5:36pm Jul 20 2010
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"Oooh, Lolli, lolli, lolli. Pop..." He hummed alloud. "Maybe I should go out. Get some...food." He grabbed a thin jacket from his couch and tugged it on his body. "Dooo. Daaa." He picked up a wallet and a set of keys. He opened his door and pulled his hood over his head. Joshua stopped in front of a convenient sore, sighed, and entered. he bought a few items and rushed off back to his house. ((D:))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:37pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason sighed and strolled to the entrance of the graveyard. He looked atop the tallhill and could make out Zippora perched calmly near a headstone. He sighed and strolled into the dreadful place. He climbed the hill and put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't understand why you keep coming back." he whispered. His friend didnt turn around but he knew she heard, he continued, "Why dont you just find your family?" he asked, he hated seeing his friend so angry. He was surprised she anwsered. "My mother and father are dead. My brother 'outlived me.'" she stated, "I dont even know if he's alive. Or where to look." she stated expressionlessly, she apparently wouldnt take her eyes off her headstone which she vandalized. He read the sign to himself. Zippora Live S. No doubt Zippora Lives. he gave a sigh and sat down beside his friend. He put his hand on her shoulder and sat in silence.
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5:40pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 5:41pm Jul 20 2010)
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"It's good enough for me," She gestured towards a door. "Theres my room. Go rest, please." Bethany walked off into the kitchen and swung open her refrigerator door. She reached for the orange juice and set it onto the counter. She opened her cabinet and took out two cups. She poured some of it into the both of them. "Want some?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:41pm Jul 20 2010
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"Thanks."She said.
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5:45pm Jul 20 2010
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"No problem." She smiled lightly, "Im going to nap." She swung her body onto the leather couch and landed with a soft thud. She set down her cup on the coffee table and closed her eyes.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:47pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila went to Bethany's room and layed down and fell asleep.
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5:49pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason pulled Zippora up. "Come on. Don't mourn over yourself." he tried tojoke, but he could see it didnt work. He pulled Zippora into a tight embrace and pulled her away from the headstone. The two made their way out of the graveyard, Zippora lead him through the maze of alleys until the two of them arrived on the other side of town. His friend had street smarts... they walked in silence towards Zippora's home, she unlocked the door and made her way inside. Jason gave a light smile towards her before turning and hearing the door click closed.
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5:49pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 5:50pm Jul 20 2010)
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5:57pm Jul 20 2010
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(( i gtg, see you all tonight! :)))
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6:01pm Jul 20 2010
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"Mm, how about the arcade, then? I don't really feel up for the beach today," Mathias replied, managing a small smile for his friend, but not much more.
6:02pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila saw a glimps of Mathias in her dream. He greeted her in it. No she knows what he looks like.
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6:07pm Jul 20 2010
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"Alright. Cheer up, bro. We'll find that sicko." Logan ordered, returning the smile.
6:58pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm Jul 20 2010)
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Mathias nodded, smiling a bit more. "Alright..." he said, heading off towards the arcade.
9:47pm Jul 20 2010
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Zippora leaned against the closed door, she looked towards the empty space, her usually cold green eyes were hidden by a wall of regret. She collapsed to her knees shielding her face with her hands... why did she make that foolish mistake? It cost her everything. And she had to find a way to get it back. Her eyes sprung open, she jumped to her feet. Taking pity on herself wont solve a thing. She had done some terrible tasks in the past, resulting in the death of many... her brother... would he remember her? Did he care that she was gone? Would he care if she returned? Theses questions echoed in her mind as she grabbed a peach from the fruit basket, taking a bite into it. Juice dripped down her chin, as she wiped it with a napkin. Her family's images were near invisible in her memory. It was still light outside but she was exhausted. She tossed the remains of her meal into the waste basket, she strolled up the wooden stairs, each one creaking gently. She lived alone. She never was lonely. Everyone thought she was dead, so there were little visitors. However, she provided shelter to those in hiding or in need... at a cost. She smiled to herself as she laid on the dark green sheets, her hand gripping the wooden bedpost. She settled down and rolled to her side. Her eyes fluttered and shut... her own soft breathing put her to sleep. Jason knew his friend was upset. Tomorrow was the first anniversery of her 'death', he knew she may not leave the house. He strolled back to town. Maybe there was someone who would remember her.
