7:45pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Sep 24 2010)
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Dear Journal, The Lady Rowena seemed shocked that I recognized her, but who could forget her? Even though she was dressed rather plainly, she still seemed royal, not at all like a peasant or servant. I only smiled, and said, "But my lady, you just seem royal, plus your face distinguishes you quite well from others." I nodded, then hoping not to sound impolite, I kindly asked her to refer to me as Nathaniel. "Royal Gardener seems so prideful. I do take extreme pride in what I do, I just do not care for the term." Hopefully I will not get in trouble with Lady Rowena, she does not seem like the type to act as though we peasants are scum. I have just spotted Princess Eleanor; she is comign over to us. Until later, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:58pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Had to write an essay instead of working on this. :C Thanks goodness for weekends!))
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9:59pm Sep 23 2010
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((Eleanor went to talk to Natheniel.))
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3:47pm Sep 24 2010
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((Mmk, I'll edit my post to show that he sees her and will say hello or something. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:59pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Hmm. -trying to figure out what Eli should do next- No one has seen him recently, correct?))
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4:08pm Sep 24 2010
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((Nope, Tacos. o; Eli disappeared for a bit~))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:09pm Sep 24 2010
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((Lol, I know. Eli is a busy chimney sweep. ;o Hmm. I need to figure out who he should go near. Maybe Genevieve? What's a good place/way to get them near each other?))
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4:19pm Sep 24 2010
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((I was thinking about how to do that. Hm...maybe it's after his last job, and he's sent to buy something for his family...maybe he'll bump into Genevieve or she'll bump into him. Or I can make Genevieve sopt him while walking to work? I dunno.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:23pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Either way sounds fine. Would you like to take the initiative or shall I?))
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4:25pm Sep 24 2010
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(( You take it, please. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:50pm Sep 24 2010
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((Okay, here goes.)) Dear Journal, I was dragging myself through the streets after work today, looking for all the earth like the dirtiest sweep you ever laid eyes on. And up on me comes that girl, Genevieve. Excited, she looked, which I couldn't place. What's so important about me? And how could she even see me beneath all this grime? I about wanted to hide for my shyness but told myself there was no reason to. She smiled at me and asked me if I remembered her. "Course," I said, and thanked her politely for the paper. She wanted to know how work was, and I rubbed a bit of soot off my face and told her it was fine. She said she had to hurry along but told me she'd been looking for me and said she wanted to see me again soon. Looking for me! I bid her a farewell what hardly expressed what I was thinking. Gosh but I don't think I said more than five words at a time to her. Perhaps she thinks me simple. It seems as though she must be quite educated herself. I wonder how she managed to become so. -Eli
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6:51pm Sep 24 2010
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Dear Diary, I talked to Eli today. Oh the poor lad, so grimey! But I know he must do what he has to do for his family, for surely he can not enjoy such a task. This entry shall be short, I must go pick up a few thinks for Mother and Nathaniel. Imagine, he thanked me for the paper, his voice too polite. I wonder if he doens't likes me, or if he is just shy. Whatever the case, I am determined to make friends with Eli. He hardly said anything to me, only thanked me then said farewell. I watched him walk off, a blackened shadow on the street. I don't know why he hardly talks, maybe it is just his personality. His face gives off this aura of intelligence, so there is no way he could be simple. But I shall find out next time I encounter him. Until sometime, ~Genevieve
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:41pm Sep 26 2010
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((Up. Drowning in homework and other blah.))
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6:27pm Sep 26 2010
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((Homework sucks. ;c))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:15pm Sep 28 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:36pm Oct 2 2010
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((Ack. Are we going to try to do anything more with this?))
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4:52pm Oct 2 2010
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((I reaaly want too, but we need something more for this to go on. It kinda die, and if we are to revive it, we really need to do something that makes people want to post. D:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:43pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I think we need it so they are not always writing.))
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6:10pm Oct 2 2010
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((We can try it, I guess. Alright, guys, you know how you regularly rp, just do that with your charries, and at the end, make a small entry or something. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:42pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((That sounds like a good idea. Just because I've never done this before...are there any particular rules or guidelines to RPing in the "regular" way?))
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