6:20pm Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 7:07pm Nov 5 2010)
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ooc; Siri: I just realized that you only have three Characters! If you are going to cut down on them, I may as well too. If you could, take out Brightleaf please.... I love her, but she has no place anymore. ~More takeouts coming. Me and Rainstar were thinking of naming some apprentice's! If that is alright. I will need to grab some names from you people. ~Stray's: Shadowpaw ~Fullmoon's: Bluepaw > Bluefur ~ East's: Greypaw ~Siri's: Redpaw ~Electro's: Painfulpaw> Painfulsilence ~and ekipse's: Cardinalpaw > Cardinaltail
6:24pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; And just a thing Siri: Also on the character list you still have me marked as kesteralheart. :P Thankyou so much! :)
6:24pm Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 6:26pm Nov 5 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((That's cool with me for Bluepaw.))
6:30pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Okay good. What do you want her full name to be...?
6:34pm Nov 5 2010
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((You mean warriors name? XD Bluefur. (So unoriginal XD)))
7:05pm Nov 5 2010
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ooc; Yea, very origial actually! It was Bluestar's warrior name in the first series.
7:19pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Graypaw=Graystone :D
7:30pm Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm Nov 5 2010)
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[I'm just waiting for Full to reply. :/] The Basics: Name: Leopardkit [Leopardpaw - Leopardwind]
Nicknames: None
Age: 24 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: A deep whirling amber Coat Color: Dark gold with deep gray and black rosettes. Her tail is ringed a few times with pitch black stripes and the tips of her tail, ears and paws are all black Scars: Multiple lacerations down her flanks and a jagged cut on one schoulder
Distinguishing Features: Her distinct, spotted coat
The Personality: Loves: Sometimes Leopardwind enjoys simply staring at the sky in a daydreaming state Likes: Chatting up with her Clanmates and generally a good conversation
Dislikes: When her tail gets pounced on by exuberant kits
Secret(s): Her mother was a rogue, but her father, not wanting her to have a paw in both worlds, never told any-cat and simply said that another she-cat was her mother. Weaknesses: She's got a free-will that would contest even Bloodmist's. She rarely does what her leader tells her unless she thinks its the right thing. Strengths: Despite her odd pelt, it breaks up her body and hides her almost perfectly in any heavy undergrowth. This makes her one of the best forest hunters. Pet Peeves: Again, being pounced on by kits
Fears: Fast waters, because her heavy and thick fur could drag her down The Other: Scent: The scent of fall, fresh crisp leaves and the warm scent of the sun Crush: Kestrelheart [8D] Family: Leopardwind denies having a father, and her mother remains unknown. She was the only surviving kit. Mate: N/A Offspring: None Additional Information: None

7:40pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Dude. Can Kestrelheart have a crush on her.? That would be, and I quote, epitastic :D
7:47pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
11:33pm Nov 5 2010
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OoC: Wow! There is so much to read ^.^ Sorry about the delay, Detneth you can take on as many characters as you please. But only if you can play them all equally ;o Fullmoon, I don't really know about Littlefire. Why not ask East. I just think that it would be unfair if she came back with a warrior name. Eklipse, I would prefer it if Redpaw wasn't named just yet. o.O I don't think he's ready just yet. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
11:41pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Hey Siri. Sorry about all the posts. :o And thanks for letting me join with a new character. I'm pretty *not* good about role-playing them equally. ;)]
11:47pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: No, no! I'm sorry for my lack of time of the computer. Life has been...stressful lately, for lack of better words. And shame-shame Detneth! I like characters being played equally. ::stares at Redpaw:: Now I feel like a hypocrite. x3 But his post is coming, Patchpelt and Swifty just have so much more to say at the moment. Oh, and I don't care who crushs on who. It's that characters feelings, I can't stop them but I do get to control how Patchpelt reacts o3o
Just call me Siri.
11:58pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[I try Siri, I really do. D8 I mean, sometimes another person's character doesn't answer *coughs*. I can't be blamed for that, right?]
