1:17pm Mar 20 2010
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"Alright, but remember this, you guys asked for it." Duke laughed. "No grudge holding."
2:33pm Mar 20 2010
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Chira heard a slight rapping outside. She turned her head a little and narrowed her eyes. "Raizo, I'll be right back..." She grabbed her katanas and hid them under her robes. She went over to where the door was, and heard another slight rapping.

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6:34pm Mar 20 2010
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"Who's there? I heard it before you did." Raizo sneered, disappearing into the shadows.
9:12am Mar 21 2010
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((Sneered? lol chance)) She walked up to the door, and heard the click of a gun being loaded. She swore to herself, and opened the door at the same moment that she put her blades to the man's throat.

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7:40pm Mar 21 2010
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((Yes, he sneered xD)) Duke appeared behind the man, twisting his hand at an akward angle until he dropped the gun. "Chira, down." He said, pushing the man into the room. "Who are you?"
5:54pm Mar 22 2010
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Chira slowly lowered her katanas and searched the man. "He's a poor excuse for a mercenary. My eldest brother sent him to kill me, I bet." She came up with two bombs and a backup gun. "Stupid sibling." She coldly eyed him. "Now, what to do with you? Hmm... What is a nice punishment.?" SHe circled the man, who was nervously trying to keep her in his line of sight.

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4:55pm Mar 23 2010
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"I have an idea." Raizo grinned cruelly.
"You always said I couldn't be mean.." He added, grabbing his beloved Kyoketsu Shoge.
6:17pm Mar 24 2010
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"I think I can handle this..." She looked at him. "Unless you would like to do the dirty work? I've had to do this several times over the course of my travels. My older brother hates me and wants me dead. My younger brother, well..." She hesitated. "I don't know if he's been killed yet..." She returned her attention to the mercenary.

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11:59pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 12:00am Mar 26 2010)
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"Please don't kill him, Uncle Duke," Quinn pleaded, suddenly feeling a little sorry for the man. She looked at Chira appealingly and said, "Why would your sibling hate you? Please don't kill this guy." Quinn had always been an animal lover, and could never think of hurting any creature if it could be helped. Even the thought of killing a man who might kill a friend was too unbearable for her.
2:48pm Mar 26 2010
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Chira sheathed her swords, agreeing with Quinn. Even so, she disn't have to be nice. "Stand up." She told him. "That's not a question, it's an order! Stand up!" She said harshly when he hesitated. "Who sent you?" She demanded, just to get the interrogation basics down.

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3:37pm Mar 26 2010
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"That's funny, my brother wants me dead, too." Duke laughed. He turned to Quinn, sympathy on his face. "I'm sorry, Quinn, but I'm going to kill him." He said slowly, swinging the blade around. It struck the man's back, eliciting a scream from him as the deep gash bled profoundly. "Hell, might as well make it slow."
4:00am Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 5:45am Mar 27 2010)
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"Then please, Uncle Duke, please make it quick. Just get it over with." Quinn begged, pitying the mercenary. She hung her head for a while, to hide the tears in her eyes. The man's cry was still ringing in her ears as he hurriedly left the room, not wanting to witness the terrible sight.
10:18am Mar 27 2010
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Chira put her head in her hands. "Raizo, stop it. He's my killer, I at least want to be able to get answers that make sense." She asked him again, "Who sent you?", more forcefully this time. "A man," He wheezed. "We met in Spain." Chira looked at him in disgust. "My brother." She turned around. "You can kill him now, just don't leave a mess." She stalked out of the room and sat in the training area. She put her arms on her knees and rested her head on her crossed arms, trying to puzzle out the reason that her brother would start coming after her again, after a year had p*censored*ed...

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10:59am Mar 27 2010
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Quinn sat beside Chira, and looked up at her questioningly. "Why would your brother want to kill such an awesome sibling like you? If I were to have a sister, I'd want her to be just like you." She felt like a weakling for crying, and wondered if there was anything she could do to help her. "Penny for your thoughts."
12:54pm Mar 27 2010
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Duke smirked, raising his weapon and twisting it around a couple times. The man screamed, but it was cute off as he choked on his own blood. Duke laughed, in his own little memory lane as he sliced the man to mere pieces, his blood covering him and the walls. He picked the man up, tossing him into the cold world outside his door.
2:08pm Mar 27 2010
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Chira looked up, faint traces of a smile on her face. "Thanks. I always wanted to have a little sister like you too. But my brother and I.... Well, he wanted me to help him kill my father so that he could inherit the fortune right away, but I refused. He went through with it, and then tried to kill everyone involved. Including me." She took a deep breath. "But I knew, and ran away before he sent his men out. They probably got my youngest brother too." She blinked away tears. "He was so like you, just more... boyish, I guess."

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2:15pm Mar 27 2010
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"Okay, it's done," Duke said from the other room, up on the rafters, hiding from Quinn's antagonizing looks. He didn't like the plain fear of him on his face. It urged him to leave, like so many times before. But, he couldn't. "HEY!" A familiar voice yelled. "What the hell happened in here?" He questioned, putting his pipe down. "I leave you to watch them and you kill someone..." Sherlock tsked.
9:08pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 10:05pm Mar 28 2010)
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Quinn slipped her hand into Chiria's in a comforting gesture. She heard Duke, frowned slightly, then smiled a little. "I always find it hard to stay mad at you." she called back, chuckling, then turned at Holmes's voice. I guess when you're a detective, you might have to deal with some bad guys that way. She beamed at Sherlock and said. "Uncle Duke killed a man with his weird-looking knife."
12:00pm Mar 29 2010
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"Again?" Holmes questioned, looking at Duke and rolling his eyes. "You are so violent," He huffed. "It's not my fault he walked in on us." Duke laughed from the rafters, the rain washing away the blood.
4:41pm Mar 29 2010
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Chira squeezed her hand back, thankful for the gesture. "Hey, Sherlock, does he do this every time he tries to train somebody?" She glared at Duke. "What was that all about, anyway? I usually hit them a few times and send them on their way." She heard a faint ticking noise. "...does anyone else hear that?"

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