8:21pm Oct 21 2010
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(( ...I must get off. Sucks, right? posting tomorrow. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:22pm Oct 21 2010 (last edited on 8:26pm Oct 21 2010)
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((S'okay, can't wait to see your post tomorrow. C8 Hmm, I really need to figure out some sort of fault or problem with Eli...he's too perfect right now.))
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1:52pm Oct 23 2010
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((Sorry for not posting yesterday, had a million things to do. D: Same with Genevieve. o;)) Genevieve smiled graciously at Eli. "Thank you, but no thanks. For one, I ate before I came here, and secondly, I'd rather just sit back and hope you all enjoy the food." The truth was, she was starving, but she refused to take food from them, they looked as though they did not eat much. She also had the urge to resist hugging Eli, fearing it would make him uncomfortable. She took her diary, and shoved herself into a far little corner, still smiling. She observed them eat, hungrily, but yet not rude. Her eyes wandered to Eli, and she felt herself staring at him. She couldn't help it, he facisnated her. But Genevieve quickly looked away, not wanting to be seen. ((Short. D: -tear-))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:27pm Oct 23 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:27pm Oct 24 2010
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(( To the first page!))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:47pm Oct 24 2010
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Eli watched Genevieve retreat to the corner, not sure whether he should find somewhere better for her to sit. But she seemed to manage well enough, so he joined his family around his mother's pallet to enjoy their scrumptious meal. And scrumptious it was, truly, Eli thought to himself. He wondered where it had all come from, for whether bought or homemade it was still far more than he would have been able to afford. Then again, Genevieve did have some sort of connection at the palace. He remembered the boy who had hugged Genevieve, wondering again who he was as an unfamiliar feeling crept int his heart. Well, no matter. But now, what could he do for Genevieve? How rude of him to accept all this from her yet give naught in return. But what had he that Genevieve would want? A sooty handkercheif? Surely that would be laughable. He had nothing to give. ...Or at least nothing you could touch. The idea brushed Eli's mind. He thought she would like it - she seemed an adventurous enough type - but there was just one problem. He would need the courage to speak with her. Don't be daft, Eli, he thought to himself. Gosh but it's not as if she'd snap a' me. So he rose, tucking the last few crumbs into his mouth, and doing his best to clean his face on his already filthy sleeve. He slipped off his cap, tucked it behind his back and turned to Genevieve. He thought he saw her duck her head away as though she had been watching him, but he couldn't be certain. Swallowing, he cleared his throat and said, "Genevieve." His voice wavered a bit and she looked up. "I can 'ardly thank you enough, for the food, and I- I, uh, though I ought to repay you, sommat. But I've no coins and I thought perhaps, if I showed you...um." He paused before spitting it out. "Would you meet me 'ere, morrow chime of eight?" ((Just Eli for this one, but I though I'd do some sort of dialogue between him and Patience after Genevieve leaves. Is that okay?))
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3:03pm Oct 24 2010
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(( Sounds good. xD)) Genevieve looked up, shocked that Eli was actually talking to her. She smiled the best possible smile she could managed. Wait, did he just say what I think he just said? She thought to herself, eyes growing wide. Invited me back?! She then forced her mouth to work, and replied. "I would be most pleased, Eli." Her smile grew brighter as she rose, brushing off her skirt. Then her face clouded, and she frowned. "Oh, Eli, eight? I do not know, Nathaniel said that he shall be dropping by, he hasn't visited for days, work at the palace has gorwn immensely." She knew it had taken courage to come talk to her, and refused to dash the lad's bravery, so she her smile returned to her face. "But I do believe dear Nathaniel shall forgive me, it is not in his character to be such a harsh one." She paused, then her smile truely was great, and her eyes brightened. "Oh! But he did say he was going to be there for three days, I have plenty of time to visit him." She got up, walking over to hug Patience, bidding her farewell. Then she proceeded to come back towards Eli. "Do count me there, Eli." She hugged him too, then waved to them all as she opened the door, stepping outside. Once outside, she turned back once to call, "I shall see you tomorrow then." Then she made her way home, feeling quite joyous. Oh, he finally talked to me! I shall mark this day in my diary! She thought happily. Genevieve arrived home, and reported to Mother, telling her all. Mother's response was pleased, though she did warn Genevieve that her chores must be taken care of, before she set off. She frowned, knowing that means she would have to get up earlier, but said not a word, for she wanted to see Eli, and knowing not showing may cause him to ignore her once more.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:30pm Oct 31 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:54pm Oct 31 2010
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((Rawr, postage.)) Eli tapped the ramshackle door and it swung shut. He stood there for a moment, shocked. She hugged me. Hugged me. Something about that seemed simply enrapturing, not that he would ever admit it. Not even to Patience, who, of course, started teasing him the moment he crept back to their corner. "Don't you just love her Eli?" "She is fair wondrous kind, Patience." "Is that all?" "Don't be daft, Patience." "I'm daft? You invited her t' go sum'ere with you." "Well, if you're going to eavesdrop-" "I wasn't ea-" "I'm just thanking her for the food!" "Sure you are." She giggled. "Blimey, I'm done arguing," Eli scowled, and plopped down on his pallet, facing the wall. Well, he'd done it. He'd spoken to her, talked to her just like he wanted, and now he practically felt foolish. It was fair ridiculous, it was. All he did was invite her to do something most girls wouldn't care for in the slightest. What if she didn't like it? What if she thought him a fool? What if something unseen went terribly wrong? Too many questions Eli, stop worrying, said the voice in his head. He pulled out the hodge-podge of papers that made up his diary and leafed through them. It was no use. There was hardly a bit of blank paper left without rubbing out old writing, and Eli was loathe to do as much. Ah well, with any luck he'd find a few scraps floating on the way to work tomorrow. Tomorrow. Well, it would either be dreadfully wonderful or dreadfully embarássing. He would find out soon enough.
