8:22pm Sep 20 2010
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(( We shall work on that tomorrow. xD I must go, need to take a bath and head to bed. Goodnight. <3))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:22pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Diary, Today I couldn’t quell my curiosity, so I asked my maid Rebecca to come with me to the market. After all, I needed to find that boy. I wanted to know of his life! I was wandering down the stalls, looking at the objects for sale (Though not really taking it in, my mind was on other things), and scanning the area for the boy…Nathaniel the gardener had called him? Least ways, I got tired in the end and I had to sit down. So I walked to the park. It was near many of the fancy houses for rich merchants, and I watched with some interest at the going-ons of some chimney sweepers. Perhaps I’ll find time to write later. Yours, Rowena.
8:27pm Sep 20 2010
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((Rawr, I'll reply before I dash off. xD)) Dear Journal, Today, the head gardener dismissed me early, he had somewhere to attend. I nodded, and decided to go for a stroll in the park, too bad my sister isn't with me, she'd enjoy it. Interesting, a young lady, wearing a fany dress, embroidered with jewels and such, is sitting on the bench. I shall ask her name, for she does look quite familiar. Not only that, I must say my curiosity has grown the better of me. I am on my wawy over there now, I shall bow then preceed to ask her name. Until afterwords, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:33pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Diary, I swear it is fate! That boy was at the park. I glanced at Rebecca, but she was flirting with one of the manservants from another house, who seemed to be walking his mistress’s dog, by the looks of it. I didn’t say anything, but I smiled. I would have said hello, but imagine what mother would say if she heard of this, Diary! She would have a conniption about such behaviour. I’m afraid my entry must be short today, for mother is calling me for dinner and then I must work on my embroidery. (Sigh). Until then (I’m changing my signature!), Rowena.
8:42pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm Sep 20 2010)
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Dear Diary, Do you think that Rowena thinks me snooty? Have I ever been snooty in my entire life, maybe around her parents. I wonder if she even bases who I really am on that, not the operson my mother wants me to be. Speaking of my mother, I think she is furious at me. She sent a message that said for me to leave at once, but I mean, really. This place is great compared to the place that some call heaven, but is really hell. I saw the gardener yesterday and then I realized that he was the same boy I had seen when I had first met the prince. He seems very kind, but I haven't gathered up the courage to talk to him yet. Perhaps I shall later, maybe he can teach me something about plants. that would be fantastic, because the ones I try to plant always die by my mothers hand. -Eleanor
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8:45pm Sep 20 2010
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[Feyth, how would Eleanor know what Rowena thinks? O__O]
8:49pm Sep 20 2010
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((I thought maybe she said it to her. If not, let me change that a bit. Maybe Eleanor can just tell by the way Rowena looks at her. btw, why does Rowena think she is snooty?))
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8:52pm Sep 20 2010
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['Cause Rowena is forced to entertain Eleanor, and a.ssuming that Eleanor acts like a princess around others, Rowena would obviously think she's snooty. xD And yeah, Rowena is careful with her expressions. But Rowena has a pretty free life considering she's the daughter of the highest ranked man in the country after the King.]
8:59pm Sep 20 2010
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((Eleanor never acts like a princess, I geuss I never mentioned that.))
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9:24pm Sep 20 2010
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9:25pm Sep 20 2010
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[She has to Feyth, if we are following conventional parentage.]
9:25pm Sep 20 2010
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((Nobody has to act like a princess. Alright, around Rowena's parents, she does.))
