7:02pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 2:32pm Sep 19 2010)
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Yeah. If you have heard of a series called Dear America, you know it is young people recording events, feelings and such in a diary. How this will work, is you are a teen living in England during the Victorian Era. (1837-1901) Your posts will be in the form of a diary entry, and the other characters will respond to your "entry" with an entry of their own. Ex: Dear Diary: Today was horrible. This disease has killed my brother. So then, another person would go- Dear Journal: We have just gotten word that Emily's younger brother has pas.sed. Yeah, so stuff like that. RULES~ 1. Be literate, or semi-literate. Try to post at least one paragraph. (3-5 sentences). You are allowed ONE one liner per three pages, so make it count. 2. Be polite. 3. Follow all Rescreatu Rules. 4. Romance and violence is allowed, but please consider how this would be in the 1840's. And please note, most girls were married off at about 17 or 18, but could be married off as young as 14 or 15, depending on your cla.s and parents.. Once you hit your 20's, 23 was about the latest you were ever married. 5. You will be a teen between the ages of 15-18. 6. Post "BUBBLES? O:" to join. 7. Keep the gender ratios EVEN. 8. Guys will use "Dear Journal", girls "Dear Diary." ((A guy could use "Dear Diary", but journal sounds manlier, lol.)) 9. Please use Victorian-sounding names. BIO: Name- Age- Gender- Personality- Looks- Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - **Also, guys, I'm just going by what I know, so if this information is wrong, please let me know and I will change it. Thanks. ^^ CHARACTERS: Females: Eleanor Rose Penelope Sanders Rowena Moore Genevieve Walters Constance "Connie" Amor Males: Nathaniel Walters William Sanders Frederick Ashwood Elijah Kershaw Benjamin Amor
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:07pm Sep 18 2010
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((Look mommy, Bubbles!) BIO: Name-Eleanor Rose Age- 15 Gender- Female Personality- She is mysterious and hard-headed. she likes to think of herself as the worst lady in the world. She hates dresses, despite her mother's teachings. She hates girly things. She likes to fight, but it isn't possible, so she keeps a journal about the life. Looks-
Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - Wealthy, she lives in the royal palace as the princess Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - -looks up-
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7:09pm Sep 18 2010
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((Bubbles o: Join?))
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7:14pm Sep 18 2010
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((Accepted, Feyth. xD Yeah, your character hates dressed, but wears them, and she is princess, correct? Sure, Tri. Btw, guys, I added some rules, so. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:23pm Sep 18 2010
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Name- Nathaniel Walters Age- 16 Gender- Male Personality- Nathaniel is calm and courteous. His demenor is ususally happy, and he is mostly quiet, but if he befriends you, he will be talkative. Usually not adventerous, but is extremely curious. He holds his own, but never in a mean, snarky or frightful way. Looks- Short, golden curls. Cloudy, gray-blue eyes. He is tall, about 6'2", and thin, with a la yer of muscle for labor. Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - Poor, a peasant. He lives in a small cottage in a village near the royal palace, but near the country side also. Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - Like a peasant. Long sleeved, plain colored shirts, long trousers, usually black or gray.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:25pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Sep 18 2010)
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Name- Penelope Sanders Age- 17 Gender- Female Personality- She's very sweet, but has a dark side. People sometimes call her a savage, but she could care less on what people call her. She's been poor most of her life and she helps the poor unlike most royal people. Looks-  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="250" /> Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - She has been poor all her life, but now she's Wealthy and lives in the royal palace Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - She wears dresses, but not all the time Name- William Sanders Age- 17 Gender- Male Personality- Look at Akila's Looks- tle="View Full Size Image" width="166" height="250" /> Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - Weathy but chooses to be a peasant Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - Suits
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7:27pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((You said they had to wear dresses, you never said they couldn't hate them. xD))
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7:28pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Sep 18 2010)
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(( Um, Tri, not to be a downer or anything, but could you change their names to something from the Victorian Era? You would not find Akila's or Shane's. DX So ture, Feyth~))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:28pm Sep 18 2010
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7:30pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Sep 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
(( Thank you, Tri. c: But I'll add that to the rules. *true.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:31pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Sep 18 2010)
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Bubbles O: .:BIO:. Name- Rowena Moore [Rowan, Wena] Age- 16 Gender- Female Personality- Rowena is a very studious and bookish girl that gets nervous around company. However, she tends to never be afraid to say her part and what she feels in many conversations, and has gotten in trouble for her frank attitude.![]() Looks- http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/
H/HN/HNK/HNK999/1254085402_9554_full.jpeg Status/Cla.ss ((Wealthy? Poor? Are you a peasant, or live in the royal palace? That kind of stuff.)) - Her mother is duchess and her father a duke. Dress ((Note, all the women wore dresses, but how they were would vary depening or your status/clas.s)) - The image above.
7:34pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,682
((Detneth, can you remove your looks link for a quick second? I need to check something. DX))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:36pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((I fixed it.))
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7:37pm Sep 18 2010
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7:38pm Sep 18 2010
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((Can I write my first Diary entry?))
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7:42pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Thank you, Tri. <3 And you too, Detneth. But just as I suspected, your link stretched the thread on my computer. Is there anyway you can just copy & paste the actual image? DX Feyth: Hm, sure.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:47pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((No problem Froggie. Can I post mine too?))
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7:49pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[I tried multiple times, no go. Let me just cute the link into pieces. ^^]
7:50pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 7:51pm Sep 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
(( Sure, Tri, after Feyth. And sorry if I sound so..picky or strict. ;c Thanks so much, Detneth. <3))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:50pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 8:20pm Sep 18 2010)
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Posts: 6,948
ript Std'">Dear Diary: ript Std'">Today was another tedious day in the 'castle'. More like a prison if you ask me. I mean, how come I can't just walk outside and roll around in the dirt. The other children get to. I ask this of my mother and she scolded me, lecturing me on how we are so much better than them. Are we really. I talked Penelope, or Pene, as I like to call her. I asked her why she gave up the life of the peasant, wouldn't it be so much easier. ript Std'">I tore off my dress in a fit of fury after dinner, wondering why I had to wear it. My mother, once again. *sigh*. Came up and scolded me, forcing me to go downstairs and give it to the servents. Secretely though, I washed it myself, don't those poor peasents have enough work to do already, what with my mother trying to hand me off to get married to some snotty old prince? ript Std'">At lunch, the weirdest thing happened. I saw the prince, but I can't tell what everybody saw in him, but I did see another teen today. He was adorable with short, golden curls and big grey and blue eyes. Something fluttered inside of me, but I don't know why, and plus, did it matter anyway. Oh dear diary, why is life so confusing! ript Std'">-Eleanor
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