9:58pm Oct 2 2010
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(( Not really, Tacos. You'd just go " Bob ran to the forest, crying. He was in disbelief that she had died. Jerry ran after him, to comfort his younger brother." Or something.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:27am Oct 3 2010
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((Okay, and how do you usually go about dialogue?))
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1:43pm Oct 3 2010
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((Dialogue, you would go: Bob turned to Jerry, upset. "Why did he shoot her?" Jerry just shook his head, and replied gently, "There are just horrible people in the world." ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:23pm Oct 3 2010
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Dear Diary: I will be back soon, but I must go talk to Nathaniel or I am going to explode, I mean, how hard is it gonig to be to talk to a boy. Okay. -Eleanor "Hi." Eleanor walked up to Nathaniel, diary in hand. "I am sorry about littering in your rose bushes." she said, scratching the black of her head. She pushed her black hair out of her face and cringed slightly...
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8:31pm Oct 3 2010
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Nathaniel looked up, and smiled. "It's alright, I've seen far worse done to poor plants. People seem to have no respect this days." He fingered the petals of a rose, the silky-smooth leaf comforting him. He still couldn't believe he actually landed a job here. Dear Journal, The lady Eleanor has finally said something to me. I shall try to keep the conversation going, I wouldn't want to say something to make her leave. Until a spare moment, ~Nathaniel. ((Gotta go, peace. ;c))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:34pm Oct 3 2010
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Dear Diary: I must ask him if he is the boy I saw the day ther person I was supposed to marry was announced. At least by staying here, I am away from my mother, the witch very mean person, and the evil dreadful prince. -Eleanor "Still, I had no right to just throw something in your roses. Something as nasty as what I wrotre, might make them whither." A rare smile crept across her face as she realized what she had said. she shook her head, laughing slightly. "I*m Eleanor." Her face grew read. He probably already knew that...
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9:33pm Oct 3 2010
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((Kay, got it. Wow, you guys really carry your diaries everywhere you go. x3 With any luck I'll be able to jump in again tomorrow. -crosses fingers- I can't wait to see where all this goes.))
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7:03pm Oct 4 2010
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((Lol, I don't plan to carry the journal aroudn me where ever he goes, but he had it for that moment, so. xD)) Dear Journal, Lady Eleanor seems nervous around me. I wonder why. Ah, I shan't have time to ponder such things, I am speaking to someone. How awfully rude I must appear, writing in a journal before answering a lady! A noble, at that! Mother won't be pleased if she hears that I came off disrespectful. Until I'm not talking to someone, ~Nathaniel Nathaniel smiled, closing his journal. "I won't contradict you there. Ah, yes, Lady Eleanor. I do believe I know your name. I happen to be Nathaniel, though you probably know that. Forgive me for being so rude, as to write while we are conversing." He chose his words carefully, nto wanting to sound like a peasant, or cocky, or for that matter, anything that could be perceived as a negative tone.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:47pm Oct 4 2010
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"Well, I have been writing to, so I see we are much alike, though no doubt, our host has one too." Eleanor tucked her written in journal under her arms as she finished in it... Dear Diary: Nathaniel seems really nice, I wonder if he recognizes me? -Eleanor
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9:25pm Oct 4 2010
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((Yus! I have time for an entry. Hmm, what to write, what to write.)) Dear Journal, I've woken extra early this morning, so to have at least this small moment to scratch my thoughts. I made up a bit of a story for the girls last night, of a princess in a beautiful castle (stories likeabout such are their favorite). Of course, no sooner I started than they began throwing in their own fanciful bits. A prince, and a dance, and flowers, Jijah! And somehow of which I can find no meaning, up jumps my mind to that time at the palace garden when I saw Genevieve. You remember, the l*censored* what gave me this here paper. She really must be a kind sort, it makes me wonder after her. But for what reason can't I simply make a kind talk with her? Precious little but to at least hope the chance comes again. If I can talk as much to Patience, Lissa and Catty I'll say I can say sommat more to a girl of my age. It's up about time for work now. Gosh but I'd best hurry 'fore I find myself in trouble again. -Eli Careful not to brush his sleeping sisters, Eli rose and crept around the many hot bodies asleep on the floor and out the creaking door. The streets were quieter than most times of day, yet still with the same bustling feeling as always. He tread quickly through the streets, aiming to be one of the first at Mr. Walters. The last, he knew, was oft cuffed for laziness. His broom perched on his shoulders, Eli walked with his eyes on his feet. Such was his concentration on the ground that he found himself banged straight into a wagon, bringing him back to alertness. He glanced up through the to see where he was and glimpsed a girl's face smiling in his direction. Genevieve? he thought, but kept walking. No point in getting his hopes up - though why this possibility begged him to do so, he found he couldn't say.