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9:27pm Sep 20 2010
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((Gah, today was another insane day for me. D: I must throw in at least one entry before I head off to bed!)) Dear Journal, Just another full of all so many chims. Thomas and I were together up in the homes of various uppity merchants, sweeping as usual for the most of it. We did endure quite the most frightful bout of yelling, all from the most burly lady maid, after Thomas brushed his sooty fingers up on a chair while covering it. I don't suspect we'll be sweeping there again, and almost positive won't be seeing any coin for that job. But the strangest thing there, that perhaps I must have imagined it. Popping across the rooftops, we found ourselves above the most simply lovely park, and gosh but it seemed there must have been someone's eyes following us. All up in my head I'm sure, but a curious thought on the wayside. Off to home now, if it may be called such, to see what lies between here and there. -Eli
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2:33pm Sep 21 2010
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2:46pm Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 2:47pm Sep 21 2010)
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Dear Journal, The girl smiled at at me, and but I had to leave before I could say something. I remembered I was supposed to do something for my mother, and she shall skin me if I don't do so. Until some time, ~Nathaniel ((A little later. )) Dear Journal, After completing my task, I decided to head back to the royal garden, to get a feel for the place. I walked up and down the rows, studying the plants. Oh the crops they grow! Enough to feed my whole village. But I have settled in the roses, writing this. The soil is cool, only slightly moist, and they seemed to be healthy. Also, I visited the tomatoes, happy to see they are looking much better, even after a day. I think I shall close this for now, and just look around more. I do feel silly, sitting on this ground, but peaceful, so I shan't move yet. Until another time, ~Nathaniel. ((And now Genevieve's entry )) Dear Diary, I apologize for not writing in thee sooner, but it was for a glorious reason! Mother has paid a tutor to help me learn, so my writing shall be improving greatly. Nathaniel teases me, saying that I'll never be able to write such as he. I always disagree, but he is probably right. He came home only for a bit, to help out Mother, then disappeared to the gardens. I as.sume he is there now. I myself am thinking about going for a walk. But where? I do know I will take this with me, for I might meet some people there. (Hopefully that boy, Eli, I believe his name is!) Until I decide, ~Genevieve
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:16pm Sep 21 2010
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Dear Diary, What joy! I have received a letter from my brother! Finally, after three years. I cannot believe what he had written down. " Connie, 'Lo, kiddie. Haven't talked to you in a while. Three years, thirteen days, and four hours, to be exact. I am so sorry I couldn't write sooner. Father wouldn't let me. I managed to sneak out to send this one. Anyway, attached to this letter is our new address. I wouldn't recommend coming back (Who knows what Father would do?) but please, send me a letter. Address it to me, too, so Father or Mother doesn't see it. I wear that red tie every day. Just like you said, it got the ladies. Perfectly. Love you, Ben. " How wonderful! I will write back to the address he has given me right away. I am crying right now, I am so happy. Yours forever and ever, Connie.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:52pm Sep 21 2010
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Dear Diary, Today was the oddest. I went for a walk in the gardens for I do so love the scent of blooming lily-of-the-valleys, and I came across our new gardener sitting in the rose bushes! Of course I could only stare at him for a while, for he was writing down in his journal (or Diary? What a thought!) and I couldn’t bother him, I simply couldn’t. He looked far too peaceful. I felt so silly now, for I was in my non-formal clothing and I must have looked completely different from the regal Lady Rowena the peasants were used to seeing. My feet were bare and covered with soft brown earth. I was wearing only a simple linen dress made of light blue fabric and my red-gold hair was done up in a white kerchief. I must have looked like one of the maids taking her day off at our palace (for most disliked going into the city for their day off, since we served much better food at our palace). I am sorry that this is such a frightfully long entry, but my mind is flying and I cannot contain these words. Also, I have much more time now that mother is too busy preparing Princess Eleanor’s visit (sigh). Until then, Rowena

7:17pm Sep 21 2010
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Dear Journal, I saw the regal Rowena looking quite plain, watching me. I pretented not to notice, for I'm waiting for her to speak to me. I'm going to get up, I have been sitting here for so long. Plus, supper is coming, and Mother shall scold me if I am late. But I am excited on working tomorrow, I seem to be in a good mood. Hopefully that will last throughout the week. Until tomorrow, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:25pm Sep 21 2010
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Dear Diary, The boy, Nathaniel I believe, seemed ready to get up and leave, and I simply couldn’t waste this moment. ‘Hello,’ I said pleasantly, holding out one of my hands. It wasn’t gloved and shaking hands with commoners was considered a great taboo, but still… Until Then, Rowena
7:35pm Sep 21 2010
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Dear Journal, Lady Rowena just offered her hand to me! I am in disbelief. It is known among us common folks that this is considered disgraceful. I am shocked, but in a good way. I smiled back and bowed. "Hello, Lady Rowena." I shook her hand, and had this closed. Now, afterwords, I am wondering what she shall do.... In a moment, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)