5:55pm Jun 9 2009
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Sage looked up in delight as she scented Pebblekit, but her eyes widened at the sight of the new comers, one of which was a tiny kit. "Oh! Where did you find it Pebblekit?" She asked, looking softly at it.
5:59pm Jun 9 2009
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"Well, " She began, staring coldly at her brother, "I was next to a willow tree and the little scrap crawled up to me. I wonder where it's parents are?" She spat out the fur in her mouth, than turned to JackalKit. She clawed his muzzle and stalked away. JackalKit was confused. What did he do that made His sister so mad? He shrugged and began to prod his nose. It was cut deeply, and bleeding. Instead of asking SagePelt for help, he sat down and went to sleep.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:02pm Jun 9 2009
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Sage wanted to wail. One kit was now hurt, one was mad, and the other she had no idea about. She brought the small kit forward and placed it besdie her, then drug the sleeping Jacklekit closer as well. She glanced up at Pebblekit. "What did Jakclekit do?" She asked softly.
6:05pm Jun 9 2009
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kazumi nuzzled closer to the new female she was very warm and thats all she wanted for the moment warmth mewing softly she moved as close as she could to get the most warmth.
6:07pm Jun 9 2009
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She hissed at the older female. She didn't want to talk about it. With anyone. She didn't even want to remember, but she did. Deep in the forest at home, the four kits lay peacefully. JackalKit woke up PebbleKit with ideas about adventure. She agreed and left with him. Later when she returned, she entered the den first. All of her family members were dead and before she could warn JackalKit not to look, they were scooped up and put in the huumanthing and taken here. She turned away from the cats and began to wash herself. She was irritated about what he had said, 'They are so lucky!' He didn't even know what had happened! Stupid male cat. Stupid ALL male cats.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:10pm Jun 9 2009
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Sage sighed and nudged the smallest kit closer. "Alright Pebblekit, I wont pry. But I am here to listen if it starts to get to you." She told her quietly, as to not wake up her brother.
6:16pm Jun 9 2009
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kazumi mewed happily then tryed to clean some stuff of her ((blood and mud)) but she wasnt doing a very good job off it.
6:20pm Jun 9 2009
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She growled in responce. Then changed her mind and said aloud, "Sage, I'll be perfectly honest. JackalKit is 7 moons old." She paused, thinking deeply and carefully, "But I'm not. I'm almost 24. It may not look like it, but it is. I'm not a kit. I've always.. hidden the other kits from the truth.." She stopped again, uncertain if this was right, " I'm not related to My 'mother, father, or JackalKit'. I am however, related to GravelKit and DragonKit." Again, she was uncertain. But this time she swallowed her pride and conmtinued, "They're my kits. My 'parents' had to takee them and feed them because I had kits early and I wasn't ready.." She nodded towards her tail, "It stunted my growth for a while, and the milk never came." JackalKit heard PebbleKit speak, and, enraged, ran out of the den and into the forest.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:49pm Jun 9 2009
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11:39pm Jun 9 2009
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Fallen walked in again. He had not followed Sage into the deeper part of the cave. Instead, he turned and licked his wounds. His heart had not lept when he saw the kits. It only sunk. He thought of Johanna and Sinn then, and was greatly sadened. HE had fallen into a deep, troubled sleep in the shadows of the cave, oblivious to what had happened arounf him. When he finnally awoke, it took him a moment to figure out where he was. He blinked his heavy eyes, and scanned the area. Finnaly, he shrugged and walked inside. There where other panthers here, but he felt he still needed time to adjust to a new life. He walked in the cave. Most of his bleeding had began to scab over, exept, of corse, where the end of the arrow saw still showing through slightly. When a kit began to run past him, he snatched it up instinctively. HE rumbled a low warning, but then was painfully reminded that this kit was not his own. More likely than not, this was one of the orfans or Sage's. HE walked deeper into the cave, pausing at the mouth, looking inquisitively at Sage. Another kit? The newest and smallest one looked not even a moon old. Functional, so not quite new born. He wondered whos kits the three where. He sat down and waited patiently for instruction or explanation from Sage. Thought his muscels where tence, his eyes where sad and soft, filled with deep understanding.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:26am Jun 10 2009
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kazumi had given up trying to clean herself insted looking at a new male who had walked in wobbily crawling over she pawed him wanting to know who he was but he was warm so she nuzzled him to get the warmth back.
