Darkness is nothing but the Abcense of Light (Hunger Games)

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1:41am Nov 29 2013 (last edited on 11:43pm Dec 2 2013)

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Posts: 945
Name: Oliver Sykes (Can call him Oliver, Oli,  Sykes, any name or abbreviation of his name is fine.)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

District: Capital (Was in District 3)

Side: Capital

Rank: The go to guy for plans/ the 'looks innocent but is really not' guy../head-on fighter

Oliver grew up in district 3 for 9 years of his life, when one day a riot broke out which led to the death of his only parent, his mother. During that scene, everybody was shot dead. After everybody was dead, a government official saw Oliver clinging to his mothers dead, bloody body, crying his little heart out. He wouldn't leave her for nothing. The officer watched Oliver until he fell asleep. He then took Oliver to that capital - and raised him as his own. That officer lied to Oliver and told him that Oli had lived in the capital all his life, and, with some 'special' drinks and pills from the Government, Oli soon began to believe that lie. He began to hate all people who were not Capitalists, and at the age of 14 he killed his first person because she was not a Capitalist and had said some bad stuff about the Government officials, where his father works. After that he began to have a craving for the taste of blood and began killing more and more often in the excuse that those who were murdered had rebelled against the government. On one of his assassin missions, he got caught - and that is where Oliver Sykes' story begins: captured and held hostage by townsfolk who began to torture him in the town square as the start of the rebellion...

Personality: Oliver is actually pretty nice... to Capitalists. He is generally pretty calm, but you don't want to cross him by no means. He has become a cold, heartless, soulless killer. He's killed entire families, including newborns and elderly. He loves the ladies, and flirts with each and every one in the Capital. He loves to listen to music, especially when he is killing someone. He loves to draw, too - mostly macabre murder scenes, but he is a very talented artist. He has helped many designers draw up designs for the Capitals most popular brands - including the ones that President Snow and his granddaughter wear.

Crush: Isabel is his girlfriend


8:02am Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 945
((Bio posted! Enjoy yo! Lemme know if anything is unclear or.. or anything that needs to be changed ^^))


9:40am Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939
Rank-Daughter of Darkness or Snows other Grandaughter

History-She is a cold blooded killer she has grown up with Oli all her life. She is in love with him. She was a very skilled girl shes a daughter of darkness. Isabella was made the leader of daughter of darkness.(Sorry its so short)
Personality-Shes super nice shes just like Oli


12:59pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((You are accepted merlin as always)


2:03pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 95
Aqua walked out of the city, changing disguises quickly. Purple contacts, gold tattoos on her face and blue lips. Tying her hair up in a quick pony tail, she spray painted parts of it gold as she chose out an outfit. 
"Hmmm... I think I'm going all classy this time" She said, picking a strapless black dress with a gold pattern, matching her tattoos, covering the dress. 
"I wonder what job 13 got me this time" She said amused, checking her personal devices. Her face fell "Oh great, I have to work as a personal assistant. Again. Just because I learn more doesn't mean it's fun!" She said to no one particular. She kicked an old motor left outside 13 into life and took a detour through the woods to the capitol, humming under her breath. Kicking the motor into the woods she began to clean off again. Nothing was ripped or out of place. She let her hair down and curled it quickly, the gold almost melting into the hairstyle adding a permanent affect. 
Swiping her fake ID, she entered the main capitol building, placing a young smile on her face. 

2:04pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Ooo interesting))


2:09pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 95
(I like interesting, helps build a good personality.) 

6:12pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Merlin??? WHere are you))


6:31pm Nov 29 2013 (last edited on 7:48pm Nov 29 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Woo! Haha sweetness!))

((I don't know what person I'm writing in, I think it's second person but I'm not sure...))

The last thing Oliver remembered was entering a home of family in District 1 on a heist job. He was walking into the kitchen of their house when we was bagged and hit upside the head with a piece of God knows what. Now he had no idea where he was... all he knew is that he was cold and in pain. He began to wake up - his vision slowly returning to him. He saw people, angry people, and they were staring at him. Hi dizzily looked up and saw that he was in fact outside. It was snowing. He saw every breath he took. The sounds were muffled, like someone was holding him underwater. It was then he realized he was in the town's square and hitched to a make-shaft whipping post

Slowly he began to gain consciousness; he heard the townsfolk laughing, and mocking someone, but who? Then he remembered he was on the whipping post, so they were probably gawking at him. Wait... He thought. If I'm on the whipping post.. that means - He lashed out and found he couldn't move anywhere. He continued struggling but his wrists were bound tight against the pole. He was fully awake by now. He could see everybody laughing, and the children pointing.


