7:24pm Feb 22 2010
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"Let's just say he's a very good judge of character."Raizo smirked, walking over to her. "Wanna learn?"
7:43pm Feb 22 2010
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She grinned. "Absolutely. It isnt every day that I face off against a shirtless a.ssa.ssin." She twirled her katanas, and adjusted her balance.

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10:01pm Feb 22 2010
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"No," Raizo laughed, taking the Katanas away. "You start with sticks," He motioned towards the wall, racks of bamboo sticks aligning the wall.
6:52am Feb 23 2010
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Quinn walked up to them and took two sticks from the wall. "Watch me? Why, I can take care of myself anywhere!" Her tone was indignant as she said so. "So anyway, Uncle Du- Raizo, I must say," she chuckled and continued, "How many people have you as.sas.sinated?"
8:02am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 730
She sighed theatrically. "Fine... but do I get them back?" She grabbed two sticks off the wall. "Great. Sticks. Exactly what I wanted." She said sarcastically.

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1:14pm Feb 23 2010
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6:00pm Feb 23 2010
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"Yes, you get them back,"Raizo laughed, tossing her one. "You don't want to know."He added in a final tone, shooting Aquinnah a stern look. "I'd give you nightmares."
8:34am Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 11:05am Feb 24 2010)
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Aquinnah grinned at Raizo. "I have nightmares anyway," she said. "But if you think it's better not telling me," she paused for a second, then continued, "Then fine." Quinn slurped down the slice of pizza from the rapier and turned to her uncle. "Let me see if I'm at least half as good as Uncle Sherlock; now, how many persons could you have as.sas.sinated?" she thought for a moment, then said. "Hum... You're a very good fighter, which means you've trained pretty hard to be so skilled. And I don't think you'd do that for pleasure; it should be put to use. So, I think I may safely say that you've as.sas.sinated... Well, more than four, I should think." she finished with a twinkle in her eye.
11:01am Feb 24 2010
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"I'm going to safely put my guess in as a lot of people." Chira said, and then grumbled, "I want my katanas back... So, are we going to start?"

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4:57pm Feb 24 2010
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"I've a.ssa.ssinated more than about a thousand people." Raizo answered, before taking his position. "Now, I want you to try and come at me,"He added, smirking at Quinn.
9:22am Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 730
Chira did a quick stretch before settling in to watch. She stood and waited for Quinn to attack. "See, I told you: a lot." She said.

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10:19am Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 10:19am Feb 25 2010)
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Aquinnah cocked her head. "Why? Surely you don't hate more than a thousand people, do you, Uncle Raizo?" Quinn asked�innocently, before glancing down at the sticks in her hand. "With..this?" she asked, before looked up at Raizo. "Okay," she said dubiously and charged at him.
2:05pm Feb 25 2010
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"It was my job, before I decided that the price of a man's life is equal in all ways,"Raizo explained, easily dodging Quinn's attack and landing a quick, yet somewhat soft blow to her ribs and chest. "And that I was worth more than them was nothing more than a lie. That I was worth more than some tool to use as a killing machine."
5:52pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 730
"Raizo, you are worth much more than that." Chira stated firmly. "My turn?"

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7:18pm Feb 25 2010
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"I know that, which is why you guys being around me is actually safer."Raizo laughed, but it wasn't humorous. "Well, is it, unless Quinn wants to go again..."
10:45am Feb 26 2010
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Quinn clutched her chest, though not at all in pain. Grinning, she straightened up and sat a little away, saying, "I think I'd rather watch you two for a little." Quinn knew her knowledge of as.sas.sins was very limited, and her curiosity pressed her into asking more of Raizo's early life. "Is that why you quit being an as.sas.sin? Did you like being one? How and where did you train? What was it like?"
8:08pm Feb 26 2010
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"Enough questions,"Raizo answered sternly, in a voice that echoed his warning. "Telling you that would get you killed."
4:42am Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 4:46am Feb 27 2010)
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Quinn had half opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it, hearing the tone of Duke's voice. She wanted to know why Raizo said that, and more about as.sas.sins, but she knew better than to disobey him. "Okay," she said meekly and watched Chira and Raizo with utmost interest.
7:39pm Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 6:23pm Feb 28 2010)
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Posts: 730
((Sorry, I have a power outage. Might not be on for a few days. DX)) Chira got into her ready stance. She grinned, as if she knew something he didn't, and flicked her sticks up. She balanced on the balls of her feet and darted forward and to the side, bringing the sticks up. She faked one way and then twisted to land one on his leg. She darted away, having this all take less than two seconds.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
12:33am Feb 28 2010
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Raizo laughed, appearing behind her. His own sticks in her hand, he stuck her twice, on each side. The blows were light, yet meaningful "I'll teach you how to shadow blend."