The Basics:
Name: Raven'sWing
Nickname(s): Raven or Ray
Age: 16 moons
Position: warrior
Gender: she-cat
Birthplace: unknown
The Apperance:
Eye Color:dark hazel
Coat Color:black
Scars:one long scar running from her noes to her tail
Distinguishing Features:The scar
The Personality:
Loves:rivers, and fighting
Likes:hunting, exploring or just laying down and humming
Dislikes:kitty-pets, and cat who think life is just full of happiness
Secrets:"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret would it"
Weaknesses:She sometimes get too caught up things
Strengths:She can usually figure some one out quickly
The Other:
Scent:She smells vagly of bllod from the blood stained on her paws, and clean water
Crush:no one
Mate:no one
Family:non that are alive
Additional Info.:"I have nothing left to say"
The Basics:
Name: Dawntail
Nickname(s): Dawn
Age: 14moons
Position: warrior
Gender: tom
Birthplace: He does not recall
Residence: Streamclan
The Apperance:
Eye Color:storm gray eyes with a rink of dark gray surounding his irises
Coat Color:light gray with a darker gray tail
Scars:He has a few almost un noticable scars on his left flank
Distinguishing Features:he has black paw pads
The Personality:
Loves:playing, hunting, and having fun
Likes:exploring, and tree climbing
Dislikes:grumpy cats, boredom, and unhappyness
Secrets:nothing much
Weaknesses:He doesn't take much seriously
Strengths:He doesn't hold grudges or get caught up things easly
The Other:
Scent:He smells of fresh gra*ss, and sun light
Crush:no one
Mate:no one
Additional Info.:nothing much