11:59am Sep 19 2010
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((D'aww, thanks Froggie. <3)) Name- Constance "Connie" Amor Age- Sixteen. Gender- Female Personality- Constance is kind of a girly girl, but not really. She doesn't mind dresses and fancy hair and cooking and cleaning, but it's definitely not her favorite. She thinks trousers are super-comfortable, but has only tried them on once. Her dream is to be a singer, though many people think it's unusual. She's very sweet and has a soft voice naturally. Looks- 
((Just with brown hair. I don't think people dyed their hair purple back then. x3) Status/Cla.ss- She works as a maid in Rowena's palace. Dress- See picture. ~ Name- Benjamin Amor Age- Sixteen Gender- Male Personality- Benjamin is a total trickster. He loves to pull pranks and make other people embara.ssed. He's also slightly obnoxious, but not always. He can be sweet and nice if he wants to be. Not exactly the smartest kid, but means well. Basically, he just dances through life and goes with the flow. Looks- 
Status/Cla.ss - Middle cl*censored*, basically. Dress - Above. He doesn't like to tie his ties properly, he thinks they are annoying. ((Benjamin and Constance are twins, Constance was sent to work at the castle when she was younger for the family, and then the family moved away, so Connie doesn't know where they are now. :c))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:01pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( I love Benjamin. xD You can post your entry posts whenever))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:13pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Dear Diary, It’s been two days since the carriage ride and mother now wants me to inspect the ground with her. I am fine with this however, since our palace is a work of art. Even the King thought so! Bless His Majesty. After looking at the informal gardens and the garden we use for parties and such, Mother wished to go see the vegetable gardens. To my surprise I saw the peasant boy who had been reading under the tree! I was shocked, but I suppose slightly pleased. I could now ask him how he had learned to read! Mother was too, but for a different reason. ‘He seems to know much about growing crops,’ she had said with a very happy ex pression on her face. ‘The last gardener was rubbish.’ Well, I wonder if he had seen me in the carriage, or if I was just another noble girl to him. I wonder… Yours, Rowena
12:19pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Journal, It is later in the day. Upon walking through the gardens, I spotted a teenage girl and a woman who I as.sumed to be her mother. They both seemed delighted for some reason, which helped my joyous mood. When I got home, my mother was ecstatic when she heard me news, even though she cannot stand nobles. But now we shall have enough money to get some things we need, and maybe even further Genevieve's education! Oh how she shall be pleased! Once again, I leave you to soak in my words, ~Nathaniel ((Genevieve's post shall be coming after this one. o:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:20pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((So do I. :P)) Dear Diary, Supposedly there's a new gardener working here, and Elaine reckons that he's handsome. I'm curious to check him out myself. Though, Elaine can be an exaggerater, and on top of that, she thinks that nearly every male worker in the palace is good-looking. Still, I would like to meet this boy. Not often do we have new workers here, and it can be fun to pick on them. Only kidding. I miss Mother. And Ben. Not so much Father, who tricked me into working here to get rid of me, I am sure of it. Benjamin told me he would write to me and try to visit when he could on the day I left home. I haven't received a single letter yet. Most workers at least get one a month from their family. It makes me feel like an outcast. It isn't like Ben to go out on a promise, though. I wonder if Father is keeping him from writing to me? I wonder. I probably will write in this soon. I haven't even filled up an entire page. Yours forever and ever, Connie. ~ Journal, You and I both know that I have no desire in writing in this book thing. I'm doing this for Mother's sake, who went out and bought a 'Diary' for me. She told me to write my feelings down in it. I believe it is a punishment for when I stuck itching powder in her shoes last week. Father went bonkers then, and screamed and yelled and screamed. We went to a party earlier today. Who has a party for no reason? It's not Christmas, nor was it anybody's birthday. Father put on my tie. I loosened it. Father tightened it. I loosened it again. Later on, while I was dancing with a very pretty girl, it flew off and landed onto Father's head. Now, that, my journal, was a sight to see. His face crunched up and was terribly red, like a tomato. We left shortly after that, and I didn't even get the pretty girl's name. Damn. Anyway, my hand is getting tired. I'm going to go strech it or something. Seeing you, Benjamin.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:22pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 12:25pm Sep 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
Dear Diary, Today is such a happy day! Nat got the job in the royal garden! He shall tend the garden's for some noble by the name of Rowena. He tells me that we shall have more money. This has caused our house to rejoice, I might be able to get more educated! So today has been good. For now, ~Genevieve
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:36pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 12:38pm Sep 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,679
Dear Journal, Finally I managed to find another scrap of paper to write on, and snuck some burnt pieces of wood and other tidbits for writing off in my pockets. I've had but the barest of pay these past few days. John and Andrew were peeking down the chim when I fell those two days ago and they went on and told Mr. Walters. What do I tell the girls and mum when I can hardly get them a single loaf of stale bread? For sure they won't listen if I tell em to stay off the streets. They want so much as me to make money for us, even what with only their wilted roses. At the least to be glad of, the girl I saw is keeping mum so far as I can tell. Is it strange that every time I pas.s another girl in a fancy dress or get splashed by a carraige, I wonder if it could be her? I couldn't say what I'm thinking. Those girls don't give any sooty sweep a second glance, hardly even a first. Still, Lissa wants to be all up and done like those girls in their fancy houses. I can't help but want it for her. There's a new boy set up shop down the lane from the shack. Snappy fellow he, but perhaps he would sell me bits of his old wares. He looks about my age, though he probably wouldn't think it of me, taking my height to consideration. I have two coins left and hardly more space on either side of this scrap. I hope I've gotten off enough soot to be at least presentable when I try to buy. -Eli
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12:38pm Sep 19 2010
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((Omg, Tacos. o: I have an idea. What if Genevieve and Eli meet? ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:41pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Sure Myggie, do you want to do the first entry about it?))
