4:56pm Jul 20 2010
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Zippora appreciated the as.sistance of her friend. She gave a light smile, her cold eyes revealing a mysterious glance. The sunlight flooded into the room from the open window. Her long brown hair blew freely from the light breeze, as Zippora pulled the window shut. Shutting the blindes gently. The sunlight faded from the room. She grabbed some money from a wooden box and put it in her shoe, to as.sure no pick-pockets. She gave one last look at her friend before disappearing out the door...she could hear his footsteps following. Once they were both on the outside of her home, Zippora locked the door with a small click. The soft aroma of the outdoors flooded Zippora's sences. She stared out over the horizon and strolled across the smal path, returning to the market... her eyes danced with mystery as she made her way through the crowded streets once more.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:57pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila took a deep breath. "You're right."She admitted. She was glad someone talked her out of it.
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4:58pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 4:58pm Jul 20 2010)
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"C'mon we better go beofe those people start calling the cops." She heard a siren down below. "Let's go." She reached her hand out for the girl to grab.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:58pm Jul 20 2010
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Mathias jumped a bit when he suddenly felt an arm around his shoulders, quickly relaxing when he recognized the voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine...just...pissed at the guy who started all of this..." he replied, pale green eyes moving to look up to Logan as the white-haired male wiped away the tears that had begun to fall again.
(-noms Jade- ouo)
5:00pm Jul 20 2010
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(( I dunno what to do with Joshua. Maybe he should go out to find another victim? >.>))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:00pm Jul 20 2010
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She took the girl's hand. "By the way, I'm Akila. I think I need help. The guy who torchered me mentioned a guy's name. The name was Mathias. He said that he was sending a message."
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5:02pm Jul 20 2010
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"Mathias. Okay, I'l help." She gently tugged the girl away from window and out of the door. "We'll go to my place." She wiped her brow, it was so hot. ((Braindead. D:))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:02pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 5:03pm Jul 20 2010)
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Posts: 6,511
( Edit: Ah, nevermind. -.-; )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:03pm Jul 20 2010
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(( Yeah. The retarded bad guy. Who has problems.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:04pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Um... o.o; So. I'll... o.o Wait over there. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:05pm Jul 20 2010
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"You're not the only one," Logan chuckled bitterly. "C'mon, let's get outta here."
5:08pm Jul 20 2010
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"Okay."She said.
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5:11pm Jul 20 2010
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Zippora purchased a small jar of thick jam. But it wasnt for eating. She made her way to the safety of the abandon streets on the darker parts of town and took off in a swift run... her limbs morphed in one agile movement to 4 strong paws. Her back cringed and flexed, as a soft white pelt covered her body... Her breathing turned softer, as she raced through the streets, her long striped tail being used for balance... her slim body was now a muscular white tiger. Her paws pounded on the gravel as the noise of the city faded and she emerged to the silent graveyard. She morphed back into her human form, her pelt reconcealed by skin and brown hair. Her eyes made their way through the empty place or mourning as she traveled through the grounds, arriving on a tall hill. She read the headstone, "ZIPPORA" she whispered alloud, "The Fire that Burned on the Darkest Days. Live Still in your final resting place." she read outloud. her fists clenched, there was no body in this grave. Her eyes were hidden by a wall of anger. She pulled out the jam twisting the cap and throwing it with all her force away. She watched it roll down the hill, and rest near a mound of uprooted soil. She took the jam, and filled in the words so they were no longer visible. She scribbled out the words the fire that burned on the darkest days till your final resting place. She stood back and stared at the headstone...It now read, "ZIPPORA Live S" she smiled to herself, "I do Live." She whispered darkly. Setting the edible glue beside her headstone.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:12pm Jul 20 2010
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Bethany realized she was still holding the girls hand,but she kept it there anyway, maybe it would comfort her. Bethany walked into the elevator and pressed the "G" button. The large doors opened and Bethany paused for a moment, soaking in the cool air, then started off again. She pushed open the door slowly, "Okay..."
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:19pm Jul 20 2010
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"What are we going to do about him?"She asked.
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5:23pm Jul 20 2010
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Mathias nodded and sighed, moving his hair out of his face. "So...where are we going?" he asked softly, shoving something into his pocket. He moved forward, sliding his hands into his pockets.
5:26pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason knew where Zippora had went but thought she was in no mood to be seen. It was the day before the anniversery of her 'death', even though she had escaped it about a year ago. She was decalred dead, and there was a funeral. No body of course, because there was no body to recover. he gave a low sigh and saw a collection of people, "whats going on?" he questioned to a young man closest to him. The man gave him a strange look, "Girl 'bout to jump." he anwsered. Jason's eyes drifted to the building, crazy he thought, going past the large croud.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:26pm Jul 20 2010
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"We'll find someone I know, after you rest." She looked around and quickly made her way into an alley. She saw a few cops cars drive up. "Hurry." She jogged faster, and turned into another street. Bethany stopped infront of a large building, she walked in fornt of two rusty doors and pushed them open with a loud "Crrreeee..." She stopped, and turned to face akila. "Im Bethany," She went down a hall way and saw an arrangement of doors. She took out a key and pushed it into the lock. "Home sweet home." She walked into the room, smiling.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:30pm Jul 20 2010
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"I don't know, anywhere." Logan replied, following his friend. "How about the beach? Or the arcade?"
5:32pm Jul 20 2010
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"She looked around the room. "It's nice."She said.
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