6:01pm Feb 5 2010 (last edited on 7:06pm Feb 5 2010)
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"That is true," she conceded the point. "But are you doing something out here?" ((Leaving now))

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10:48am Feb 6 2010
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"Were,my dear"Holmes corrected,as he sarted walking towards his home "Come along, Chira.We have things to discuss"
11:20am Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 730
She smiled. "Alright." She followed him, walking silently, as was her custom.

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6:40pm Feb 6 2010
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Holmes whistled an unknown tune, as Duke sighed. "That song's annoying, man"He complained. "It that my fault?"Holmes replied, cocking an eyebrow at him "No, it's mine, for introducing you to rock"Duke laughed,shaking his head
2:06am Feb 7 2010
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Aquinnah followed their example, walking quietly behind them.
10:37am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 730
Chira noticed Aquinnah walking behind them, and slowed her pace so they could walk side by side. "How many cases have you done with Sherlock?" she asked.

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6:34am Feb 8 2010
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7:07am Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 8:32am Feb 8 2010)
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Aquinnah looked up at Chira and smiled. "None, actually." she said. "But I'm fascinated by his deductions which he makes when I visit him, or on his visits, which are rather rare." she chuckled and continued, "But I know Uncle's a detective, of course, so I want to as.sist him and the others in solving cases from now on."
4:12pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 730
"This is your first case, then? Well now, this should be interesting. Good practice, I think. You seem intelligent," she continued, looking at Quinn, "But can you do what he does?" She indictates Holmes. "That would be impressive."

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7:37pm Feb 8 2010
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"Yes, she can do what I can"Holmes interjected, shaking his head."She doesn't believe she can, but her last name is Holmes. And anyway, with her mom away, I'll be raising her. So she'll have more cases"
4:02am Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 7:30am Feb 9 2010)
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Quinn beamed her thanks at Holmes. "I still don't think I could ever be as clever as you, Uncle. Or brave. You're not afraid of anything or anybody, and you always know what to do." She turned to Chira and said, "Yes, this will be good practice."
10:51am Feb 9 2010
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"Really? This is going to be fun now," She smiled. "I get to see a young detective figure out how good she really is."

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6:22am Feb 10 2010
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Aquinnah just smiled at Chira's words. As they neared the house at Baker Street, Quinn was bubbling with excitement.
6:33am Feb 10 2010
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"Hey, do you have anywhere I can practice fighting?" Chira suddenly asked, realizing that this case would most definitely involve some fighting.

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6:55am Feb 10 2010
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"Fighting?" asked Quinn, a little bewildered. "I'm not sure." Turing to Holmes, she asked, "Is there, Uncle?"
2:35pm Feb 10 2010
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"Yes,"Sherlock answered. "My place"Duke finished, as he walked up to a building an opened the door
3:47pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 3:52pm Feb 10 2010)
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"Okay." She grinned. "I'm not surprised. After all, I bet your dear uncle needs to hit people all the time."

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4:02pm Feb 10 2010
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"I do."Holmes agreed, walking into the vast building "There's a training room, a gym, and other sorts of combat rooms"Duke informed, flicking on lights as he went along. "I used to be in the Army, so I needed to be prepared"
4:14pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 730
Chira let out a low whistle. "Wow. "Prepared" is right. You have an army training base in here!"

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7:36pm Feb 10 2010
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"I do, actually. It's in the basement"Duke laguhed, as he walked into the kitchen "Anyone hungry?"