5:35pm Jun 10 2009
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Fall lept down. He clentched his teeth as his side shook from the landing. THen he straitened, again opening his eyes and lifting his ears. He smiled, looking over his shoulder at her. "You don't think I'm some kind of phycopathic murderer that killed his own cubs?" He asked in a flat voice. It wasn't exactly a question. He turned away. "Usually females belive that." He muttered. Part of him felt that it was true. Murtane had been his friend. He had been born into Ametzani's tribe, but left when Ametzani and Fall had both been exiled. For nearly a year, Fall and Murtane had been best friends. Then he had turned on the family. He felt at fault evertime a female rejected him.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:37pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit yelped. A horrible replay in his mind. He bounded after Shade, not caring what he thought.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:40pm Jun 10 2009
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Fall's ears flickered foward. Relizing it was nothing to be completely worried about, he relaxed and turned to face Sage again, waiting patiently for a responce.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:41pm Jun 10 2009
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Sage snickered and shook her head. "Im not near as harsh or as untrusting as most. But I do have my temper." She grimaced as she remembered her harsh words to Pebblekit. She hoped the other female was alright and somewhere safe. Getting up, she jumped down and peered into the cave chucking as she saw her very uncomfortable brother with the two kits.
5:47pm Jun 10 2009
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Fall walkd a few feet away, and sighed, looking up at the stars. He seemed increasind desprate to change the subject, but knew that he shouldn't. "I don't know, Sage..." HE trailed. "I feel like I let my last kits down." Something in his head began to tount him: Yes, it's all your fault your kits are dead! he tried pushing it away. "I didn't kill them, but I could have stopped it." He whispered, keeping his eyes to the dark sky. His ears flickered up, the piercing in his left ear temporarilly vissable.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:53pm Jun 10 2009
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PebbleStep roared. Her back was on fire. The pain raced up her spine like a fast-flowing river. She writhed on the ground in pain. She stopped for a moment to glance at what had stabed her earlier. A small, thorn like thing. But she knew what the enscribed pictures ment. It was human made. She wobbled out of the den, mouth foaming, vision blurred, towards where she thought SagePElt's den was. Eventually seh got there, and collapsed at the door way, unconsious.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:53pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 31
kazumi continued to mew crawling around him she went back looking for the warm female mewing as she crawled she wasnt use to the stange male she liked the other male better.
5:54pm Jun 10 2009 (last edited on 5:59pm Jun 10 2009)
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Posts: 443
"How could you have stopped it?" She muttered, before sitting and looking into the forest, suddenly wishing for Ambers wisdom and gentle words. "Stop dwelling on the past. You can think, even grieve abut it. But you cant change it, no matter what. Live on, and meet them in the after life." She muttered, shoulders haunched. "If some one could change the past, I would have gladly done it, them Amber would still be alive, and Shade would be happy and gentle again." She growled lowly. The sound off a struggling cat made her jump up and run over to find Peppblestep. "Oh dear!" She yelped and rushed over, before quickly examining the smaller cat. Grabbing her by the scruff, she drug her into the den, befre laying her in her nest.
6:01pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 31
as she crawled she ended up outside mewing she looked for the female again.
6:02pm Jun 10 2009
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JackalKit woke up at the sound of Sage's voice. She was dragging another cat into the den. The cat was limp, and not moving. But he reckonized her. PebbleStep! He bounded over the sleeping Shade and near Pebble. He nosed her and pawed her, but she didn't wake up. He yowled in grief, then turned at Sage accuingly, "You killed her." He hissed.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:10pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade jumped up as Jacklekits yowl woke him up. Glancing around, he saw the smallest kit trying to gewt ourside. He bounded forward and picked her up, before setting her between his paws. Sage looked up at Jacklekit. "No, she came into the den this way." She sniffed her fur and found a small, but sharp ob ject in Pebblesteps fur. Growling, she yanked it out with ease, then spat it onto the ground. "Somting humans gave her." She growled, but looked down in greif. "I dont know what to do. Most things are easy to cure with herbs. But I dont know what im dealing with!" She wailed and started to examine Pebblestep for any signs of somthing she knew.
6:13pm Jun 10 2009
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PebbleStep blinked. She was alive, but barely. It seemed, the poison stopped flowing now, but was still in her system. She murmured as loud as she could manage, "Yarrow, to bring it up Sage. I need one of you to scratch me so the whatever is in my bloodstream.." But she slipped back into the void in between dead and living.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:16pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Sage noded quickly Yarrow, of course! She bounded swiftly to her den and rumaged through unti lshe found what she was looking for. "Got it!" She ran back and quickly layed it in front of Pebblestep. "Is she awake?" She looked down. "If not, someone help me." She growled.
6:21pm Jun 10 2009
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She was only awakened in time. She spit out the remaining foam before she choked to death. She murmured, half crazed by death, "I'm here DragonKit. Don't worry GravelKit.. We'll play later.. RibbonFlight.. JackalKit.. TigerFang.. hmm? Mice?" Then she fell even farther. So far, she was worried if she could ever come back to reality.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:26pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Sage spat in rage. "Will someone help!" She snapped. Shadeheart growled and got up running over. "Ill help." Sage nodded and pointed to Pebble. "Open her jaws so I can get the leaf in." Shade did as he was told and gewnlty pried open her jaws, flinching as the acidic smell. Sage shoved some of the new pulp into her mouth and stroekd her females throat, forcing her to swollow the plant. She stepped back and could do nothing but wait. She remembered somthing else and she gently sliced a wound in Pebbles throat to allow the poison to come out. "I need cobwebs. "She stated and Shade instantly went to get some.
6:31pm Jun 10 2009 (last edited on 7:04pm Jun 10 2009)
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She ran around a forest, with her kits. And two other cats she couldn't remember. She knew their names only by coincidence. She stood near a tree with all of them. DragonKit. GravelKit. RibbonFlight. TigerFang. Then a strong male strode up. She knew his name, and hated it. OakHeart. It was him. Again. After he had impregnated PebbleStep, then PebblePaw, he had run away. Her father, TigerFang, had chased him down and killed him. Later on, her parents (TirgerFang and RibbonFlight) were killed by humans. She spat at him and hissed. He ignored it and stated. "StoneKit. BeachKit. WolfKit." Then he faded before pebbleStep reached him. She hissed. Her father stated, "The next generation." Then he faded to. She ran around the make believe forest, looking for her father. Then her mother yowled, "Is yet to come." And was gone. Now she was alone with her kits. She curled up with them, hoping they wouldn't fade too. But they did. They mewed at her gently, "GoodBye." Then faded right in her grasp. Leaving her too greive alone, in the wilderness.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:38pm Jun 11 2009
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((Where is Shade with the cobwebs? Wow. PebbleStep sure had a creepy dream xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:49pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 31
kazumi was scared with all the noise crawling to the nearest nest she got in it and curled up mewing she was really scared.
6:02pm Jun 11 2009
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JackalKit was frightened. His friend was blurting out names he'd naver heard, as well as ones he knew. He hissed at Sage when she had cut PebbleStep's throat. Completely frightened, JackalKit jumped around the cave, eventually sitting with ShadeHeart. His make-shift father.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:29pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade handed Sage the cobwebs then went to sit down. He flicked Jacklekits shoulder with his tail, trying to calm him down. "Sage knows what she's doing. Speakers of the Stars have given her the gift of healing and she's good at it." He murmured gently. Sage ripped the cobwebs with her fangs and placed some peices gently over the wound she made. That stopped some of the blood, but allowed a little, along with the poison to come out. She sighed and sat, waiting for Pebblestep to wake up. I guess the names she's yowling are ones from her past.