6:42pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939

"Alright alright whats going on here" she yelled. She ran to Oliver. "Oli are you okay?!" she whispered in his ear. She didn't want them to hear his nick name in fear of him being mocked even more "They are not going to kill you. Alright" she said. Suddenly, She was banged on the back of the head and she fell to the ground face up right in front of Oliver.


6:50pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Sorry it' so short If this ruins your plot for this part ill change it))


7:47pm Nov 29 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((It's fine haha that's great!))

((Also, when I post, I like to recap previous posts and then continue on from them. For example, in my post, I will describe Oliver's feelings and thoughts when Isabelle whispers to him and is hit on the head. It just helps me keep track of things.))

He saw Isabelle rushing over. He felt relieved to see her, but at the same time he felt his heart sink. "Isabelle! What-" he was interrupted. Isabelle whispered something in his ear but he couldn't quite make it out. There was so much yelling and chaos going on. But he was definitely glad Isabelle was here, it brought tears to his eyes... until she was hit upside the head and stripped shirtless like he was. Enraged he fought against his restraints, but the cold ice covered ropes were digging into his wrists. He ignored the pain and continued to scream. "You let her go she hasn't done anything, she's innocent! I'm the murderer kill me, LEAVE HER ALONE!" He continued to fight against the ropes, tears coming to his eyes and freezing at almost and instant. His skin was turning purple from the cold. He kept wiggling, the people laughing at him... he finally broke one restraint. The towns people rushed over with new rope and tied Oliver back up. Then a man in the ling trench coat walked over and pulled something from behind him - a whip. He extended it and walked over to Oliver and lashed at him with the whip. It dug into Oliver's cold skin and left a good sized incision on his right shoulder blade. Oliver cried out in pain and fell against the post. Blood poured out of the wound and dripped to the stone beneath him. "Do not even try to escape Oliver Matthew Haze Sykes. That was only a baby's hit." Oliver cringed at the thought that this man knew his full name.

Oliver knew he had to get out of there, these savages were going to kill him AND Isabelle. He knew Isabelle wasn't innocent, but she didn't deserve to die like this. "Isa, wake up, WAKE UP! Isa! We have to get out of here, and I mean NOW! C'mon, please, you gotta wake up for me!" He yelled. He got as close to her as he could and whispered 'I love you... please, you have to wake up. You're my best friend. I need you..."


7:59pm Nov 29 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((I love it!!!)


She woke up. She had blood all over her. She was facing Oliver shirtless... they were both shirtless and they were right in front of each other. She started to cry tears of sadness. She couldn't bear Oliver getting hurt. She had entering her tears as they streamed down her beautiful yet bloody face. She looked deeply into his eyes. Adrenaline rushed through her. As the guy with the whip approached closer she kicked him in the spot and then neck as he hit the floor. (Daughters of Darkness by Halestorm plays in thee background my favorite song also) The crowd gasped. She was super strong for a few seconds. She ripped her hands out of the chains. The women and children were running and backing off. The men got their weapons, as they were terrified. Isabel ran to kiss Oliver.


8:11pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 945
"ISABELLE!" Oliver exclaimed. He was glad she had woke up so quickly. The man with the whip proceeded forward again to give another licking when Isabelle kicked him in his groin. That made Oliver shudder just a bit, but seeing Isabelle kick that guys butt with little to no effort made her extremely hot in Oliver's eyes. Isabelle was now rushing over to him. His blood was all over her face. It might have been the pain, or the blood, or the fact that Oliver was almost dead, but Oliver had a sudden amorous feeling towards Isabelle. Her eyes, so perfect.. her skin had a glow to it, and even her blood stained hair fell perfectly against her shoulders. Oliver because quite twitter-pated and when Isabelle kissed him - it was like nothing he'd ever felt before. His pain went away, the crowds yelling... everything. Until the man with the whip got to his feet. "You will die alongside with this criminal, girl! He said. Oliver was still struggling against his restraints to get away. A tear ran down his face as the man picked up his whip from the ground. "Isabelle listen to me you have to run! Get help from the government! If I die.. i deserve it. I've killed so many times. Just go, RUN!" he yelled at her.