7:12am Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit writhed and wriggled out of the strange cats mouth. He snarled and launched himself at him. He bit down on the cat's injured shoulder, than ran as fast as he could back out of the den adn into the forest. PebbleKit mewed quietly this time, so the stranger male wouldn't hear, "And also, my name isn't really 'PebbleKit'. I'm a full grown warrior and my name is PebbleStep." When she finishd speaking, she glared at the new male. Who is he? Why does it seem like I've met him before? Unable to find the answer, she strode out of den. She wanted to hunt.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:42pm Jun 10 2009
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Sage scowled at the kits, her mother insticts told her to go after them and drag their tails back and lecture them about manners. Sighing, she took the poluices over and gently dabbed them on the wounds. She looked at the arrow head for a minute before giving it an experimental tug. It moved, but blood spurted out. Grumbling, she brought over some of the cobwebs, to place on it after the arrow was out. Sitting, she grabbed the arrow between her teeth and yanked it out, hard. Dropping it to the ground, she instantly placed the cobwebs over the bleeding wound, putting pressure on it with one paw, while the other drug another leaf over, this one containing poppy seeds. Taking her paw off the blood soaked cobwebs, she added another la yer, this one stayed on much better. "Its going to hurt for a while, just eat the poppy seeds when it gets back, they'll help." Grabbing some of the left over, she placed them back into her herb den and washed off the substance off her paws. Walking back out, she sat in her nest. "Shade, Lemonfire? Would you mind going after the kits?" She asked, worried. Even thought Pebblestep was much oler than she seemed, she still flet responible for her. Shadeheart, who had just walked in, sighed and walked back out, quickly following Jacklekits scent. Sage walked over and grabbed the smallest kit, thinking as she made her way back to her nest. Its going to be a long night. "I think im going to call you Kazumi." She murmrued, and gently licked the kit, warming her up. "In case your wondering, all the kits, are adopted. Pebblekit, or Pebblestep, is truthfully older than she seems, as far as I know." She shrugged, still getting the concept in her mind. "Jacklekit is now under my care, as is little Kazumi here."
3:25pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit sat in a willow Tree. Probably the same one PebbleStep had been sitting in earlier. He unsheathed his claws and shredded the thin branches and leaves until he felt satisfied. HE heard a noise beneath him, so he looked. It was PebbleStep. She was stalking a young pheasant. When she had made her kill, he walked to the appropriate branch and dropped out of the tree. And onto her back. When he landed on her, she spun around angrily. She hit him in the face with her paw (claws sheathed) and pinned him. He yowled and mewed, but she didn't let go. "PebbleStep!" He hissed and spat, "I hate you so much. Let me go." "Not until you say it." "Say what?" "That you knew all along." "But I didn't you fool." She stared at him. He took his chance and scrabbled out from under him. But she was faster. She grabbed him by the scruff and tossed him to the side gently. Then she grabbed her kill, and they went their separate ways.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:52pm Jun 10 2009
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Shade growled as he watched the two panthers fight, letting his fur fluff up. Stupid! Are they serously that senseless. Knowing Pebblestep could take care if herself, he ran ofer Jacklekit. Once the larger panther caught up, he grabbed him by the scruff and started walking back to the cave, ingnoring any protest from the kit. "Sage is worried about you, now shut up and come on." He snapped between his teeth.
3:57pm Jun 10 2009
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He whimpered and shut his muzzle with a snap. Great. Now I have made the entire den mad and started a fight with PebbleStep. By the time Shade came back with him, Pebbletep was grooming her fur in the den. Great
wuss poppin jimbo
4:08pm Jun 10 2009
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Shade dropped the kit at Sage's paws, then stalked off back to his own nest to sleep. Sage on the other hand was glaring at Jacklekit. "Do you kow how dangerous it is out there alone?!" She snapped, then begain grooming the small kit just to release her frustration without more scathing words. "Dont worry everyone like that ,perticurally now that I have to take care f Kazumi as well. "She growled. Will I be stuck taking care of everyone elses kits for the rest of my life! What about my own. She thought sorrowfully, but shook the thought off. These two needed her now, not some fantsay kits.
4:13pm Jun 10 2009
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He growled menacingly at her. This time, it wasn't a squeak. He sheathed and unsheathed his claws repeatedly while he waited for Sage to stop lecturing him. PebbleStep held back a snicker. Just like JackalKit to get into trouble. She bit into her pheasant, holding back a smile.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:17pm Jun 10 2009
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Sage growled as well, only hers was much louder and darker, her eyes blazing down at Jacklekit, then at Pebblestep. "Keep quiet." She snapped at Pebblestep. "I am not taking care of you anymore, and you can live on your own. So dont make me tell Shade to run you out!" She snapped. "I will have none of your attitude around either Jacklekit or Kazumi!" She hisse,d and bared her fangs at her. She was surprised at the menicing temper she was showing, having rarly snarled at anyone like that. Huffing, she clurled her tail protectivly around the two kits, before looking out the cave entrance.
4:23pm Jun 10 2009
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PebbleStep rolled her eyes and got up. "Have it your way then." She purred. She grabbed what was remaining of the pheasant and dragged it out of the den with her. JackalKit squeaked at SagePelt, "You chased her away! You meanie!" But he changed his mind. She did deserve it.
wuss poppin jimbo