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6:59pm Oct 5 2010
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((;c Homg. Eli. Love him.)) Dear Diary, Oh, it's been so long since my quill caressed your pages! I have been busy with school matters and scuh, which is way my vocabulary seems to be expanding. I feel proud of myself, and I know my mother is too. Probably Nat too, but he is so into his new job, he is hardly at home anymore. I, myself, prefer to roam the streets. OH! I have spotted Eli! I smiled in his direction, but he just kept walking. I do wonder if he likes me, or if he thinks I'm insane. Probably the latter. I must find a way to talk to him, to make friends! I get stubborn towards people, when they avoid me. Not that he is, but I haven't talked to him in forever. I should probably try to find a job, which the only available jobs for women seem to be maid jobs. The nerve of people. Anyway, I shall depart now. Until a spare moment, ~Genevieve. Gevevieve shut her diary with a thump, tucking it underneather her arm, not wanting it to become dingy. She was watching the ground, keeping a lookout for potholes, or rocks, anything to make her stumble. Unfortunatly, since her eyes were glued to the ground, she paid no heed to the people. Suddenly, she was on her back. She watched in horror, as her diary flew into a puddle. She stood, dusting herself off, glaring out the corner of her eye, until she saw the person she ran into. Eli. She had knocked his broom from his hands, and she apologized. Picking it up, she handed it to him. Then she remembered her diary, and quickly fished it out the water. She was on the verge of tears, when she saw the damage. It was soaked, mud on it's edges. ~~~ Dear Journal, I had to smile when Eleanor said she writes in a diary, I should known, from the disgarded entry. Oh, look at me! Scrawling a noble's name in such a way! I have forgotten my manners. Mother would skin me, she would. Until a bit, ~Nathaniel. Nathaniel smiled at Lady Eleanor. "Ah, writing is good for the soul, a way of recording your thoughts, just for you, not for anyone else." He studied the position of the sun, then frowned. "Pardon me, my Lady, but I must depart, Mother will have a fit if I'm late again." He brushed the dirt off his knees, smiled once again at Eleanor, then bid her farewell. Turning, he exited the garden.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:02pm Oct 5 2010
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"Of course my good sir." Eleanor let out a chuckle and held out her hand. "I will see you then." she said and then sat down near the roses. She glanced at them, wondering she could help the garden in anyway. He eyes lit up and she raced from the area. She ran up the winding dirt path until she finally reached a small area with numerous wild flowers. She took a flower and ran back to the garden. She buried the flower in the dirt and patted it... Dear Diary: I plant this flower in the hopes that it will flourish and grow, just like my friendship with Nathaniel. Someday, it will be big and strong, towering over all the rest of the flowers. Alright, maybe more in a figurative sense than a literal. -Eleanor.