8:20pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939

"You think so? Cause lookie here!" she said pulling her gun out of her pants yes out of her pants .(Awkward but 'totally" necessary) She started firing at the guards. She shot them all down with ease anyway they were stunned with shock. After they were all dead. She ran to Oliver and shot at the rope which was now held by a few strands which he could just rip off. "See... I never have to run." she said hugging him careful not to touch his wounds./

President Snow(In cloak)-

"Come now" he whispered walking up to Isabel and Oliver. "To the woods"


8:29pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 945
Oliver hated the sound of gunshots, all his killing he did with his knife. Isabelle shot the ropes that held him and he hugged her. She was a lot warmer than he was, and her warm body was comforting. He could hug her forever. Then a man in a cloak said something about the woods and Isabelle dragged him along. He was still nauseous from everything that had just happened. "I.. I didn't want you to get hurt is all, because if you died your grandfather would have my head. Everything I said and did back there was just to get us out of there," he lied. He really did fall for Snow's eldest granddaughter. They ventured out into the forest past the electric fence.


8:34pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She dropped her head. She sneezed cutely. She was shivering..." So you don't love me then... you just said that to wake me up?!"


"Woah woah whats going on here?!"

(Sorry its so short my i don't have my contacts in so it hurts for me to strain my eyes,


8:54pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 945
If anything, Oliver was a terrible liar. "Erm, uh, well duh, I mean, I don't want to die, I'll say anything to save my skin-" he was inturreupted by President Snow. "Woah woah, what's going on here?!" He said. "Oh, em, Nothing Mr. President Snow, sir! Just uh, keeping watch over little Isabelle here is all, sir! eh, um..." At this point Oliver was shaking with fear. he had heard all the horror sotires about what he did to people... like his other granddaughter.. he put her in the games, and she was only 14. 14!! Oliver Sure as hell did not want to be part of the Hunger Games. Oliver fell to his knees in the cold snow. "Please Mr. President Snow forgive me, I did the best I could to save her, and she's still alive and she's still breathing and I didn't mean to lie to her I just wanted her to take up so that we could get out of there please please Mr. President Snow DON'T KILL ME!!!!" he cried out. He cowered in front of the two, shaking from fear and from the cold. His wound dripped blood and turned the pure snow into a bloody mess.


8:59pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 1,939

"Don't worry she just likes you.... alot..."


She stormed off. The branches were whacking her back and leaving minor bruises. She started to cry after she had saved him and all he didn't like her. She might as well go enter the Hunger Games or something. She had had it. With one movement of her small foot she set of a hunters trap. It was a bear/hanging trap. She was upside down white the trap clamped onto her leg. She screamed with pain.


9:11pm Nov 29 2013

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Posts: 945
Oliver was surprised that Snow wasn't going to hang him from a tree. But instead, it was Isabelle who hung from a tree. She had gotten her foot caught in a hanging bear trap. Oh, Oli was for sure that Snow was going to stab him now. Oli rushed over to the tree where Isa was hanging. He drew his knife - no, he had no knife. The villagers took it from him. He instead grabbed Isabelle's gun that had fallen in the snow below her. He plunged his hands into the cold white snow and retrieved the gun. He held it in his hands for a moment... he had a flashback of when his mother died.. she had been killed by one of these... He blacked out and just shot the gun... it hit the branch that held Isabelle. The rope snapped, and Isabelle came tumbling down. He tossed the gun aside and ran to catch her in his arms. Her weight was a bit overbearing, seeing as he was already week. He fell to his knees, her in his arms. Her scared eyes shimmered with fear, but it was still gorgeous. He almost frozen skin gleamed.. it was like the scene at the whipping post all over again. His soft, dark black hair blew in the wind. Everything was perfect... except the fact that he was freezing cold and bleeding. "Oh, um, eh, you probably need a shirt, don't you? I uh, Um, I don't uh, have one right now but uh, I can get you one maybe Oh my God I'm so sorry!" He said as he hugged her. "Just, uh, keep hugging me. You know. To uh, keep you warm so you don't freeze to death." He said nervously.

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