4:32pm Nov 4 2010
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[I don't know how poor Spider would take that. He's not the younger-cat type. xD But sure she can. ^o^]
4:37pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
(( Wait, how old ARE all the apprentices?? Littlepaw should be around the same age as Jadepaw.... Oh, whatever. I'll just say Jadepaw's 16 and Littlepaw's 14. XD))
4:37pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Fullmoon, you have Dreamfur and Mintleaf just in case you have forgotten =3 Checking the Master Cat List is helpfull ;o That is unless you wanted to tell me that they are no longer in the clan. Oh, and I am working on a post. It's a bit complicated since Patchpelt got mixed up in past//present stuff. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
4:43pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((*pokes Siri* Your sudden entrance scared me! XD Oh and, I would like Dreamfur and Mintleaf removed, as they are two she-cats I've done absilutely bupkiss with through this whole roleplay. XD))
4:47pm Nov 4 2010
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OoC: Didn't mean to scare you. o.o' But thanks for telling me about them. I do like to keep the Master Cat List updated.
Just call me Siri.
5:01pm Nov 4 2010
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((I'mma making a new feme named Bloodmist, she'll crush on Spider instead. :D))
5:03pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Why don't you just use Gentleheart? Med. cats can have a crush, just not a mate.
Just call me Siri.
5:18pm Nov 4 2010 (last edited on 5:58pm Nov 4 2010)
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((Mmmm..... Well, I'm not sure... It fits her personality, but they just don't go.... I'll make the femme anyway, then I'll decide later.)) The Basics: Name:Bloodkit (Bloodpaw) { Bloodmist} Nicknames:Bluehairs, Missy, Misty Age:19 moons Position:Warrior Gender:She-cat Birthplace:IceClan Residence:IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Amazingly silvery-gray. Coat Color: Blue, white belly and feet. Scars: None Distinguishing Features:Her long tail that is small in the beggining area, and large at the end, Her very blue fur, and her white belly & feet. http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Blue cat&order=9&offset=48#/dh5otb The Personality: Loves: Her home in the forest, watching birds and other animals that can fly.
Likes: People accepting her for herself, or just not get too interested in her. Dislikes: People discovering too many things about her. Secret(s): Her dreams are always filled with horrible things, and they always seem to come true. And anycat she tells seems to die soon after. Weaknesses: She's very hard for cats to get through to her when she's got her mind set on something. A.K.A: Real stubborn.
Strengths: Is really really really fast, and can sit unnoticed for quite some time, as long as downwind of whatever she's watching/stalking/hunting. She is also not too horrified by many things. *Look in Secret(s) Pet Peeves: Being called her nickname her brother made up, 'Bluehairs' Fears: Climbing trees. The Other: Scent: A strong almost salty-like mist, with a small hint of riverstones.
Crush: Spider(?) later on Family: Grayheart. (Yessuh, I has decided to make her his seester. Hurr)
Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope, she has no plan too.
Additional Information: No
5:49pm Nov 4 2010
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ooc; Fullmoon:: The 'Family' Part on there.... that is Rainstar's family, does Bloodmist have any family...? I just throughout I would notify you about that. Alright, Siri, I shall pause after this post. I just needed to get it out.... it is small anyway. bic; Featherpaw looked at Starpaw, confusion flicked through her as she looked to the side, Rainstar, nor Swiftdarkness were dyeing. " If I killed you," which I very much want to, "It would make me no better than you, or Blackwolf..." She hissed at him, Claws scoreing onto the white snow. "Rainstar is my last relative other than my sisters, she is Redstorm's sister, don't forget that. And if you were to nock her out to...." She Took a force full attack step forward, "You would be more than alone." Padding closer to him she hissed, "Nightfall is different. She can do things just as well as the rest of the warriors in IceClan. She is one of the last cats that wouldn't be able hear Blackwolf. She could hear me when I was half way across the Camp, sneaking out when I was a kit. " Almost finishing another small question popped into her head. "Why do you care for her so much...?" I got you now. she hissed in her mind as the little intimidated cat seemed to shrink. Her tall frame made her look like a warrior compared to him, "Got you." she whispered.
5:58pm Nov 4 2010
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((Oopsies! *fizes* Sorrry 'bout that. XD))
6:01pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: A post is coming. I promise! >.< ::hurries::
Just call me Siri.
6:14pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Should I write up a post now?]
6:18pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I think we'll do a time-skip soon, to when we get to our new land, so I think you should wait. *Unless you'd like to make more charras*))
6:19pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Um, time skipping would be unfair to both Electro and Eklipse, Fullmoon. =/
Just call me Siri.
6:19pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[I probably won't, so Det will wait.]
6:20pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I dun mean NOW, but we probably will do one for the journey.(?) Or at least I believe.))
6:23pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Det, you may post an introduction of you character if you like. I'm almost done with my post, so I won't mind. I feel bad for holding everyone back. >.< ::curses her cold::
Just call me Siri.
6:27pm Nov 4 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm Nov 4 2010)
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As Cavestar spoke, Patchpelt dipped her head in agreement. The new CaveClan leader was wise with her words, and when she agreed to move Patchpelt thought about jumping up and down with joy like a kit would but she didn't. More cool and composed than ever before, Patchpelt was proud to be a warrior of IceClan and she knew that she represented her clan with honor and grace. When Sharptalon was announced as their escort, Patchpelt breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't about to have another encounter with Icecavern without some fur flying. Traveling quickly through the territory, the three cats; Patchpelt, Nightfall, and Sharptalon, arrived at the boarder between FireClan, CaveClan, and TreeClan. Caveclan was behind them, while FireClan was straight ahead, and TreeClan directly to the right. To the calico warrior's surprise, Nightfall spoke up about having to still visit TreeClan. Then a new idea came into her mind. Twigstar can be quite a paw-full so if we bring Sharptalon as a voice from Caveclan, saying they are leaving too, she will surly see the good in this visit! Her emerald eyes shone with hope as Patchpelt meowed excitedly to Sharptalon and Nightfall, "Why not have him come with, Nightfall? Twigstar will see that not only is IceClan leaving but CaveClan as well! Sharptalon is proof of that!" So pleased with the idea, Patchpelt was heading into TreeClan territory even before she finished. They were making good time. The bight orb in the sky was past sun-high, so they would have plenty of time to get back to IceClan's temporary camp before night fall. Thank you, StarClan, Patchpelt praised, for letting this work out well!
Just call me Siri.
6:27pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Time of day, weather etc.?]
6:29pm Nov 4 2010
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OoC: A little past sun-high. The day is surprisingly nice, clear sky with a chilly breeze, for leaf-bare that is.
Just call me Siri.