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9:10pm Oct 5 2010
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Eli gasped and picked himself up from the street. He probably had a bit of a bruise forming, but really that was nothing new. Someone was apologizing, and suddenly his brush was thrust back into his arms and he found himself staring into Genevieve's face. Before he could muster up the courage to say hello, Genevieve gave a soft exclamation and bent to pluck a small, sopping book from a nearby puddle. Seeing her stricken face, Eli remembered the diary that Genevieve had torn pages from for him. He stammered, "I - I - can I help? No, I - I have to go, I'll be late. B - but I -" He paused to take a breath, composing himself and spit out the words. "South, third alley on the left, first door on the right. Ask for Patience and she'll find something to help." And with that, he turned and raced down the street. Dear Journal, I've a bit of a break tween jobs and as I haven't got the penny for any bit to eat, I thought I might write. I bumped into Genevieve this morning. Full on, truly, blew into her, I mean. And I'm afraid I ruined her book, the one what gave me this paper of my own. I couldn't find any words for her, nervous as I was about getting to Mr. Walters. Gosh but I should've just stopped and helped. Perhaps I am yet too shy. In any event, some crazed idea popped into my head and I sent her after Patience in the shack. Patience always has some clever idea for fixing things. But how awful Genevieve must have thought of me, walking into a place so filthy as that. I only hope she managed to bring back about her book in an acceptable form. -Eli
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4:00pm Oct 6 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Oct 8 2010)
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Dear Journal, Oh, the walk home was marvelous. The sun, gleaming like a shiny ruble, a precious jewel. So bright, so amazing. I collected my thoughts as I strolled along, and when I reached my home, my mother swung open the door. She smiled, then frowned. "Nathaniel! Get in here and do your chores! Your sister has been picking them up fro you, so you better get to work!" I smiled, but hurried inside. I've seen Mother when she gets upset when I do not do my work. It's not pretty. Until free time, ~Nathaniel Nathaniel rushed in, taking the broom from his mother, sweeping off the porch. Afterwords, he headed around work to split wood for the upcoming winter. He did this for many hours, until his arms gre weary. He was satisfied with his work, he wouldn't have to chop for a while, wich relieved him. ~ Dear Diary, OH DEAR! When I saw you hit the puddle, I nearly fainted, knowing your words would smear, your ink drip, your pages become mushy, then hard and stiff. The idea scared me deeply, I had almost forgotten that Eli was still standing there, until I heard his voice tell me to go see someone called Patience. So I did, and thank God he told me so! To the common eye, the place was horrible, the sound of crying children and whining animals filling the air. Beggars in the street, the air smelling of spices, smoke and some identifiable stench. But to me, it was quaint, and precious. I looked upon the squaling children as people who had loving parents or siblings, the animals longing the spicy foods. I followed Eli's instructions and arrived in the place. Knocking on the door, an elderly lady answered. I asked for Patience, and she gestured for hme to enter. So I did, and I found myself in a small room, with dim lighting. She led me to a girl,younger than me, but her face seemed older. I learned she was about ten. I explained the situation, and she was glad to help. After doing a few things to this diary, including drying it and rubbing it, it finally got back to a decent stage. She brought out thread, and made me a new cover. It looked almost like new. I was shocked, but extremely grateful. I thanked Patience, hugging her. She smiled. I asked her her fee, but she shook her head. Nothing, she wanted nothing! Can you imagine! I, having a few coins in my dress pocket, finished them out and handed them to her. She stared at them, saying she could never accept so much. I frowned, my heart breaking. Is this what Eli lived like? Barely having enough to scrape by? I felt so lucky, that my brother now brings home such pay. I stayed, and we talked. We soon grew to be friends, and I promised to visit her. Until some time, ~Genevieve
(( Do I need to change anything, Tacos? Or will this work? o:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:22pm Oct 6 2010
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((Can't wait to see what's next! x3))
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4:08pm Oct 7 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:22pm Oct 7 2010
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((Oops, didn't see that you edited the post yesterday. Now have insane homework but I'll reply tomorrow. c: Oh, and Patience is Eli's ten year old sister not a teenager, if you need to tweak anything for that...))
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7:08pm Oct 8 2010
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((..Oh, LOL. xD Did you put that anywhere on this rp? I remember something about his younger siblings. o_o ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:21pm Oct 8 2010
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((Yeah, it's in the bio and I'm pretty sure I mentioned her at least once or twice. Maybe I should have specified more. xD))
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7:24pm Oct 8 2010
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((...No, it's poor remembering on my part, I should have checked, or the whole "Patience = Eli's sister" just didn't register with my fried brain. ;c Sorry. D:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)