4:26pm Jun 10 2009
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((GAH! I keep having to read too much. I've gotta start getting up earlier. lol. I'm on, just reading posts...))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:30pm Jun 10 2009
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Sage sighed and looked sorrowfully at the entrance. "I dont know what came over me. Im sorry Jacklekit. "She murmured, feeling guilty about her outburst. Shae glared at her brtoher who was in the corner smirking.
4:34pm Jun 10 2009
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Pebblestep stopped when she came to the abandoned hollow. She thought darkly, JackalKit and I stayed here when I was still pulling my kit charade. She crawled in quietly. She dropped the pheasant and walked back out of the den. She wandered near a stream until she found some moss. She gathered it and brought it back to the hollow for bedding. When she had spread it out evenly, she lay down on it.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:38pm Jun 10 2009
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((potentially doubble post...)) Fallen had just sat in the corner, observing. He had done what Sage had told him, and crushed the arrow's head under a m*censored*ive forepaw. HE would take the pieces out later so they would not hurt the kits. He had flintched in pain as it had been torn from his flesh, but had held his breath to try and let Sage do her job. Ametzani had known about herbs, but Fall himself was quite helpless when it came to the matter. HE hoped that the wound in his side would not become infected. Where Jacklekit had bit him was no matter. He made a silent promise to himself and Sage that he would help disapline them soon as he was strong enough to be able to run quickly after them. In the meantime, however, he felt quite useless, and he also promised that he would catch his own prey and help catching some for the others as well as he was able. Kazumi, however, he had tried to ignore. That didn't work out as that his eyes couldn't help to to keep flickering to her. She was a painful reminder of Johanna, but he kept pushing the thoughts away, preparing himself for a new life. He watched Pebblestep leave, ears pricked. HE didn't chase after her, figuring she could take care of herself. It was a matter of little conssern. His gaze flickered to Sage, and then the kits that she was protecting. No matter what he had done, they still somehow looked like his kits. But then he would bl ink, and they looked completely different. At this point, Fall wanted only to sleep and not awaken. But that was not right. The least he could do now was help Sage raise these kits. He felt more like he had to, especialy wih Kazumi, as that he seemed to be the only adult panther here with kit expirience.
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4:43pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit squeaked and squealed all night. He had a cough and he sneezed constantly. His stumach hurt and so did his head.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:44pm Jun 10 2009 (last edited on 4:46pm Jun 10 2009)
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Posts: 443
Shade tried to sleep, but it would not come with Fall laying in the same den. It wasent that he had anything aginst the other panther, but the way he kept looking at Sage and those kits made his fur bristle. Fall had clearly had some experience with kits, elsewise he would not be near so calm around them. Shade was awkward around those kits, having never known any or been anywhere near them. Scowling, he cirlicled in his nest and faced his back towards everyone else. Sage was woke up in the middle of the night by Jacklekits sneezeing. Getting up as to not wake Kazumi, she touched his head with her nose, it was warm. He's getting sick. She padded into her herb store and grabbed a feverfew leaf. Padding back out, she sat it in front of him. "Here, eat this. Once your fevers down, ill give you somthing to help with the hurt, alright? "She asked softly, gazing down at the kit.
4:49pm Jun 10 2009
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He ate the leaf resentfully. It tasted like crowfood. The big-and-black cat was dangerously close to him. He considered biting him, but thought better of it. Bored of sleeping with sage and Kazumi. He wobbled over to Shade and curled up with him. He was much more comfortable and fell asleep quickly.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:00pm Jun 10 2009
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Shade jerked his head up and glared down at the small kit, beofre scooting over closer to the wall. He growled a little before settling down again, not liking to be so close to a kit.
5:04pm Jun 10 2009
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Fall's ears flickered at the disturbance in the night. HE relized that he had pressed his good side as close to the cool wall as it would go. Slowly, quietly, he stood up, feeling the tension in the air. He walked out of the cave, head low. He felt strangely unwanted. But he couldn't leave with so many orphande kits about. Instread, he lept onto a fair sixed boulder he found outside the cave. From there, he gaged the distance to the top. He lept uponto the top of the den, and layed there, his injered side facing up. His tail hung over the side, but his head was strait up and allert. He would die for the next generation.
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5:07pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit ignored Shade's ignorance and cuddled up to him. He didn't care what Shade thoguht, he liked Shade, like a father. Though he'd never been around much..
wuss poppin jimbo
5:12pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade glanced over at the kit, then shook his head. Sighing, he gave in and curled his tail around his small body, before setting his head down and falling asleep. Sage looked up as Fell walked out, feeling a little bad. Getting up, she picked Kazumi up and set her besode Shade, who just accepted the kit would a word. Padding outside, she jumped onto the oposite rock of Fell, looking over the forest. "If you dislike it here so much, why are you still around? "She asked curiously.
5:14pm Jun 10 2009
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Fell flicked his ears forward, looking sypathecticly at Sage. "I never said I dislike it here." He pointed out with a smooth voice. "I have my reasons for sticking around.
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5:17pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit growled when Kazumi was put near him. He nosed the kit away gently, hogging his kind-of-father, Shade.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:19pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 31
being moved kazumi woke up mewing wondering where she had been moved to crawling away she tryed to find the scent of the female that was warm.
5:21pm Jun 10 2009
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Sahe greummbled, then grabbed Kazumi to put her on the other side of him. He lay his head back on the ground, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic. Sage glanced at him, the shrugged. "It the kits isint it? Iv seen you looking at them, perticurally Kazumi. Im not blind when it comes to those kits, there my eveything right now." She growled, suddenly feeling perticurally protective of them.
5:22pm Jun 10 2009
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He purred and licked Shade. His smell reminded him of his father. He crawled and curled up under his chin. He could tell that Shade wasn't happy, but JackalKit was. PebbleStep rolled over. She had layed on soemthing sharp and it was stuck in her side. Numbed by sleep, she had rolled over and decided to remove it in the morning.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:25pm Jun 10 2009
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Fall flicked his ears forward, eyes returning to the forest. He felt akward, and didn't want to look at Sage anymore. "I *censored*ume you don't want me around then?" This had happened before. He knew how females where. Again, he was rejected. "THanks for healing my wounds," He said, begining to stand up. HE closed his eyes tight and folded his ears flat, but more at anger in himself than anything else.
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5:29pm Jun 10 2009
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Sage sighed, and flicked her tail. "I diddnt say you had to go, I just dont want them kits taken away from me." She shrugged. "Its a motherly instincts I guess." Sighing, she lay her head on her paws. "But it will be good for them to have a fatherly figure around, and I dont think Shade is that good with kits."
5:33pm Jun 10 2009
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((Lol. He isn't. Shade's probably going to rip JackalKit's head off soon :P lol))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:35pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade groaned, trying not to get up and walk out, leaving the two to defend for themselves. Hissing, he used his paw to gently shove Jacklekit away from his face. "Stay still. "He growled in annoyance.