7:16pm Jun 3 2009
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fallenstorm slowly moved one paw before the other. His eyes where glazed over with sadness, staring mindlessly at the ground before his paws. His mane was flopped over his face, his pierced ears mindlessly falling forward. He sniffed. He was laone again. Johanna, ametzani, valic, leo, sinn... All gone. What had he done to deserve his familly taken from him so harshly? A shiver whent down his back, shooting up pain. He clentched his teeth. Two arrows shoot out from his right side, and there was a bullet hole or two in his back, pooring crimson down his midnight-purple fur. He ignored the pain, for he had a vengance. He had lost his sister, his mate, and his his sons in the bl ink of an eye. He looked up to the sky desprately. A golden eagle flew above him, and cawed. Desprate, he began to pad after it, in the directon it was flying. The golden eage was his spirit giude and his mentor. He used to have a feather pierced into his left ear, but now it was gone, and he had no connection to hevan now. All hope was lost. He tried running after the bird, but it was too fast. If he had only his feather, his giude would have surely helped him. He scanned the ground furriously. There where no feathers, no scales, no nothing. He would no longer have a safe path to hevan and a peacful death. his eyes seemed to glow crimson. He would have vengance on the humans and the panther who betrayed him, murtane. He would kill murtane, if it was the last thing he died. He raisded himself onto his hind paws and slashed his claws deep into the wooden flesh of the nearest tree. As he pulled away, the deep scratches dripped with his blood, running slowly down the bark of the tree. Fall roared proudly. He would avenge his family or die tring. the call echoed in the trees, bouncing off the forest walls. By the time the scho reached back to fall, he was allready far off, walking slowly, sinking his bloody claws into the ground. He didn't care. He wanted murtane to find him. And anyone else that came alonge would be practice.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
7:29pm Jun 3 2009 (last edited on 7:32pm Jun 3 2009)
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cougarfeather fell out of the tree, her ears were focused on a roar she heard, she roared back, this wasnt her territory, but she had been here for almost a full year. lemonfire roared in unison with her mentor, the only mother she had ever known. Both roars were filled with pride and strength.
7:34pm Jun 3 2009
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Posts: 443
Sage flicked her ears, bristling at the roars. She curled her tail around little pebblekit, worried for her. Suddenly she understood the first roar, it was just ike the one her and shade had done the day they found amber dead. She flicked her ears once more and got up. Bending down, she licked the top oof pebblekits head softly. "lemonfire, watch over pebblekit please." she told her, the bounded off to see if she could find the strater of the roar. After a few minutes, the scent of blood filled her nose, making the fur on her neck bristle.
7:39pm Jun 3 2009
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lemonfire nodded, lying down by the kit. She looked at him, "so whats your story?" she watched the enterance, feeling protective ot the kit
11:21pm Jun 3 2009
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fall listened to the echoes of the other roars behind him. He swivled his ears back, but never stopped. Pricking his ears again he relized how much his pace had slowed. He sighed and looked over his shoulder at his right side. The long arrows where still sticking out. He sat down and twisted his body. He reached for the painful pieces of wood, but could not reach. He grunted in both pain and frustraition. He reached as far as he could and grabbed the first one. It slid out painfully beofre snapping in fall's jaws. He opened his mouth and let out another a roar, this one quieter than the first. Again, he gritted his teath shut untill the rumble ubsided. When he opened his eyes again, he relized that he had made the cut only worse be takinf out the arrow. He sighed in frustration at the large hole in his side. He was begining to rush blood, and he knew he would have to wash out his wounds now. He looked at the ground. The arrow was now in two pieces, snapped down the middle my his powerful jaws. He stood slowly, staggered, and walked over the wood as he left. It broke into five pieces and lay discarded in the dirt. fall paused and pricked his ears, breathing in the cool forest scent. There was no stream to be heard, but there was a bird not extremly far off. A water bird. Fall heard it as it cooked smoothly to its young. He padded quietly twards it, tring to make haste. Water bird never lived extremly far from water, and so if he reached its nest, he should beable to hear the water's movement from there.
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4:33pm Jun 4 2009
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5:23pm Jun 4 2009
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((so what happened since i left?))
I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!
5:58pm Jun 4 2009
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Posts: 443
((fallenstorm has entered the panthers territory ans is wounded. Sage is out looking for her brother, and lemonfire is staying with pebblekit.)) sage scowled as she looked for her brother. Suyddenly, there was another scent, and a strong one, of blood. She bristled and quietly followed the scent, coming upon another wounded panther. She took one look at him and walked forward, making as much noise as she could so he would know she was there. "the wounds will get infected soon if not seen by a healer." she told him sternly, sitting about twenty feet away, eought space to run if she had to.