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2:08am Jul 21 2010
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Rain carefully eyed the human from the roof. She seemed alone- a young drug addict teenage girl. Nobody would miss her. Nor would anyone find out if she's dead, and I shan't be discovered. She leaped, smashing the girl, her teeth sinking into the neck. It was bitter from the drugs, but better than nothing. She thought, "Well, that should last me a fortnight. Or a month." She carefully picked up the body , flung it into the sea. Then, sitting on the beach, she muttered, "Nobody is my friend. They all think I'm a nuisance, a danger, a hazard."
2:40pm Jul 21 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:55pm Jul 22 2010
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Jason strolled through the darkening streets. He grabbed the stone exterior of a tall building and scaled the walls... the surrounding city growing fainter as he hoisted himself further up. He gripped the grey rock and kicked up the last few inches, pulling himself over the ledge, and settling gently on the wall, his feet dangling freely off the steep edge. The light breeze blew his hair back as he watched the sun sink beyond the horizon.
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7:53am Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 7:57am Jul 23 2010)
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Kezuku made his way through the cemetery without emotion.He walked slowly along the path looking out at the tombstones.His long jacket fluttered in the cold mist as he walked.He was use to it by now being here so many times.This was usually his place to be his place of peace if such a place existed.He would never end a day without ever being here.He closed hid eyes remembering when he had a family.He remembered his little sister and how she was forgotten..lost in his fathers eyes.He remembers her but doesnt know where to find her.He knew he would find her before his life would end.He would do watever it took to find her for she was the only family he had left.He opened his blue eyes that looked like pool water when the light shines on it.He stopped at one tumbstone and stood their quietly.It read: Here lies Elizabeth Roseblood A devoted mother,Caring friend,And an angel 1969-1998 He looked at the tumbstone with no emotion.But one thing he did know,This wasnt all she was.She was a chimera..scratch out angel and put demon because thats what she was.His kitsune neko ears went back and he sighed.His mother always told him its always darkest before the dawn but you have to be strong and hold on.He kept that saying in his memories wherever he went.He knew sadness yet didnt cry.He knew pain yet didnt get angry or yell.He never made a sound showing his weakness but his strength was amazing.Being a chimera made him feel like a mutt.He had too many breeds in one body.He knew that for a fact and yet he still accepted himself for the moments that he could.He put a single beautiful rose on her tombstone"i shall never forget..all that you have done..even though others may have...i have not nor shall"He removed his hand from the tumbstone and walked away silently.

10:30am Jul 23 2010
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Jason swung his feet through the gentle breeze. From down below it seemed as if it appeared he was getting ready to jump. He ignored this fact. Life was worth living. His eye glanced to the graveyard. Many people were appearing to visit lately. Including his friend, Zippora. However, she had good reason. Visiting her own grave. Tomorrow he would go and see it for himself, for tomorrow was the anniversery of her death. She was one day away from being 'dead' for a whole year... would anyone come to see her grave? Perhaps he will see her lost brother amoung the onlookers. He sighed heavily, his friend may seem coldhearted, but she believed she had no heart to brake. Jason leaned back on the stone, closing his eyes gently. If only he had a heart that could beat.
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10:42am Jul 23 2010
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He walked deeper into the grave yard.He senced someone glancing into it.His eyes turned red for he was in vampire mode.Since he was wearing all black he could be like a shadow except for his glowing red eyes.They were always red when he smelled blood but he had them blue before because he was in a graveyard alone.He kept walking he wasnt hungry at the moment.He pulled his hair out of his face and made a low chuckle.