7:32pm Oct 8 2010
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((Don't be sorry, lol. I register the fried brain thing completely. Or at least close to completely. My brain is currently fried. ;o))
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7:17pm Oct 9 2010
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((Will reply soon. Who is actually still following this?))
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4:49pm Oct 10 2010
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((-stalks and pounces- Found this thread. ;D))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:55pm Oct 11 2010
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((Yuckayuckayuck. I need a homeworkless day so I can post!))
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6:48pm Oct 11 2010
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(( I'm sure you'll get one eventually))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:44pm Oct 13 2010
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((OMGOSH ENTRY.)) Dear Journal, I find myself right jolly that Patience managed to fix up Genevieve's diary, as she's just reported to me. I managed to make it on to Mr. Walters bout more than on time and it's left me feeling guilty for not helping her myself. Yet course I knew Patience would know the trick better than I. For her age, she sure does have a way with making things better. Gosh but she's practically better than me, I'd bet if she were the one heading the family we'd be well out of this rat's nest by now, but as you gosh well know I'd never let her do any such thing as work so dangerous as I. Mr. Walters seemed awful on edge today but I all surely couldn't manage to find the reason. I ought to be wary, I suppose. No use in losing all I work for with a silly mistake. All I work for. Seems like I work only to give mum and the girls a right terrible life, but on all ends it's the best I can do. They sure as any don't hate me for it, so why do I hate myself? Oh! Patience says that Genevieve has promised to come back and visit. Here! Why she wouldn't come here I can't begin to tell, but I at least ought to do it up presentable. And then there's the whole matter of working myself up to talk to her... -Eli
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7:46pm Oct 13 2010
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(( YAY. c: I'll post in a minute))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:06pm Oct 13 2010
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((Timeskip, three days later. O:)) Dear Diary, I'm so excited! I'm going back visit dear Patience! Oh, how fun this shall be! But first, let me write how my week has gone so far, most displeasing, it was. After coming home, I found I had so many chores to complete, I was exhausted! Then, the next day, I ripped the hem out of my dress by accident, now I must spend this Saturday mending it. But oh, my mood has greatly improved! Until later, ~Genvieve She walked to the place, with a basket of bread and homemade sausage on her arm, and knocked on the door. She waited for someone to answer it.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:14pm Oct 15 2010 (last edited on 2:06pm Oct 16 2010)
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Dear Journal, Patience has been seeming all around secretive since I came back from sweeping today. Seems as she's got Lissa and Catty in on it also. Over in the corner they are, whispering and giggling if I try to ask what it is that's got them up and excited, even if I so much as look at them. Gosh but it's no use to try and ask. They'll tell me if they want and if not I'll never convince them with ten of me. I've reached the end of the paper and flipped it over only to discover the other side full as well. All my glorious paper, filled. But with my words, as it is, so much that I'm writing in all the spaces and up sides at this moment to fit it in. Then back to my scraps as was as normal before. Some selfish part of me seems about to want more like Genevieve's, but I don't need paper. Not when mum and the girls need food. Catty's got her fingers tugging on my arm, and far from anything could I refuse her attention. -Eli Catty tugged Eli's stained sleeve. "Jijah get it, Jijah get it!" Eli pulled her into his lap, tickling her softly. "Get what, Catty, what?" Then he heard the soft knock on the door again, polite but firm, that he had missed before as he was caught up in the effort of writing. He looked at Patience and Lissa and they giggled back. "You Jijah, go, go!" said Catty. "Right, right," Eli replied, setting Catty running back to her sisters and eyeing them with playful suspicion. Weary as he was, he still loved to play with the girls. Hopping carefully through few crowded feet to the door, he hooked his finger in the handle and cracked it open. There, with a basket hooked on her arm, stood Genevieve. "Oh," said Eli, turning red. "Hello."