6:48pm Jun 5 2009
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PebbleKit mewed, "LemonFire, can I have some of my momma's milk? I'm hungry and cold and I wanna play with JackalKit." She thought back to her brother. He was in the same forest as her. She had told him to wait in the abandoned hollow so she could go find food. Then she had wound up here. "LemonFire, " She mewed again, "I love you and SagePelt." She she fell asleep.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:13am Jun 6 2009
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Fallen attempted to sit down, but the remaining arrow wouldn't allow him to. Instead, he turned around, golden green eyes ablaze in pain and furry. "My wounds, I fear, have allready proceded to become infected. The fire burns greatly in my fleash." He eyed the female up and down, wondering if she was a threat. He decided that, for now, she was safe. He noticed fow far she was. "I am no danger to you. I seek only the one named Murtane." He grumbled, pain clear in his voice. He bagan to turn away again, twards the sound of the water bird he had heard before.
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9:44am Jun 6 2009
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Sage rolled her eyes, but felt a bit of sympathy towards him. "Im a healer, and I can help with the arrows and infection. As for this Murtane, I have heard nothing about him, but maybe one of the others have. My brother travels a lot, maybe he knows." She shrugged and sat, wondering if he was going to allow her to help him, and if not, she needed to get back to Pebblekit soon.
11:00am Jun 6 2009
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((Thanks!)) Starflight got up and left the den going back to hunt.
I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!
11:03pm Jun 6 2009
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Fall turned his body in interest, pain streaking his sides. "There are others?" He pricked his ears before cautiously leaning them back to his head. He became quite intreaged. "May I perhaps meet them? I am alone," He added, dropping his gaze for a seccond, thinking of his little clan, long lost.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
7:12pm Jun 7 2009
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Pebblekit woke with a start. LemonFire seemed to be asleep, so she snuck out of the den. She hopped and wobbled through the forest until she came to the hollow. She called into the darkness, "JackalKit! Are you in here? This is no time for hide and seek silly!" No answer. She walked in. Her brother was sitting in the center of the hollow. "You left me." He growled. "I didn't leave you, I found help. SagePelt and LemonFire will help us now!" She mewed, afraid. "No. You didn't find them. You're leading me into a trap." "Why would I do that?" Now she was annoyed. "I don't know." He grumbled. She grabbed her younger brother by the scruff, like mother used to. She dragged him out of the hollow. He finally spoke up, "I'll walk from here." They wobbled all the way back to Sage's den, and into an angry LemonFire.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:23pm Jun 7 2009
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Sage nodded slowly, not sure if he wsa mentally stable enought to be around Pebblekit. "Yes, there are others. In our den there is me, my older brother," She empasized this part as a warning. "Lemonfire and Cougarfeather, both females, and Pebblekit, a orphaned kit im taking care of." She was mainly worried about the kit, but also the other two female. Fallenstorm seemed like one that was not afraid to fight, and was large enought to do some serious damage on a smaller female. She started to pad away, flicking her tail to follow. "Oh, and dont even think about taking to Coiugarfeather, she's spoken for." Sage growled, knowing Shade would go into a rage if another tried to be around her. She padded closer to the den and yowled a warning that she was not alone. Her rother answered, runnning for the den already.
7:36pm Jun 7 2009
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Pebble kit mewed carefully, "Hi LemonFire." She suddenly heard yowls from the forest. She knew what that ment. Sagepelt and ShadeHeart were coming back. JackalKit began to tremble.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:31am Jun 8 2009
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Fall padded painfully behind her, growing more and more annoyed with the arrow sticking from his flesh.Finnally, he had to stop, and rub agest a tree. When the wepon snapped, he quickened his pace to catch up with the female. The arrow's head was still deep beneth his skin, but the body now only just stuck out of his flesh. No longer would the tail have to stop him. He soffened up at the thought of seeing kits again. "I used to have some kits of my own..." He drifted off. It took him a minute to snap back to attention. "I'm Fallenstorm, by the way. Most people just call me Fall or Fell." He smiled weakly. HE truely was kind, just catious. Then again, if he lost a battle to Murtane, he would have nothing to loose but his life, which seemed less and less important as every hour p*censored*ed. Only his vengance seemd to keep his blood pulsing, coursing through body, hot with a reserved rage for him and him alone. This new idea of seeing an orphaned kit, however, seemed to spark a new hope deep in his heart, filling his lungs with a new air and filling his body again with cool bliss. But when again, he relized that he was still solid on the ground, his heart sank. He would never be able to have the pleasure or raising kits again. Only Ametzani had accsepted him to begin with, and only she had been ment for him. No, love was not something he could afford to lose again. Murtane would die first. But this was the present, and someday, Fallen knew, he would have to stop living in the past. This was now, and now, he could have the chance to start a new life. HE would not forget what Murtane did to him, but he would not keep it deep inside, either. Perhaps one day he could be able to burry his grudge agenst the panther. His smiled grew a little, knowing that Ametzani would no longer need to be pestered by the thoughts of Murtane getting to her cubs. No longer would she be pained or sadened. Now, she could rest, eternally with her cubs in safety, just as she had always wanted.
