Fell nodded, his tail lashing back and forth as he lowered to a crouch. At that same moment a low growl buzzed in his ears, ‘Hah, what are you doing?!’ With a small growl, Fell drowned out the voice and catapulted himself into the air. It was looking as if he were to land on Reoko, but he shifted slightly and landed beside her. His fur pricked and he reared onto his hind legs, forepaws pushing on Reoko’s back. At that same moment the scornful voice spoke again, ‘Hurry it up, helpless whelp’ it sneered. If Fell had not been in the middle of a spar in that moment he would of rolled his eyes, but instead he tensed and shoved onto Reoko’s back. Fell’s heart pounded as he applied more weight on his paws and leaped off of Reoko. Fell didn’t weigh much, gaining him more height in the jump than most would. He landed briskly, trotting so he stood behind the she-wolf. He guessed his show was nothing compared to the battle-ready wolf that stood before him. But still, he hoped that old fights would help him and remind him how to fight as strong as a wolf who was ready for a battle at every moment, which was how he used to live when rival packs plagued his homeland.