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12:43pm Sep 19 2010
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(( Sure. I'm thinking she sees him writing and gives him some paper or something?))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:44pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Sounds like a good idea to me. x3))
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12:47pm Sep 19 2010
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Journal, I can't stand my father! He, again, will not let me write to my own twin sister. I cannot wait until I'm Eighteen and be able to do whatever I wish. I won't have to tighten my tie, or stand up straight, or pretend like Connie doesn't exist, like my father does. I don't understand why he hates her so. My theory (Did I spell that right?) is that his buddies used to make fun of him for having a daughter. They all have burly, muscly, sports-playing sons. And then here was Father, with a peppy little girl and a son who didn't listen to a word he said. I'm such a good boy. I wish, I wish, I wish I could speak to Connie again. Her and I were best friends. I miss her. I wonder if she misses me, too? Seeing you, Benjamin.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:50pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 12:52pm Sep 19 2010)
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((Yay. xD)) Dear Diary, I was walking along when I came across a young teenage guy. Though his stature was amazingly small, his face clearly showed he was about 16. He looked sad and tired, he was covered with black soot. I as.sumed that he would be a chimney sweep, since he is so small and dirty. He was writing on scrap paper and burnt wood. The sight bothered me. I am walking over there now, while writing this. I am over here now, I introduced myself as Genevieve, then ripped out several sheets of paper from this book and handed them to him. ~Genevieve
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:03pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 1:24pm Sep 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,679
Dear Journal, You may have noticed how glorious white this page is. Do you wonder how it came to be? A girl, it was. Not one done up fancy like the girl in the big house, one summat like me. Less dirty, course, but actually smaller than me - which were it normal I would never even say about a girl. And she was writing, writing as she walked to me, like she wasn't thinking so hard to do it. Or at least that she didn't so much as bump a single person. Sure as sure I would've bumped least ten, walking and writing like that. 'Fore I had the chance to even stand, there she was, polite as any, reaching out her hand despite all my soot. Genevieve, she said her name was. I could but whisper my name back, gosh but why can't I just say one polite sentence to nobody. And in my luck she said not a word more, but snatched paper out of her book - four whole pages! (I've counted them all many times now.) And she curtsied and hurried back into the crowd writing as she went along, leaving me to stare after her. Paper! Sheets smudged only by my blacked hands and not the boots of others, whole sheets! Gosh but it must be the most wonderful thing in the world. My thanks, Genevieve, wherever you've gone. I've gone and wasted more time writing. I'd better put these coins up for food before the sun up and disappears. -Eli
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1:22pm Sep 19 2010
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(( You know Genevieve is short, right? xD Only 4'11". But I love Eli's entry. o;)) Dear Diary, I am back home now, sitting on the small, crumbling steps as I write. The boy who I gave the paper too, just stared in amazement as if he had never encountered such niceness. Or seen clean paper before. It near about broke my heart. But the joy on his face made me happier, and Nat shall be proud of me. I know not where he is, I haven't seen hime after he left a while ago. Mother is starting to worry, but she knows how smart Nat is, he shall be fine. ~ Genevieve. Dear Journal, After leaving from home, I carried only myself and you to my favorite spot, beneath the apple tree, which watches over our fields. 'Tis a pity, I shan't be there to tend the fields anymore, the duty shall fall to my sisters and brothers. I know Genevieve shall do fine, for even though she is weak, she is determined and a good worker. I know not where she went after I left. I should probably head back to the cottage, but the gentle breeze urges me to stay. A dreadful memory just came to me! I left my father's hat, the one I wore with me to the garden, at the royal palace. I shall travel there now, I need that hat back, or mother shall be most displeased. Until I find my hat, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:26pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((Lol. I fail hard at keeping everyone straight. I fixed it, and hopefully I can get used to this better. I should copy everyone's bios to one place so I can look at them all. xD))
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1:31pm Sep 19 2010
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(( It's ok, I have to go back and re-read everyone's bios myself before replying. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:36pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,679
((The sad thing is that I referred to your bio multiple times while writing that yet somehow managed to mess up the height thing anyhow. xD))
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1:41pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Hm. What to write, what to write...))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:43pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,682
((Rofl, it's ok. XD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)