6:27pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Journal, Chim, chim, chim, chim, burn, chim, cuff, chim, chim, scrape... Sommat like that for enough coin to buy one old loaf and a bit of dried beef. Could I feel any less than right terrible for coming home with only that? -Eli ((some time later)) Dear Journal, No sooner had I creaked open the door to the shack when up on me comes Catty, squealing, "Jijah, Jijah, look, look!" Patience sat by mum's side, holding her upright and smiling as Lissa held out in her hands the most glorious nutty sticky bun I ever put my eyes on. Gosh but it hardly fit to balance itself in Lissa's hands! The girls got it from a sad-looking but kind young lady in a park somewhere around whereabouts they were selling roses. Lissa told me excitedly that she was done up "pretty like a princess." I wondered if there must be someone with her, after all wealthy ladies don't leave all on their lonesome, but Patience told me otherwise. Gosh but I should tell the girls not to take things from strangers not counting how pretty they are, but I can't bring it of me. Somehow I must find a place to wash off all this grime, and we shall feast! -Eli
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8:40pm Sep 19 2010
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Dear Diary, My mother was not happy when the messanger took her a letter I wrote her, or so I was told, but I am sleeping over at Rowena's house. Its a big improvment over my mother fussing about me all the time. Rowena's family seems so laid back, I don't understand why my father hates her. ah well, there's no telling what goes on in his tiny brain, I mean large, kingly brain of course. Alright, here's the scoop. I*m sleeping over and the bed is very plain... I LOVE IT! I hate the big fancy bed I sleep in at home and I*m glad that Rowena is sleeping in the fancy bed, because I probably would have puked on the sheets from the girly-ness of it. Alright, g'night diary. -Eleanor.
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12:40am Sep 20 2010
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(Did I miss anything?)
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:13pm Sep 20 2010
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((Basically we started a new day and everyone is talking about the current goings-on. If you've read all the entries you should be all caught up.))
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3:35pm Sep 20 2010
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[Alright. It may take me some time.]
3:36pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Journal, I adore my job thus far. I have managed to capture a bit o'time in my lunch break to write. I spotted the tomotoes, looking pitiful and forlorn, that I asked the head gardener if I could work with those first. Oh how the vines were tangled! Whoever had staked them, did a poor job of it, they were growing all over each other. After seperating the leaves and vines, I re-staked them, and then gave them a bit of drink. How joyous their leaves seemed, to be free of another and to taste water! I shall now head over to the roses, which someone has taken much care of. Lovely shades of yellow, pink and red bloom together, making it a gorgeous sight. Alas, my lunch break is over, and I would hate to get yelled at on my first day. Until some free time, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:09pm Sep 20 2010
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:48pm Sep 20 2010
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[Ok, I can;t concentrate. I don't mind reading the psots but if possible, I would adore a re-cap, since my memory is terrible. :/]
6:51pm Sep 20 2010
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(( It's alright. xD Like Tacos said, nothing much has happened, just everyone is writing about their day. Eli has just gotten some food, and Nathaniel is working in the roses in the garden for Rowena's palace. o< Eleanor came to visit.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:52pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Did Nathanial notice Rowena? Sorry, I have a terrible headace right now. :/ Piano lessons really take it out of me.]
6:58pm Sep 20 2010
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(( You play piano? o: I don't think so, I didn't even know she was in the garden then. Maybe in your post, Rowena can come over to say hello, or Nathaniel will spot her or something.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:02pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Dear Diary, It’s been two days since the carriage ride and mother now wants me to inspect the ground with her. I am fine with this however, since our palace is a work of art. Even the King thought so! Bless His Majesty. After looking at the informal gardens and the garden we use for parties and such, Mother wished to go see the vegetable gardens. To my surprise I saw the peasant boy who had been reading under the tree! I was shocked, but I suppose slightly pleased. I could now ask him how he had learned to read! Mother was too, but for a different reason. ‘He seems to know much about growing crops,’ she had said with a very happy ex pression on her face. ‘The last gardener was rubbish.’ Well, I wonder if he had seen me in the carriage, or if I was just another noble girl to him. I wonder… Yours, Rowena
7:05pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Diary, Ugh, I hate it when special guests come over. Making the beds is pure torture, I say. But, who can complain when you live in the royal palace and get paid well? I think I need to go clean the king's room. Why does he always mess it up the day after I finish tidying it? He takes all of his servants, maids, and cooks for granted, I believe. Ah, well. Hopefully he didn't leave his under-garments out again. Yours forever and ever, Connie.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:12pm Sep 20 2010
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((...I love you Paige. XDD "Hopefully he didn't leave his under-garments out again" = Pure win. xD OH! Yeah, I remember that post now, Det. o;)) Dear Journal, As I was tending the roses, I saw the girl who was in the carriage the other day, the one who peaked out the window. I'm pretty sure it is her and her mother who own this palace. I have stolen yet another quiet moment to write in this. Though I shan't be afraid to admit that I look foward to writing in this, I also shan't cry it out amongst the others. I have heard the other servants in the stable laugh and sigh about a visitor who has arrived, a Princess Eleanor or something. I shall be getting back to work now. Until a free moment, away from watchful eyes, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:21pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Diary, I can`t help but feel miffed at mother and father. I cannot believe it! They invited snooty Princess Eleanor over! They`re just trying to ingratiate themselves with the King and Queen, so that they might get favours….or something of that kind. I simply do not understand court. However, back to the gardens. That boy has stolen a look at me! Why would he, I had thought stupidly. Of course, I had to remind myself. I am a lady. Lady Rowena to be exact. Hopefully he doesn`t see me like other servants see Princess Eleanor. I try to act more open to the lower cla.sses, for sometimes I cannot abide the way the King and Queen treat them! (Hopefully no one ever sees this, dearest Diary, for this could be counted as treason!). I must go now, for the candle burns low and mother wants to save them for the winter months. Yours, Rowena.
7:28pm Sep 20 2010
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((I love you too Forggie. |D I just had to.)) Journal, Guess what? I got a letter sent out to Connie today! Oh, I'm so excited. Hopefully she will read it and see how grammatically correct I now am. Kind of. I do believe I am very lucky. Father almost caught me sneaking out to mail the letter. He had asked what in the bloody hell was I doing, and I had told him that I was taking a 'Midnight Stroll.' What a lie. As if I would ever take a 'stroll.' Later, Benjamin.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:34pm Sep 20 2010
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Dear Journal, it is late now, I am sitting on my cot, writing this by moonlight. This shall be my last entry until tomorrow, considering I am tired, and do wish to sleep tonight. My sister ventured back into the marketplace today, I asked her what she was doing. She said she was trying to find someone, a chimney sweep by the name of Eli, who she believes was the one she gave paper too. She says it's her goal to make friends with the lad, because he hadn't spoken a word. Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight. Until tomorrow, ~Nathaniel
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:14pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[No talk of Rowena? I need to make her speak to him D:]
8:16pm Sep 20 2010
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(( He can't really say much, they haven't talked or anything. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:19pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[I knoe. :c]