this as a continuation on my totally awesome rp, here is a list of charras already made((ill post their bios:
Name:Starflight((played by chocolatelab12))
�Age:10 seasons
Crush: none
Other: He is usually nice and friendly, but he gets irritated and verocious when needed. He is also pretty intelligent.
name:lemonfire(played by me)
age:18 moons
looks:pale tan leopard
personality: quiet, shy, fun once she gets to know you
Name: Raven(played by sagepelt)
Gender: Male
Age: 9 Moons
Looks: Bottom
�Mate/Crush: None
Personality: Head-strong, idependent, and tough willed
Other: Has lived alone pretty much all of his young life. Thinks he needs no one when thats not the case.
name: Pebblekit (played by moo)
Age: 4� moons
gender: Female
crush: none
Looks: At bottom,
pesonality: Quite. Smart. Wierd. Tomboyish.
other: None :P �

name:cougarfeather(played by me)
age: 8 seasons
personality:fun, proud, headstrong, wild
Name: Shadeheart (played by sage)
Age: 9 seasons
Gender: Male
Crush: None
Looks: Solid black except his left ear which is white. Dark blue eyes
Personality: Quiet, reserved, anti-social
dont have a bio for sagepelt..........
Name: Firebird
Age: Young Adult (9 moons)
(( yes she is silver! XD ))
Gender: Female
Crush: Raven
Personality: Kind, soft, but fierce and protective over her little long lost brother, Crow(which she has not met yet). She will stick up for anyone and is not known to give up on a fight. Her claws are always unsheathed and always prepared to fight for her brothers sake....
Other: Will be greatful to Sage for taking care of her brother....
Name: Crowkit
Age: Kit (4 moons)
Gender: Male
Crush: None
Personality: Fierce and rambunctious, quick to act, silent but deadly as I call it! XD Anyway, he is willing to "Fight" for Sage. He misses his old sister deeply, but owes Sage alot and will always be loyal to her.
Other: Loves Sage, and Shadeheart
Name: Sagepelt
Age: 9 seasons
Gender: Female
Crush: None
Personality: Kind and caring, Sage would risk her life for her friends. She also has a soft spot for kits, thus the reason eveyone comes to her when they find and abandoned kit.
Other: Is very good with herbs and healing with them. She is taking care of Crowkit, and now Pebblekit
Loyalty is not what we are known for. we are secrative, we are strong, and we are big. but humans have no idea what they are talking about.....................................
������� Cougarfeather stretched, revealing her sharp, long claws. she was alone in this forest. she knew she was not alone. there were others of her kind here. out there, the forest was filled with black panthers and yellow. she shook her black fur and yawned. she must search, something made her want to search for others. she knew they were out there, all that was left was to find them.
1 not really any, just post meow!�to show u read the plot and u know whats goin on
2:romance encouraged
3: no suddensaviors(if 2 charras r fighting no jumping in and saving one, FIGHT YOUR OWN BATTLES)
4:no fighting cuz u r jealous ll (JK )
5u can crush on whoever u want
6 we all start single
7�age will be stated in seasons (4 seasons = 1 year)
8 names do not have to be like warriors names! cougarfeather is my most common charra name for a cat