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6:02pm Oct 31 2010
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It was here. Tomorrow was. Genevieve awoke early, springing out of the bed. She hurried through her chores, sweeping the floor, shaking out the blankets, all of it. She glanced at her father's old pocketwatch, and then got dressed. She put on a plain black skirt and white blouse, petticoats too. She pulled her hair back, and then went into the kitchen. Genevieve packed breakfast for them, cold potatoes and pork. Genevieve headed out, walking to Eli's house. She clutched her father's pocketwatch, and checked it as she arrived. 7:55. She decided it was fine, and knocked casually on the door. As she waited for someone to answer, she remembered she had her diary. Shifting everything so she could write, she began an entry. Dear Diary, Oh, so much to tell! Yesterday, I went to visit Patience. I had such a dear time. But here's the news: Eli talked to me! And not only that, he invited me to come back today! So here I am, waiting at the door, not five minutes before eight o' clock. I do wonder, why I feel such joy when I talk to Eli. And yet such nervousness! Ah well, I shan't dwell on the fact, I do have time to ponder later, along with more to tell about the events. This reminds me, I think I shall give Eli some more paper, that seems to help make friends with the lad. Forgive me for tearing out your pages, but it's for a good cause. Oh, someone's answering the door! Until another time, ~Genevieve She quickly ripped about five sheets of paper from the back of her journal, placing them carefully in the basket, away from the food, so it shan't get stained. Closing her diary, she put a polite smile on her face as the door opened.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:39pm Nov 2 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:32am Nov 7 2010
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Eli woke on the chime of seven, angsty for Genevieve to arrive. He slipped out in the cool, dim morning air to a pump down the street where half a dozen shirtless boys were already splashing at each other. He hadn't the time to wash his clothes, but at the very least he could get himself a mite cleaner. He squeezed between the boys and gave himself as good a scrubbing as he could manage without soap or a cloth. He hoped he would at least be presentable for the morning, for of course he'd be back to his normal, grungy self after the day's first job. Back at the shack the wait seemed long. He longed for Genevieve to arrive, and yet dreaded how the morning would turn out. Finally, before the clock tower had put out its chime, a soft knock came at the door. He rushed up but quickly stopped himself, patting his clothes and breathing slowly. He intended to act the gentleman. Gentleman, ha. I much doubt any uppity man'd think to do what I'm 'bout to. Now here he was at the door, and couldn't bear to wait any longer. He tucked his cap behind his back and opened the door to find Geneveive smiling politely back. "Morning, Genevieve," he said.
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12:57pm Nov 14 2010
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((This will be short. Really short. I don't have the heart for a long, great reply.)) Genevieve smiled back brightly, then handed him the basket. "Good Morning, Eli. For you and your family, though, in the right corner, there is something just for you which I hope you shall enjoy." She hoped he would, but then she felt panic spread through her. What if he thought she was pitying them? That she really didn't care, only thought they needed charity? This freaked her out, she would be terribly upset if she did something to make them think that way. Sighing, Genevieve nervously ran her fingers through her hair, thinking. She was lost in her thoughts, so her gaze was hard, glancing towards the ground. Then she looked up and said, "Oh, I do hope you don't mind what I brought. I don't pity you all, if that's what you think." She blushed, then tried to backtrack, "Um, I mean that...of nevermind. I talk to much." She shifted her eyes back to the ground, angry about her comments. Nathaniel had always told her that she ran her mouth too much.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:08pm Nov 14 2010
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((Ooh, Ooh, I remember this roleplay! o3o. I would ever so love to get back into it. Hm.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:25pm Nov 14 2010
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((It's fine by me if you shove your charrie in somehow, rofl. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:04pm Nov 24 2010
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(Okay, time to rewrite this.) Eli felt himself grow warm and imagined that he must be turning even redder than Genevieve. "It's fine, really," he said. "I, uh, won't you come in for a moment?" Eli bent down to scoop up Catty, who had come up behind him to cling to his knees. Then, hooking the basket around his arm, he carried his sister back to the table in the corner. No sooner had he placed her on the table and the basket beside her than she lifted the blanket from the top of the basket and peered inside. "For us again, Jijah?" "For us," he repeated, still rather astonished himself. Catty turned to Genevieve, bouncing and singing her thanks over and over again. Eli smiled at Geneveive shyly, "She speaks for all of us, I'm sure." He pulled Catty toward him again. "Now Catty, you'll help Lissa and Patience páss round t' everyone, won't you?" Catty nodded emphatically, eager to help. "That's my Catty girl!" Eli laughed and lifted her to the ground. Next he reached quickly into the corner of the basket and pulled out the gift that Genevieve had left there. It was paper. Glorious, white, rectangular paper. He'd be able to write again that evening, and all because of... "Genevieve!" he gasped. "You...you really want me to have this? It's...I don't know how I can hardly thank you enough!"
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5:54am Nov 25 2010
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(( His family is so cute. xD I'd reply, but the post would be "hfghfgh death dhfg misery ghfg ANGER! dgfh" so, no post yet.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:41pm Nov 25 2010
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((Aww, I hope you get feeling better soon. C:))
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12:19pm Nov 26 2010
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((Thanks. c: I'll reply pretty soon, trying to think of a nice, lengthy post))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:18pm Nov 27 2010
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