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10:35pm Jun 8 2009
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Sage had to shake off the dark feeling as he spoke so longingly of the kit, wanting to tell him that the kit would be going nowhere. She looked back as he slowed, flicking her tail to stop her annoyance at the slow pace, but she stayed silent, somthing she had learned from her brother. "You had kits?" She asked curiously. "And my names Sagepelt, but Sage will work fine." She ducked as she p*censored*ed by a low branch, and came face to face with Shadeheart, who was glaring at Fallen. "Would you mind to go hunt? We need some more kill with so many panthers about. "She told him soflty, and he nodded to head off. "That was Shadeheart, he's not dangerous." She told Fall, hoping Shadeheart would not gain another enemy. She padded into the den and sqeaked at the sight of another kit. "Pebblekit, who is this?" She asked softly, before gently licking the kits head.
12:39am Jun 9 2009
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Fallen's ears pricked as Shadeheart lept from seeming no where, and disapeared again. In his exitment, he hadn't caught the scent. HE followed Sage as briskly as his feet would let him, the pain in his side never secing. When he saw the kits, his heart lept, only to fall with a thud. His heart fell from its place in his chest, rolled down his body, ploped out of the hole in his side, and splattered onto the ground, its blood splattering his odd color-ed fur. That's what it felt like, anyway. Deep in his chest, though, he could feel the aching, steady beet. It cried for his own kits. Yes, he had had four kits. One female, three male. The males where Leo, Valic, and Sinn. The female, Johanna, had been his pride and joy. She and Sinn had followed him every where, and Fall belived that he missed them most of all. Thinking of his kits, Ametzani didn't seem so important anymore. But she was still there, holding his heart in its painful place. She was watching his kits now. Fall flattened his ears to his head, sun briefly shining through the piercing in his left. HE looked around the clearing, hoping to find a Golden Eagle feather, but, of course, there was none to be found. He sighed. Maybe there wasn't angels after all. Maybe the Murtane had cursed him, or something. After a moment, he pushed the ravonous thouts away, turning his attention back to the kits. Pebblekit was one. He thought of the names of panthers he now knew. Pebblekit, Sagepalt, Shadeheart. All, like his own, had been quite traditional names. Ametzani had come from a mountian clan, and her traditions had been different. Upon choosing FallenStorm as her mate, they where both exiled for going agenst eachother's birth-tribe's costums. They raised thier cubs in secret. Ametzani named them all, giving them all names of her traditions. Exept for one, the one that p*censored*ed away shortly after birth. Her name had been Frostblaze, but she never made it through her first winter.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
9:42am Jun 9 2009
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Sage sighed and picked the new kit up by the scruff, flicking her tail for Pebblekit and Fall to follow her into the large den. Sitting the kit in her nest, she gave Pebblekit a curious look. From the looks of it, their littermates, great. "Stay put." She told them, then headed into the small back den where only she was allowed to go, others needed permission, after all none of the others new anything about herbs. Snorting softly, she grabbed a few of the basic herbs that would make a poluice to stop, and possibly cure any early infections. Sitting the complete one aside, she made two others, hoping she had enought. Silently, she thanked her mother for knowing, and teaching, her herb use. From what Starwalker, her mother, had said very few panthers knew the use and most of them were among her their true clan. But what was starting to annoy her was what her mother had also told her, to p*censored* on the secrets with her own kits, as if that was going to happen. She had decided to maybe teach it to Pebblekit, but he did not seem to fit the right characteristics of a healer, neither did this new kit. She had high hopes that maybe one of Shadehearts kits, since he seemed more likely the type to have them, would posses what she needed. Hissing in annoyance, she slapped her tail on the ground and got up to grab some nettle leaves for swelling that was to come with pulling out the arrows. Grumbling, she glanced once more at the stores of herbs lying around. Im going to have to rearange and restock soon. Picking up the irst of the poluices, the padded into the main den and sat it not to far from her nest. She did the same with the others until they were all out. "Come here. "She told the new comer, looking at the wounds to know exactly what she was dealing with.