3:10am Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 3:11am Nov 6 2010)
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OoC: It is dificult when that happens, but I have been the cause enough times to give grace. ^.^' I'm just so unhappy with my amount of time on the 'puter. College is too hard now, it needs to lighten up a bit and give me less homework. BiC Shivering with inner turmoil, Patchpelt kept her pace brisk as she lead Nightfall and Sharptalon to IceClan's temporary camp. There was an uneasy feeling inside her that wouldn't let up, it was like a burr snagged in her pelt that wouldn't let go no matter how much she groomed. Knotting her fur and causing distress just like this feeling was causing her stomach to knot with worry. Her sharp, intelligent emerald eyes shifted from each obstacle in between her and her clan. Taking in the sagging, snow burdened branches, to hidden ice covered rocks the calico warrior's gaze never rested. Sweat warmed her thinning body, the extra weight from the journey was fast disappearing with the lack of food, as she exerted more energy than her tired muscles could offer. Hot steam created an ethereal fog to surround her, and, with dusk dulling the light of the sun, she seemed to glow in the stretching shadows. Her paw-steps were a base rhythm to her rasping breaths that broke the silence of the forest. Darkness was just gripping the tips of the trees and casting haunting forms on the snow covered forest floor when Patchpelt came across warrior tracks. The familiar scents of clanmates comforted her, but all around her a fear-scent lingered and grew the closer she went to the camp. Yowls and whispers could now be heard as she was moments from cresting the last ferns before entering the small clearing. Her soft pink nose peeked through chilled, brittle bracken fern leaves as she took in the camp. Afraid of what she might find, Patchpelt relaxed...for a moment. Everything seemed normal at a glance so she entered confidently, intent on informing Rainstar that CaveClan and TreeClan were going to co-operate, but the sudden tension stopped her. Every cat was staring at Painfulpaw and Blackwolf. From her point of view she could only see the shaking back of Swiftdarkness as he and Shadowpaw hovered over something. What are they looking at? she wondered. Turning her attention back to the huddle of cats, Patchpelt felt sick when a hideous laugh rang through the sullen silence. The sound was full of broken spirit and lost mind, it was worse than claws raking across stone on a hot day or the growl of a monster. Painfulpaw and Rainstar were speaking too softly for her to hear the words, but Patchpelt didn't want to know. It seemed too wrong; as if what was happening was the worst offense that any cat could do to a clan. Dear StarClan, I don't want to know what is happening. Fearful of what was transpiring, the calico warrior fled to find the comfort of a certain cat. Looking for the yellow-gold pelt splotched with ebony she frowned when the tall figure was no-where to be seen. It wasn't a surprise to her now, but Patchpelt still enjoyed Cheetahwind's constant comforting. Never had he questioned her motives. He had always accepted her and embraced her when she came to him, but he had always left her feeling unworthy and pitiful. Often he seemed too perfect of a figure for her, so her emerald gaze searched for a more real cat; one that she has fought with on more than one occasion. Silentheart? Where are you? Tears burned her eyes but she held them back, Patchpelt forced herself to be stronger than this. I lead a group of cats to the new land through faith in StarClan, I will not be caught crying now! Then a flash of dull ginger pelt caught her attention. Relief coursed through her like rain at the end of a long newleaf season. Pelting over to him, Patchpelt collided with the tom. Her youthful exuberance always surfaced in front of the stoic tom. Tumbling to the ground with him she happily sobbed, "I've missed you my silent friend. We've been separated far too long." Untangling her limbs from his, Patchpelt didn't even feel embarra.ssed by the kit-like display. With Silentheart she was who she was; a flaw in beauty and a beautiful flaw. They might fight and argue, but she was always comforted by the fact that no matter her mistakes he would tell her truthfully if he forgave her or refused to forgive her. He had his limitations, and he understood that she had hers. The mutual trust, or what she hoped he could accept as trust, between them was a wonderful fall back for Patchpelt. What if he doesn't feel the same way? I know he loved Mistsoul. He's heard me talk with Cheetahwind, we won't lie about that. Her fur bristled uneasily. Patchpelt had never been good at hiding her feelings. As clear to read as the shifting waves, her emotions were always laid out before her. "I'm scared," she whispered. Flattening her ears to her skull she burrowed her nose under his chin like a frightened kitten seeking shelter from spooky shadows, "What in StarClan is going on with IceClan? Every cat is so tense."
Just call me Siri.
3:37am Nov 6 2010
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Furious by all that was transpiring, Redpaw lurked in the shadows. His ginger-red pelt stood on end as he snarled at the weak display Rainstar showed. He knew that she-cats were too weak to bear such titles as leader or deputy. Only Falconwing had been strong and wise with her mentoring, for a she-cat. None other in IceClan had measured up in Redpaw's eyes. All they were good for was kitting when the clan began to diminish, but at the moment it was large. Too large, he thought bitterly as he eyed the annoying kits. The she-cat's kept having kits as if that would make prey more abundant. With a sneering roll of his bitter amber eyes, Redpaw hardened his heart yet again. Littlepaw had proven useless to him. He had saved her only a day before and she was now dead. -His heart cried- "Pitiful excuse for a cat," he spat and his eyes darkened more as pain filled him again. "Because of that she-cat I almost tasted that bitter water again." The water that tasted like mineral salt, but only it came from his eyes instead of the sky. Remembering the one time he had cried, Redpaw shivered. The tears had burned as they made tracks down his cheeks. A sign of weakness that only she-cat was allowed to display. Never again! he promised himself Yet they prickled so close to the surface of his swirling angry eyes. Emotions, so foreign and strong, threatened to take over his rational mind and make him react in the most fearsome of ways. He wanted to attack Blackwolf, a warrior that was no longer much different in size to him. Redpaw wanted to slash, bite, and yowl until the other tom was forever silenced and his ivory claws were stained crimson. He wished that he could forever instill fear in the tom for what he had done to all the she-cats he had terrorized. Never was a tom to use his superior powers over a weak she-cat. The tom deserved nothing more than a death blow, but only after facing the same horrifying feelings his victims had felt of utter helplessness. I would teach him, Redpaw thought mercilessly. He would die with such fear that death would be welcoming. His lip curled as he thought for a brief moment about 'StarClan' with all of it's shimmering cats and perfection. What a lie. Sticking his nose in the air, Redpaw paced away. If he stayed a moment longer he would push the spineless Painfulpaw aside and be done with Blackwolf before he could twitch a whisker. "Falconwing, I wish you were here with me now. I need you more than ever before," he admitted hoarsely. "This anger is becoming more than I can bear." Looking into the deepening blue sky, he wondered how much longer he could keep from turning on his clanmates. I can't fit in like Graypaw and weakling Bluepaw. With a piercing stare over his shoulder, Redpaw sought out Shadowpaw. Over the journey he had come to respect the ebony tom. He didn't even belittle him for mourning over Littlepaw. It was a response he had expected and learned to accept of the other tom. Shadowpaw had shown qualities of his mother to Redpaw, and even though Littlepaw had as well the she-cat was just that. A she-cat. With that thought, the fiery tom stiffly stalked away. Intent on finding some morsel of food to provide for his clan. OoC: I thought I would introduce Redpaw to Detneth boldly. o3o' This is my nastly little boy who can't stand the fact that she-cats could be named warriors. Having been born a rogue, the little boy thinks that she-cats are only good for having more cats. Never should they, weak as they are, defend a clan when toms are so superior. Oh, he's stubborn too. A bit nasty also....well, all around unpleasant really. o.o' But he is really fun to play. So different from my tender Patchpelt and protective Swifty.
