1:46pm Sep 19 2010
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(( Paige, you can make your charrie met someone else's? o:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:48pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Arr-Harr. Nathaniel is returning to the palace, correct? Maybe Connie can meet him. o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:49pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Yerp, he's going to the palace. Yeah, that'd be a good idea. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:50pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Can I have a recap and is Nathaniel going to crush on Eleanor or vise-versa?))
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1:50pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Diary, I saw the educated person again today. His name is Nathaniel. He's very sweet. His sister is cool too. I'm still sick and my mother is watching my every move. I need, well want, to get out of this palace and have fun! I must do that today. My mother is asleep so, I'll sneak out, again, and see if I can find him. Until later my friend, ~Penelope
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1:54pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Sep 19 2010)
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(( Recap: So, Nathaniel got a job working as a gardner in a palace, Genevieve met Eli and now Nathaniel's going back to the palace to get the hat he left. Yeah, it's Row ena's palace. I don't know who nathaniel will crush on. DX We just have to see what happens.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:54pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Dear Diary, I went outside to clean some of the outdoor tables when I noticed a boy I had never seen before here. My guess is that he is the new gardener. Oh, what joy. A handsome one he is, indeed. I think I should introduce myself. I just walked up to him and said hello and told him my name is Constance, then procceeded to ask if he was the new gardener. His eyes are very blue, and absolutely georgous. Much prettier than my own blue eyes.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:01pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Journal, As I am writing this, a girl by the name of Constance just introduced herself to me. Seeing that I try to be as polite as possible, I shall close this for a minute to talk to her. Constance just asked me if I was the new gardner. I replied yes, that my name was Nathaniel and that I shall begin working tomorrow. I asked her if she also worked at the palace, I would as.sume so, considering her outfit and that she came from the stables. Her eyes are of a dark blue, very nice. This reminds me that I saw another girl today, Penelope.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:02pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Diary, Sigh, can this place get anymore boring. As I sit here and waste away in my room after yet another meeting with the prince, I wonder if there is anything that can force me out of this boredrom. I wonder if I can go visit Rowena, a childhood friend. My mother shouldn't ob ject to that, but she's mom, who knows. I asked her just a moment ago, if I could go and she said yes! I am shockedat how easy that was! I am writing as I walk, so it is a bit shakey and ink keeps spilling on the ground. Stay tuned diary, I*ll write when I get back... -Eleanor
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2:04pm Sep 19 2010
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Diary, Nathaniel seems rather polite. He had asked me if I worked here as well, and of course I told him yes, and that I was a maid. I then said that if he needed anything, or had any question, to just ask me about it, because not everyone will be as nice to the new kid, and I gave a small smile. I'll close this for a moment as we speak. I don't want to come across as rude.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:06pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Diary, I saw Nathaniel today again. I like him, but I don't know how much. I'm in the royal family, he's working for a royal family. How can it last? Well, I must go talk to him. I just went up to say hi. I asked him how his sister was doing, then I asked him how he liked his new job. Am I an idiot? Well, I must go. Mother's calling for me. Untill then my friend, ~Penelope
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:16pm Sep 19 2010
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((Poor Nathaniel, so many girls. XD)) Dear Journal, Penelope just came up and asked about my sister. I told her she was fine, and that I guessed the job was ok, that I hadn't started yet. After her mother called for her, I turned back to Constance, who had told me that if I had any questions, to ask her. I told her thank you, that I would. Then I asked her if she had seen a black hat anywhere.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:20pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Dear Diary, Mother chewed me out again. Ugh..... She can be so mean to me! I feel a whole lot better. Now, my mother forbids me from seeing Nathaniel. I'm so mad. Otherwise, me and William are going for an afternoon walk soon. I hope my mother doesn't find you, or she'll forbid me from writing in you forever. Well, William's here. Godbye for now. ~Penelope
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:24pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Diary, Nathaniel had asked if I had seen a black hat. Maybe it was the hat I picked up earlier outside? I nodded to him and told him to wait a moment. I had left it in my room on the first story of the castle, in case anyone was missing it. I just ran inside and sure enough, the black hat was sitting on my bed. I picked it up. I apologize for the sloppy handwriting, for at the moment I am writing this while running back to Nathaniel. I asked him if this was the hat he was talking about, the one I found by a tree near the garden.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:24pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Alright, guys. I'm going to update the character list on the front, then we need to go on and pair them off, if you all want romance.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:25pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 2:26pm Sep 19 2010)
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Dear Journal, Mr. Walters sent me for a job all the way up past the palace today. Seems like he's not much inclined to give me the easier jobs after these past few days. He pays the same as any close job, even though I had to up and drag myself 3 miles on foot. I had to go round the palace garden and peeped in through the gate. Gosh but you'll never believe it, Genevieve was there! At the palace, of all places and would you believe it. But then came another boy our age, round the corner, dressed like a gardener. Up went he to Genevieve, gave her a hug, and they turned to walk out the gate. I started, remembered I was supposed to be doing a job. Or maybe I just didn't want Genevieve to see me. I hope she didn't. But why I couldn't say to you. Nice she is, but even if I liked her...well, looks as if she's already got some well-doing sweetheart or sommat, working up at the palace. She's never take another glance at me, even hoping I could work up something to say to her. Stupid for me to dwell over this. She gave me paper, once on the street, and that's all. Mum wouldn't want me dawdling about like this. Off I go. -Eli ((EDIT: Hmm, that may have been a tad late? I don't know. Eli is supposed to be mistaken about Genevieve and Nathaniel, by the way, if I didn't make that clear.))
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2:26pm Sep 19 2010
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((I don't absolutely require romance, but I love to do them. I just don't like instant crushes and love at first sight things when it comes to roleplaying. o3o. I might've come off like Connie had a crush on Nathaniel. Oopsiee~))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:28pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Journal, Constance just ran into the palace to fetch a hat. She ran back to me, then held out the hat. Sure enough, it was my father's hat, the hat he always wore when he was on the job, trying to sell his wares. I took it from her grasp gently, then thanked her. I took the time to explain to her the significance of the hat, for she seemed like she would be a good listener.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:30pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Omg, no, Paige, you didn't. xD But it was back to a question way at the top, rofl. Tacos: Yes, it's a tad late, but it's alright. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:32pm Sep 19 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Dear Diary, Poor Nathaniel. He must have been missing this hat. It had once belonged to his late father. I was sympathetic for him, and told him I was sorry for his loss. He looked like he was truley grateful to me. ((His father is dead, am I right? o3o.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
