2:35pm Jun 10 2010
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Tray stared down at the castle grounds. Even with his strong sight, he was unable to see Serus anymore. Suddenly, he felt a chill come over him. Someone was with Ace! His wings locked around him, appearing more as a cloak than as wings and he jumped down from the tree, landing quietly on the ground below and racing off in the direction he knew Ace was.
2:43pm Jun 10 2010
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Ace didn't sense any trouble from Dusk.She was just in a mild conversation with her.
3:50pm Jun 10 2010
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Dusk glanced around and whipped out her ice kinfe. she wondered what the smell was coming from, Ace had said the other vampire had left...
 <-- Click me
3:57pm Jun 10 2010
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Tray jumped out from behind a tree, glaring at Dusk through gold eyes. Who was this Vampire? Ace didn't seem scared of her, then again she wasn't the type to be afraid, but he still faintly recognized her from Cask's army. He pointed the tip of his lance at her, daring her to move. "What do you want?" he asked coldly.
4:27pm Jun 10 2010
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"Relax Tray she is no longer allied with Caks and yes you should recognize her she used to be Cask's most loyal servant," Ace said dissmissing him with a flick of her hand. Serus stared coldly and said with a menace to his tone"let me cut to the chase,i'm tired of this 'Save the human race' crap my very much so mother puts upon me and i request sactuary under your so brialliant castle and respect above all from your allies."
10:24pm Jun 10 2010
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9:55am Jun 11 2010
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Try turned her blade in her hand and stuck it back in her belt, it was the only possesion she ahd kept from her life as a human and now she could, to a certain extent, control water...
 <-- Click me
1:39pm Jun 11 2010
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Ace said with a dangerous tone"No need for bloodshed under my eye especially amonst ourselves now." Magin had never used her demonic form like Serus had allways done.She now was begining to get very curious about it though,she wanted to know what it happend to look like...
2:37pm Jun 11 2010
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Cask raised a brow. "What makes you think I'll launch you high up into my respect range? I haven't even been around for most of your life since your mother -" he sneered at the word "- stole you and your sister out a short while after you two were born." He growled and narrowed his yellow eyes dangerously. The fringes were just starting to turn crimson.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:22pm Jun 11 2010
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"Not my fault," Serus said hotly"After all i was merely an infant,what could i have done to stop her?"He was begining to become pist as well and annoyed,but he usually managed very well to keep his temper.Serus took a deep breath and calmled himself and waited for his father's reply.
6:26pm Jun 11 2010
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"What do infants do best? Cry, scream, and carry-on," Cask growled at his son. "Any of those perfectly acceptable to get attention from practically anybody in my kingdom."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:33pm Jun 11 2010
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"Pfft,and no one heard the loud ruckus my mother made having that wall go up...oh wait i forgot no one ever figured out how she left," Serus sneered"Secondly even if i would've screamed she would've beat out the sound and made it so no one could hear me." His golden eyes now tainted allmost the same color as his hair.
6:39pm Jun 11 2010
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Cask let out a warning growl at Serus's sneer. When he heard what his son's mother would have done to him, his eyes instantly turned a deep crimson and he ground his teeth together. A small streak of blood rolled down from the corner of his mouth as a canine punctured his lip. "She. Wouldn't. Dare," he growled savagely. His hair shifted in a non-existant wind as the shadows from the wall behind him shuttered and lifted off as it started to circle around him. Literally.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:08pm Jun 11 2010
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"You don't know her very well then,i was trapped my whole life in that horrid fairy forest and she put us there specifically so you couldn't get us back," Serus said calmly"And when i acctually tried to leave the magic woudln't let me and i ended up going in circles for days on end."He bagan tapping his foot impatiently,his father didn't scare him nor woudl eh ever fear him.
7:15pm Jun 11 2010
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Cask didn't answer as he narrowed his eyes at his son. Serus was intruiging him. He calmed down slightly and the shadows went back to their original position against the wall. Tilting his head, he said; "Then tell me why I have heard rumours that a vampire travels with you? Tray, I think the bloodsucker's name is." His voice was harsh, though not demonic.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:18pm Jun 11 2010
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"Hmf,that bloodsucker is merely Ace's pet,well how do i explain this...ever heard of a imprintation?" Serus asked no emotion to his tone.
7:34pm Jun 11 2010
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Cask inclined his head. Signalling that he had heard of it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:42pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 7:43pm Jun 11 2010)
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"Well taht little legend is true,and it happens that if her bloodsucker is too far away from her she will go completely insane although...should i include another detail...Ace Card is not her full name her full anme is Aciescra Cardvess,she is also one fo the gifted sort such as wizards,sorcerers,sorceresses,witches ECT. amking her not normal like most humans." Serus said with a nod before continueing"You did manage to wipe them out am i correct?"
7:44pm Jun 11 2010
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Cask let out a growl. So she was the remaining one that got pas-sed the mas-sacre against her people. His eyes narrowed and almost started to glow.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:50pm Jun 11 2010
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Aciescra felt a flash run through her mind it showed a blurred image of Cask and Serus.Now eh knew but one thing he didn't know was her mother was a normal ungifted human.Aciescra was teh first of any woman born with the wizards gift(males usually only recieve this),she was determined to seek revenge for her father and let humans reign the earth as tehy ahd before... Serus nodded"and it just so happens she has the male version of the gift and not the weaker sorcerer gift, the wizards."