Just call me Siri.
9:59am Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; That is fine Yet Siri, maybe if I had all the other cats named, but Redpaw staying as an apprentice because he snuck onto the journey withought asking...? bic; Featherpaw stared ahead at Rainstar, her aunt didn't glance at anyone, just kept her eyes onto the same cat, Painfulpaw. Featherpaw's dark gaze streamed from both of the two cats, and she was curious to see what the week apprentice would do to the murderous cat. Not that it would be very effective! she wanted to tackle Painfulpaw, then leap onto Blackwolf, shredding his face like her had shredded her's earlier. Next she would rip out his claws, like he had ripped out 3 of her back foot claws. Everything he had done to me I want to splay back on him. she felt emendate tension, and Her black claws slid out into the soft snow. He deserves it, he made be look like some battle destroyed she cat. But the wounds and marks will heal, all the ones but the ones in Featherpaw's heart. Her ears flicked back and fourth, and she bared her teeth to a snarl, and a menacing one. Uncontrolled by her own thoughts, like a raging wolf. She wanted to rip out the cats heart, with all the power she had, she would show him, I am no weak apprentice. If only Eaglestar and Redstorm could see her now. She would show them she was better than them put together, and she knew it. Rosepaw looked over at Featherpaw, what used to be fear had obviously vanished into anger. And I thought those new face scars were from battle training when she fell on something.. They were from Blackwolf, like she had told her, but Rosepaw was too stubborn. Looking uneasy, she suppressed a shiver, something framiliar to her, and cold it was. Glancing over to Redpaw, she seen the dark cat waiting to spring. No... don't. she wanted to meow inside his mind. Rosepaw had liked him as a kit, and still she did admire him. And her love for him burned through everything else she had done, and she just wanted that. Nightfall almost meowed something out loud, but then felt the steady trickle of tension in the air, "Don't. Say. Anything." she hissed quietly to Sharptallon. Waving her tail, she padded closer to the medicine cat's den, quiet as she ever had. She hoped Sharptallon was following, she could give him some herbs for his pads of they were torn or raw, like her's. Scenting around in her herb den, she wondered where Starpaw was. Her little apprentice was probably, well hiding or...... Nightfall smelt something, death. Scenting the train again, she found Raveneyes crouched beside Emeraldrain. " Please," she meowed softly, "I will examine her and found what happened.." As the two brought her into the medicine cat den, she prodded and poked Emeraldrain's body. Stepping back outside, something sharp pricked her foot. "Great star-" she almost finished hissing, but then realized that the thing she stepped on, was the bones of Emeraldrain's prey she had eaten earlier. Digging them out quickly she smelt them, yes defiantly eaten By Emeraldrain, and she didn't go out of the Camp to burry them either. she thought. She knew she told Emeraldrain to do that earlier... Sniffing them again, she scented something else, almost touching her nose to the red smell, she notice the tang of Death berries. "Someone murdered Emeraldrain!" she spat, then began to continue sniffing the bones. What kind of sheep hearted cat would kill them through death-berries? She wanted to question. But then, a 3rd smell sunk into her nose. One of a small apprentice, the one of herbs. Why Starpaw?
10:00am Nov 6 2010
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ooc; Here is the list again>> ~Stray's: Shadowpaw ~Fullmoon's: Bluepaw > Bluefur ~ East's: Greypaw ~Electro's: Painfulpaw> Painfulsilence ~and ekipse's: Cardinalpaw > Cardinaltail
10:10am Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: It is just a personal choice. ^.^ With his temporment, I don't think he would make a fine warrior just yet. A little more time. I really do plan on having him mellow out.
Just call me Siri.
11:07am Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Graypaw will be Graystone. I said that. -headdesk-