Darkness {Warrior Cats} I Beseech You

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6:29pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 694
((Making characters now))

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



6:35pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:02pm Feb 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 694
 The Basics:

Name: Greenfeather
Nickname(s):  None
Age:  Adult
Position:  Medicine Cat
Gender:  Male
Birthplace:  StreamClan
Residence:  StreamClan

The Apperance:
Eye Color: Green
Coat Color: Light gray, faint whitish stripes
Scars: none
Distinguishing Features: his back left paw is white

The Personality:
Loves: Helping the sick, teaching
Likes: Talking, soothing others, the joy of living 
Dislikes: Violence, stupidity/not thinkingness
Secrets: -to be coming-
Weaknesses: He cannot fight
Strengths: he is smart and resourceful

The Other:
Additional Info.: 

((Can I also make a pregnant queen?))

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



6:22pm Feb 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
{SeaDragon: Sure!}


3:19pm Feb 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 694
 The Basics:

Name: Dawnflower

Nickname(s):  None
Age:  Adult
Position:  Queen
Gender:  Female
Birthplace:  StreamClan
Residence:  StreamClan

The Apperance:
Eye Color: Green
Coat Color: White, black, and orange

Scars: One on the side of her face, another on her shoulder
Distinguishing Features: her bright marbled coat

The Personality:
Loves: Likes:  
Secrets: -Weaknesses: Strengths:
The Other:
Additional Info.: 

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



6:32pm Feb 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[It would probably be better if you put them all in one post. o3o]


6:57pm Feb 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

{Dawnflower is accepted Seadragon. 

All we need is a leader and we can start, and if anyone wants to be a leader/deputy of another clan please feel free to do so.} 


1:53pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[I can make another deputy for Duneclan. ^^]


5:23pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
{Sure Det! I'm also going to delete Rockclan for obvious reasons. If no one is open to taking leaders spot by tonight then i'll take it temporarily (until someone else comes along and wants it). That way we can get a move on.}


5:25pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 5:42pm Feb 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Alright. I'll add it to my other bios. ^^]
[Stray, has anyone offered to be deputy for CaveClan?]


5:45pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
{Added. And nope, no one's offered. I r-mailed SerenitySorrow to ask if she wanted to join or not since she showed interest. I'm hoping she'd like to become leader.}


7:01pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,842

OoC; Easteh is baaaaack <3 For a bit at least, so long as my sister continues to let me use her laptop <3

Oh and is leader for StreamClan taken? If so not a problem, if not my I take it?


The Basics:

Name: Troutsplash
Nickname(s):  Doesn't really have one.
Age:  29 moons
Position:  Warrior

Gender: Tom

Birthplace: StreamClan

Residence: StreamClan

The Apperance:
Eye Color: Cerulean Blue
Coat Color:His underbelly, paws, muzzle, chin, throat, and tail tip are white. The rest of his body is a dark blue/gray tabby.

Scars: One pinksih scar across the ridge of his muzzle/nose

Distinguishing Features: Huge paws. He is a shorthair :D

The Personality:
Loves: Food, his clan, his friends etc.

Likes: swimming, hunting, when his clan wins a fight

Dislikes: All the traveling the clans are doing, rain...

Secrets: Nope
Weaknesses: Rain, running really fast, because of his slowness he is susceptable to injury

Strengths: Fighing, hunting, love

The Other:
Scent: River water with a tinge of mint

Crush: Falconwing
Mate: Nope
Offspring: Nope
Family: Sees Jadewing as his sister.

Additional Info.: Nope


The Basics:

Name: Jadewing
Nickname(s):  Nope
Age:  21 moons
Position:  Warrior
Gender:  Female
Birthplace:  Unknown

The Apperance:
Eye Color:Jade green
Coat Color:Flame point siamese. Orange paws, muzzle, chin, tail(darker at the tip) and ears

Scars: At an angle going down across her left side at the ribs.

Distinguishing Features: Pink nose. Lean, and tall, small paws.

The Personality:
Loves:Life :3
Likes:Hunting, running, playing around like a kit
Dislikes: Water of any kind, battle, her clan

Weaknesses: Easy to injure, but doesn't give up, which sometimes causese more lasting injuries.