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1:05pm Oct 16 2010 (last edited on 1:06pm Oct 16 2010)
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Genevieve smiled brightly at Eli. "Hi Eli, may I come in?" She supressed her surpised look and tone, for she hadn't put two and two together that he was Patience's brother. She could already hear the girls giggling, and couldn't wait to see them. She had been loooking foward to visiting them for quite a while. Still in disbelief that he actually lived there, she gently pulled out her diary, hoping she wasn't appearing rude, but scribbled an entry. Dear Diary, Thank God I brought you with me! Oh, quite a new development! Eli is Patience's brother! I feel quite idiotic, I didn't think of that sooner. But if i had known, I surely would have spent a little more time on my appearance. My hair, I hastily put it up earlier, so it's in a slopply, lopsided bun. My dress is hardly anything to look at, rumpled, the hem worn. And I did happen to wear my oldest pair of shoes! But yet again, why am I worrying so much about how I look, just because Eli is there? Maybe it's because I have yet to make friends with the lad, it's not like we see each other much, and when we do, he hardly utters a word! So maybe this shall be a good experience for us all, I will make him talk to me quite a bit, I will! Hm. Just thought of something, maybe I shall give him some more paper, but that means another trip to the marketplace, and another visit. Until a spare moment, ~Genevieve
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:09pm Oct 16 2010
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(...nobody else has posted for a while. Want to make this a private rp, Tacos? o: A 1x1))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:15pm Oct 16 2010 (last edited on 3:15pm Oct 16 2010)
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Eli watched as Genevieve scratched in her diary, comtemplating whether he should speak up, invite her in, or perhaps slip by and hide. No, he told himself. Gosh Eli, don't be stupid. Genevieve was done writing and looked up at him again. "I- uh, come in, " he said. "Patience is here." He silently berated himself for stating something so obvious and crept back through a clump of children, gently clearing a path for Genevieve. They quickly the corner where his mother sat leaning against the wall next to his sisters, covered in a thin blanket. Patience stepped forward to greet Genevieve, Lissa and Catty clinging to her skirts, and Eli retreated to write in his journal. Dear Journal, Seems as it should have been obvious. Patience told me how her and Genevieve we all good friends and such, mentioned that she wanted to see her again. But why I can't figure that she would want to come here of all places. Terrible I feel that I can't so much as offer her a chair. I want to say as much more than five words for her, seems I must really. I've been so rude to her and here I am covered in soot and scrapes and not so much as uttering a word as she chatters with Patience. I want to do as much, sure I do. But what is this feeling, more it seems than my all around shyness, that keeps my mouth shut. Just a nice word, that's shouldn't be as hard as such...should it? -Eli ((Umm, if no one else plans to come back then I don't see why not.))
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3:23pm Oct 16 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Oct 16 2010)
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Genevieve smiled at Eli once again, then stepped inside. She gave Patience a hug, and greeted all the rest. She and Patience chatted, and she spotted Eli writing in his journal. Determined, Genevieve was going to go talk to Eli, to make him talk. But first, she must inquire a few things or two. In other words, finding out why Eli hardly ever talks. "Hey, Patience, is there a reason why Eli hardly ever utters a word to me?" She said this in a low voice, her head cocked to the side curiously. She brushed back a loose strand of hair, then set down the basket. "Oh, by the way, I brought you something." She then picked the basket back up, placing it on a small table, gesturing towards it with her hand. Dear Diary, Oh, Eli is avoiding me, yet again! How masterfully he does it, even in his own home! But I will get him to talk, I will! Pardon me for this short, hideous entry, but there shall be more to tell later! Until then, ~Genevieve ((Sounds like a plan, Tacos. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:31pm Oct 16 2010
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((Okay, I'm staying at my dad's house tonight so I won't be on the computer much if at all because I'm leaving my laptop here. I'll reply by tomorrow afternoon. c:))
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12:37pm Oct 17 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Oct 21 2010)
