as Felan. Turning back to the current “battle” Fell sized up the two wolves’ strengths, since he had never really fought with either of them. Actually, this was his first time, in a long while, he’d be against an opponent and locked in combat. He expected himself to be worse then ‘a little rusty’, even if this was only a little spar. Shifting uncomfortably, he imagined himself being put to the lowest possible position in the pack, the Omega. In his old pack he was lucky enough to have been the Delta, but they were long gone and he had never encountered other wolves on his aimless journey to the Dark Tread Pack. He sighed lightly and focused back to the real world, stiff as a board. It couldn’t be that bad, he thought to himself, it won't be that bad.


11:41am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 731
Cere began to run faster, the last flickering rays of sunlight makig her copper fur gleam. After ten minutes of solid sprinting she finally reached the sparring grounds, her breathing was laboured and her wet pink tongue was hanging from her muzzle. She noticed the two wolves already 'fighting' and the other wolves gathered at the edges of the clearing. Cere padded up to the wolf known as Amala and dipped her head in greeting before sitting down under a large beech tree. Normally Cere was a skilled fighter with lightening quick reflexes, She had many scars from old battles still showing through her pelt. Her newest aquasition of three long scars down the left flank was from an overly cocky bear cub who had thought it wise to attempt to steal Cere's kill, After a short  spat of vicious fighting the bear cub had run off with a torn ear and a scratch on his right shoulder... Wher as Cere had gotten three long scars...

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

5:59pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,060


12:01am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Reoko pulled up her leg, and used the sharp claws to shove Cressendo back. She got up to her feet, and picked up speed. At the peak of 20mph, she rammed into Cressendo's side. A faint pop entered her ear and she bit his tail. Pulling Cressendo away, she slung him out into the plane, sun appearing to be only thirty minutes from dark. Her body was steaming with heat, allowing her long pink tongue to loll foolishly. 


4:50am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,597
Felan watched as Reoko started running and picking up speed. His left fer flicked nervously as he watched her ram into Cresendo's side then a soft growl rose from his throat. It was too quiet for anyone else to hear. I'm not nervous. He tried to convince himself then he sat down as he wathed Reoko and Cresendo.


9:01am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: -waits- :) Lauren, you might want to post on I Will Not be Tamed ^^  


10:01am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Posted on it, Night. ^-^ ))


3:25pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,060


12:09pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,060


12:09pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Bump ))


8:40pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,060


9:01pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Where the hell is Dream? >o< ))


2:18am Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Im sorry for the post neglect.))

Crescendo had made a popping sound that was from him adjusting his shoulder in place after she rammed him.
He felt the fey bite onto his tail, then let go.
He looked at her as she panted.
Now was his chance.
He quickly leaped over to her with his mouth open and growling.
Crescendo had gotten hold of her neck scruff.

3:19am Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Reoko slashed her paw over the wolf's maw, distraction granting her loose. She huffed and lunged forward, pushing Cressendo backwards and biting his leg. Her fangs dug deep into the flesh, her claws sinking into the chest. Running off, she left skid scratched in Cressendo's chest. She ran in a circle before coming back at full speed and pushing his head to the ground. She bit at the ear and pressed the muzzle into the ground. She panted heavily and ran her tongue over her black lips.
"Almost enough." She panted.


3:26am Jul 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
((-sigh- Im sorry, but I can not continue with this rp. I have to drop out.))

4:27am Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Sorry to hear about your loss. ;P ))


6:09pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 1,060

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