11:44am Jun 12 2010
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Dusk rounded the conrer, ramming into Cask. "Oh, you came, I was enjoying watching you suffre without me." she said angrily, her voice turning colder ajnd colder by the second. The vampire leapt ointothe air, running over to Ace...
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12:01pm Jun 12 2010
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"Now Dusk that's no way to treat an opponent...after all it is a one on one so i'd appriciate it if you'd find yourself a confortable seat while i kick this bastards As.s" Ace said with a laugh.
12:07pm Jun 12 2010
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"Fine, but if you don't win, its my turn." She snarled at Cask and leapt into the stands, doing a flip as she did so, showing off her agility...
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12:12pm Jun 12 2010
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"Fine but you know if i lose the penalty is death right?" Ace said her pupils narrowed.
12:15pm Jun 12 2010
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"Not if I can help it." Dusk said, glancing at Ace, If things get diceey, I*m helping. She thoght to Ace...
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12:39pm Jun 12 2010
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"You will not be helping me no matter what happens,"Ace said.Raising her hand and a shield formed around the arena so no one But Cask and her could be inside"Ready dragon boy?"
12:49pm Jun 12 2010
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Cask glanced at his mother and he paled five shades. "Mom..." he said softly, trailing off. Then he growled and his crimson eyes deepened in colour as he leapt at Ace, shape-changing into his dragon form. His foreclaws were raked forward and his eyes where narrowed to the point of crimson slits. "You have no right to invovle my mother!" he roared in his demonic voice.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:51pm Jun 12 2010
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Dusk drew water from thin air and tightened it around her fists, throwing it at the shield as hard as she could, but the ice just broke into a billion pieces. She reformed them and threw it again and again. Now, she wasn't trying to break the shield, she was trying to entertain herself...
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1:07pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:08pm Jun 12 2010)
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"Oh then i should involve your father then?" Ace said leaping out of the way and useing her magic to transform into an albino death dragon.She raked her claws along Casks side. "Please...don't," Nial,Cask's human mother, rasped.The scene was not at all fitting to her ancient eyes and she disagreed when it came to violence.
1:10pm Jun 12 2010
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Dusk pulled the water from the gr*censored* and leaves under Ace and Cask;s feet, she could control it, but it would not come out of the shield. She smiled, this gave her an idea...
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1:15pm Jun 12 2010
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Cask snarled. "Leave the dead in the past!" he roared as he landed. His side stung. Unfurling his wings, shadows increased the feathers and rolled off the muscled appendages. "They have no fued with the present." Flexing his claws, he launched himself at Ace, who looked so much like his old man.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:16pm Jun 12 2010
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Dusk watched as Cask lept at Ace, "Get otu of the way!" she screeched, pushing the water in the inside of the shield towards Cask...
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1:20pm Jun 12 2010
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Cask glanced at Dusk and growled. When his paws touched the ground, he leapt at her. She he could attack. She was a traitor. And traitors deserved to die. A low rumbling growl came from his throat as he opened his maw slightly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:22pm Jun 12 2010
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Ace said"If the dead have no quarrel then why are you alive?and Cask,i already know you were human once atleast spare me the details before my dead self has to go,".Ace roared to the sky...she knew how much demons hated sunlight...After more than 100 years the sun finally showed from behind the cloud that had been tehre since she was merely 10 years old those years ago.
1:23pm Jun 12 2010
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Dusk flipped onto the top of the shiled, draggin the water with her. She pounded the shield till it broke and lept inside. "This fight is too big for one person." she growled at ace. And shot a blast of water at the fire in Cask's mouth...
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1:26pm Jun 12 2010
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"Either get out or i'll make sure you never see the light of day Dusk...so don't try my patience." Ace growled.Making the shield a thousand times stronger than before and poofing Dusk back into the seats.
1:27pm Jun 12 2010
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((Isn't that god-moding?)) Dusk pounded on the shield, snatching up a large icicle and throwing it onto the field. "You can't stop me. He wants me as much as you." Dus kgrowled, her eyes blazing red. She covered the field in water that aCe couldn't make go away...
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1:28pm Jun 12 2010
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[[ There is ot fire in Cask's mouth! He is dragon of death, not fire. -grumbles- I hate it when people do that. And I am on the verge of quitting forever and never coming back. ]] Cask cringed at the light of the sun. He hissed and dodged the water that Dusk had aimed at him. Flaring open his wings, the shadows from his wings stayed strong against the glaring sun. The shadows also covered the crimson dragon and he sighed with obvious relief.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:40pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((No,just trying to say taht Ace only wants a fight between her and Cask and no one else...don't quit dragon!)) Ace returned Cask's mother to rest and decided better to leave her out of it.She was getting tired...and was now in human form blood begining to seep from a large gash in her leg.When shadows touched her she shivered and felt the tendrils cut her skin.She screamed in agony...she was of light not darkness,she knew she was done for but she wouldn't give up just yet...She stood up although she wobbled a little as she could feel the blood drain from her face.she knew that her life blood was spilling from her relentlessly.She knew if she died...she wouldn't be human when she returned...she'd be a new person,and swallowed completely in darkness. Serus was shaking rapidly...he was watching as his motehr died before his eyes and there was nothing he could do about it... Magin felt hot sticky tears fall from her eyes as she was sitting next to Serus.Watching teh whole thing...
1:42pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Sorry Dragon, don't quit. I didn't realize)) Dusk grumbled a bit, but jumped out of the ring and sat down, playing with a little ball of water and snarling at it...
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