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((Also, should I start playing Patience too? I know she's only ten but it seems like she's become important enough that she'll be talking to people.)) P.S. I'm going to do it. Just rub off sommat of this grime much as I can and then I can talk to her. I've nothing to fear from so nice a girl, and if for nothing else I can see plain how Patience wants me to talk to her. Wish me luck. Eli tucked his scrap of paper beneath his dusty pallet and rose, turning to the table. There he discovered, to his surprise, that Genevieve had spread the table with bread and sausages. It was more food than he'd seen together anywhere but the market ever in his life. Eli gasped, and everyone else in the room had stopped to see where the wonderful smells were coming from. Eli started to say, "I-" but Genevieve began speaking at the same time. They both stopped and Eli blushed. "The food is...thank you," he said. ((Patience:)) Patience chattered excitedly with Genevieve. She was old for her age, but still excited as ever to be making friends with someone like Genevieve. And she couldn't help but giggle at the idea of her and Eli together. They didn't seem to see it, but Patience sure did. Genevieve suddenly dropped her voice, asking why Eli never spoke to her. "Oooh, he's just awful shy," she said, almost teasingly. But she wasn't sure whether Genevieve had heard, as she suddenly remembered something and began pulling exquisite rolls and sausages from her bag. Patience gaped and soon found herself lifting Catherine up to see. Eli came up behind them and Patience giggled to herself as he began to speak to Genevieve.
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1:56pm Oct 17 2010
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((..Hm, yeah, I'd go on and play her, she seems to be an important factor. I'll edit this later with my post. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:58pm Oct 17 2010
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((Kay, I'm going to add a post for Patience above. Is it okay if she doesn't have a diary/doesn't know how to write? At least for now, we could build off of it.))
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2:46pm Oct 17 2010
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((Yeah, it'd be weird if Patience could write. xD You have the right idea. ^^...I'll just post on this post, rather than editing the other one, mmk?)) Genevieve smiled brightly at them, feeling so happy that she could make them so happy. But it also saddened her, for it wasn't that much food, but yet again, it was to them. She directed her attention to Eli, locking her eyes with his. "No problem. But now you all should dig in, I'd be upset if you all didn't enjoy." Then she turned, and walked away from the food, sitting delicately on the floor in the corner, thankful her long skirts covered her legs. She studied the way they looked at the food, and made a promise to herself to bring tons everytime she visited, and she swore to visit at least twice a week. But I must first get permission from Mother first, she'd be terribly upset if she didn't know where I was, or where the food was, she thought with a small frown. She grabbed at her diary, flipping it open to a page. Dear Diary, Oh, the looks on their precious faces! Especially Eli's. Eli, now he is something. Barely utters a word, except to thank me, then blushes. Of course, Patience said he was shy, but she wouldn't stop giggling. I will crack him sooner or later, but until then, I'll just observe this family. Until sometime, ~Genevieve.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:54pm Oct 20 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:16pm Oct 21 2010
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((OMGOSH POSTAGE.)) Astounded, Eli surveyed the exquisite table of food. He turned back to Genevieve but found that he could not meet her eyes and looked past her. Every other eye in the cramped room, save that of the sleeping baby's, was on the collection of bread and sausages. Each face was as sunken and tired as his own, if not quite as grimy. Eli looked back at his mother, laying on the ground, who gave him a slight smile and nod. Soon he had doled out a portion of the food to each of the four families, saving one chunk of bread and a sausage for his own, which he separated into pieces as pa.ssed to each of his own family members before turning back to Genevieve. "Join us for supper?" he asked, holding out his final hunk of bread. Patience whispered in Catherine's ear as she pointed at the food excitedly, then lifted her back to the floor. Eli was pa.ssing the food around for everyone, and although she couldn't help but be a bit disappointed, she knew that it meant to each person in the room just as much as it did to her. Before long she and her sisters were on the floor, nibbling away at the best food they had tasted for as long as they could remember. Then, to Patience's delight, Eli turned to Genevieve and asked her to join them. Could the evening get any better?
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