The Other:
Scent: Pine
Crush: Maybe

Family:None she knows of

Additional Info.: was born a rogue on the border of StremClan, clan found her when she was3-4 moons old, she barely remembres her parents




7:12pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[I don't think it was taken. You'll have to wait for Stray to confirm though. <3]


8:10pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

((Psh, my computer is an epic fail XP I full out typed like three bios XP I'll see if I can' have them all up again tonight XP

And Psh, Stray, you've rpied with me before you don't have to call me SerenitySorrow, Serenity or Ser if fine XD))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

8:20pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((Nerp. So who's going to be leader, then?))


8:22pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Eastie might. o3o There's leader for one of the Clans not being played though.]


9:12pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 7:48pm Feb 18 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

The Basics:
Name: Midnightflower
Age: 28 moons
Position: Warrior
Gender: Female
Birthplace: StreamClan
Residence: StreamClan

The Apperance:
Eye Color: Blue
Coat Color: Jet Black
Scars: None really noticable
Distinguishing Features: Her bright blue eyes

The Personality:
Loves: Lying in the sun, hunting, a good fight,
Likes: the shade, kits (surprisingly), her brothers
Dislikes:Most things
Secrets: None, she's pretty much an open book
Weaknesses: She's quick tempered
Strengths: She's rather agile, not to bad at fighting.

The Other:
Scent: Orchids
Crush: None at the moment
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Family: Brokentail (brother), Thornclaw(brother)
Additional Info.: Nothing worth mentioning

((Will finish later, and I'll add my other two later.))

- - - - - -

 The Basics:

Name: Brokentail
Age: 30 moons
Position: Warrior
Gender: Tom
Birthplace: Streamclan
Residence: Streamclan

The Apperance:
Eye Color: Orange
Coat Color: Ashy Grey
Scars: None
Distinguishing Features: He has a kink in his tail. When he was young he broke it, and it stayed bent. He is also a bit bigger then normal cats.

The Personality:
Loves: Lying in the sun, lazing about
Dislikes: Too much Action
Secrets: None really
Weaknesses: He's lazy
Strengths: His size, even though he can be slow, he's a bit stronger than the rest.

The Other:
Scent: Earthy (pine needles, soil, mint)
Crush: None as of yet
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Family: Thornclaw, Midnightflower
Additional Info.: He is not really realted to Midnight, his mother and his sibling had died and Midnightflowers mother took him in, along with Thronclaw who was found abandoned outside the camp.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:14pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[6 moons or less is kit, 6 moons to about 12 or 13 moons is apprentice and anything from 13-14 to 40 moons is warrior. Elder can be about 30 to death. ^^]


7:47pm Feb 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

{East! It's good to see you back (for however long ^^). Yes of course, you may be leader! 

Ser: Oh, that sucks about the bio's; I hate it when the computer decides to be a pain. I forgot about the nickname though, sorry. I should remember from now on. Cats acceppted by the way, i'll add them now.

Fullmoon: I'm going to allow East to be leader, sorry. Can you please post your bio's, by the way? I'd like to get this started as soon as the leader's bio is up.}


2:14pm Feb 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,842

OoC; Stray, Det, Everyone else who I've rp'd with, I missed you gaiz <3 ♥♥♥♥♥


 The Basics:

Name: Robinstar
Age:  31 moons
Position:  Leader
Gender:  Tom
Birthplace:  StreamClan
Residence: Streamclan

The Apperance:
Eye Color:Ivy green.
Coat Color: Beige/tan. Black spots and stripes. He's a f3 savannah cat, here's a link, just imagine him with ivy green eyes and a little bit darker spots and such.


Scars:Just a few on his left front leg, nothing really noticeable.
Distinguishing Features: He's huge.

The Personality:
Loves: His clan, his family that are no longer alive, StarClan etc..

Likes: Hunting. Rain. Water.
Dislikes: Lots of heat. Judgemental cats.
Secrets: None yet.
Weaknesses: He's bulky so in battle he's easy to hit, gets angry kind of easily, doesn't have the best aim.
Strengths:Long strides so he can places fast, a lot of power behind his attacks,doesn't like to rus into battle and would rather speak something over then fight.

The Other:
Scent: Musky, almost like wet dirt(not mud)and dust

Crush: Midnighflower
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Family: None alive in the clan. Might bring his sister in later...

Additional Info.: Was born into the clan, his mother was a clan cat his father a rogue.



2:39pm Feb 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

{Missed you to East ^.^

If someone would like to start then please go ahead!} 

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